

单词 有翅
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cherub〕A winged celestial being.天使:长有翅膀的天神美国传统〔depict〕Angels are usually depicted with wings.人们描绘的天使通常都带有翅膀。韦氏高阶〔disembodied〕Cherubim and seraphim were often shown as disembodied heads with wings.基路伯和撒拉弗常被描绘成长有翅膀但无躯体的头颅的模样。外研社新世纪〔larva〕The newly hatched, wingless, often wormlike form of many insects before metamorphosis.幼虫:许多昆虫在变形前的,刚孵化出来的,没有翅膀的,通常象蛆虫般的形状美国传统〔putto〕A representation of a small child, often naked and having wings, used especially in the art of the European Renaissance.裸童像:为小孩的形象,通常是裸体有翅膀,特别是指在欧洲文艺复兴时期的艺术作品所使用的美国传统〔web spinner〕Any of various social insects of the order Embioptera, having two-winged males and wingless females, both of which produce silk from glands in the front legs.结网毛虫:纺足目的各种群居昆虫,雄性有两个翅膀,雌性没有翅膀,但都能从前腿的分泌腺中吐出丝线美国传统〔winged〕Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects.鹟主要以有翅昆虫为食。外研社新世纪〔winged〕Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects.鹟主要以有翅昆虫为食。柯林斯高阶〔winged〕Having wings or winglike appendages.有翅膀的:有翼或有翼状附属物的美国传统〔winged〕Soaring as if with wings; elevated or sublime.高远的:象有翅膀般飞翔的;高扬的或升华的美国传统〔wyvern〕A two-legged dragon having wings and a barbed tail.双足飞龙:一种长有翅膀和带倒勾尾巴的双腿龙美国传统The fruit of the sycamore is winged and a single fruit can travel a considerable distance if there is a wind.西克莫树的果实有翅状物,在有风的情况下,单个果实能飘到很远的地方。剑桥国际The winged adult mosquitos emerge from the pupae.有翅膀的蚊子成虫从蛹中脱离出来。剑桥国际




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