

单词 有节制
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕She was by no means a spendthrift, but somehow all the money disappeared anyway. 她绝不是个花钱没有节制的人,可是钱都不知道到哪里去了。朗文写作活用〔abstemious〕Harlan had always been an abstemious drinker.哈伦饮酒一向很有节制。外研社新世纪〔abstemious〕She is known as an abstemious eater and drinker.她是个出了名的饮食有节制的人。韦氏高阶〔austere〕His way of life is austere and controlled.他的生活方式质朴而有节制。文馨英汉〔conservation〕The controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources, such as forests, soil, and water systems.保护自然资源:对森林、土壤及水利系统等自然资源的有节制的使用及系统的保护美国传统〔drinker〕He's a heavy/moderate drinker.他是个酒鬼/饮酒有节制的人。韦氏高阶〔easy〕Didn't the doctor tell you to go easy on the salt? 难道医生没有告诉你吃盐要有节制吗?麦克米伦高阶〔excess〕We were shocked by their excesses.我们看到他们这样没有节制,很惊骇。牛津同义词〔immoderately〕He drinks immoderately.他饮酒没有节制。韦氏高阶〔in moderation〕She believes in doing things in moderation.她认为做事要有节制。韦氏高阶〔indulge〕I love champagne but I don't often indulge myself.我爱喝香槟,但一般都有节制。剑桥高阶〔meiosis〕Rhetorical understatement.间接肯定法:修辞上之轻描淡写、有节制的说法美国传统〔moderate〕He's a moderate drinker.他是个饮酒有节制的人。剑桥高阶〔moderation〕Always act with moderation.行事始终要有节制。牛津搭配〔moderation〕Even if you only smoke in moderation this is a good time to stop.即便你抽烟很有节制,也还是趁现在戒的好。英汉大词典〔moderation〕Many adults are able to drink in moderation, but others become dependent on alcohol.很多成年人饮酒能够有节制, 但也有人会上瘾。外研社新世纪〔moderation〕Moderation in diet is the way to good health.饮食有节制是保持身体健康的方法。朗文当代〔moderation〕Moderation is the key to good health.有节制的生活是健康的关键。牛津搭配〔moderation〕The organization is encouraging moderation among the world's leaders.这个组织倡导世界领袖要温和有节制。韦氏高阶〔monetarism〕A policy that seeks to regulate an economy by altering the domestic money supply, especially by increasing it in a moderate but steady manner.货币政策:一种通过改变国内货币供应量,尤指有节制而平稳地增长货币供应量从而达到调整经济的目标的政策美国传统〔restrained〕In restrained wording, he has made his points.他用颇有节制的措辞说明了自己的观点。英汉大词典〔restrained〕In spite of his anger, his remarks were restrained.他尽管生气,说的话还是有节制的。牛津同义词〔reticent〕Restrained or reserved in style.有节制的:在风格上受限的或保留的美国传统〔right and left〕She has been spending money right and left.她花钱总是没有节制。韦氏高阶〔sober〕Habitually abstemious in the use of alcoholic liquors or drugs; temperate.有节制的:在使用的酒精或药品方面习惯性的有节制的;适度的美国传统〔sparing〕Given to or marked by prudence and restraint in the use of material resources.节俭的:在物质资源的使用上谨慎的和有节制的,或有此特征的美国传统〔synthesis gas〕A mixture of gases made as feedstock, especially a fuel produced by controlled combustion of coal in the presence of water vapor.合成气:由原料而制的气体混合物,尤指在水蒸气中煤的有节制燃烧而产生的燃料美国传统〔underplay〕To act (a role) subtly or with restraint.表演不充分,有节制地表演:难懂地或克制地表演(一个角色)美国传统〔underplay〕To act a role subtly or with restraint.表演角色不充分,有节制的表演:难理解地或克制地表演一个角色美国传统〔undersell〕The firm discovered that underselling actually boosted its business.公司发现有节制的推销实际上使其业务蒸蒸日上。21世纪英汉〔use〕You should at least use some moderation.你至少应该稍有节制。英汉大词典Alcohol should be consumed in moderation, and this is particularly true for pregnant women.饮酒应有节制,孕妇尤其如此。剑桥国际He does everything in moderation. 他做任何事情都很有节制。译典通He has led a very abstemious life since he became a Christian.他成为基督徒后,就过着一种很有节制的生活。剑桥国际He is a moderate eater. 他吃饭有节制。译典通He is a temperate man, and never drinks too much. 他是一个有节制的人,从不过量饮酒。译典通He temperately used the privileges of his office. 他有节制地运用他的职权。译典通Some people believe in eating whatever they want as long as it's in moderation.许多人相信只要有节制就可以吃任何他们想吃的东西。剑桥国际They lived moderately. 他们生活有节制。译典通




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