

单词 有罪的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(as) guilty as sin〕Police have not been able to identify the guilty party. [=the person who committed the crime] 警方还未能确定有罪的一方当事人。韦氏高阶〔COURT/TRIAL〕The evidence proves clearly and beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. 证据明显地证明,被告毫无疑问是有罪的。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕The foreman read the verdict of guilty fourteen times, one for each defendant. 陪审团团长14次宣读有罪的裁决,每个被告一次。朗文写作活用〔DUI〕He is a convicted DUI.他是一个被判有罪的醉驾者。韦氏高阶〔END〕At the conclusion of the trial, the jury returned with a verdict of guilty. 在庭审的最后阶段,陪审团宣告了一个有罪的判决。朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕Police found incriminating letters in the suspect's home. 警方在嫌疑犯的家中发现了可以证明他有罪的一些信件。朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕We think we know who the guilty party is, but we need your help to find the evidence. 我们认为我们知道谁是有罪的一方,但需要你的帮助来找出证据。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕The witness who had testified against him withdrew her allegation. 曾经作证说他有罪的那名证人已经撤销指控。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕Anyone found guilty of joyriding can now be sentenced for up to five years in prison. 凡是因为偷车兜风被判有罪的人,现在可被判刑高达五年。朗文写作活用〔absence〕He drew attention to the absence of concrete evidence against the defendant.他使大家注意到,可以证明被告有罪的确凿证据并不存在。剑桥高阶〔all (of) the time〕The police knew all the time who was guilty.警方一直都知道谁是有罪的。韦氏高阶〔asset〕The authorities have the power to seize the assets of convicted drug dealers.当局有权没收被判有罪的毒贩的资产。牛津搭配〔cast〕New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict.新的证据让人们对判罚有罪的裁决产生了怀疑。剑桥高阶〔clear〕That will not clear the guilty.那将不会使有罪的人变得清白无辜。英汉大词典〔clemency〕The jury passed a verdict of guilty, with an appeal to the judge for clemency.陪审团通过了有罪的判决,同时请求法官从宽处理。剑桥高阶〔coerce〕He claims he was coerced into admitting his guilt.他称自己是被逼承认有罪的。麦克米伦高阶〔conclusion〕All the evidence pointed to the conclusion that he was guilty.所有证据都表明他是有罪的。朗文当代〔conclusive〕They had conclusive evidence/proof of her guilt.他们掌握了她有罪的确凿证据。剑桥高阶〔concurrence〕The concurrence of all three judges was that the man was guilty.这三位法官都一致认为那人是有罪的。英汉大词典〔condemn〕This is your chance to hear the tapes that condemn them.这是你听到证明他们有罪的录音带的机会。外研社新世纪〔conscience〕I cannot in all conscience cast my vote against the defendant.凭良心我也不能投认定被告有罪的票。麦克米伦高阶〔contrary〕They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary.他们说他是有罪的,可我相信他无罪。英汉大词典〔convict〕Found guilty; convicted.被定罪的:被发现有罪的;被定罪的美国传统〔criminal〕One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.罪犯:犯有罪行或被依法判定有罪的人美国传统〔cross〕An upright post with a transverse piece near the top, on which condemned persons were executed in ancient times.十字架:一根在接近顶端地方横梁的立柱,在古代用来处死被判有罪的人美国传统〔document〕He was trying to destroy documents that testified to his guilt.他在试图销毁证实他有罪的文件。牛津搭配〔doubt〕The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the crime.控方必须提供被告有罪的确凿证据。朗文当代〔entrap〕He overturned the conviction, saying the defendant was entrapped.他声称被告是被诱骗犯罪的, 从而推翻了有罪的判决。外研社新世纪〔entrap〕He overturned the conviction, saying the defendant was entrapped.他声称被告是被诱骗的,从而推翻了有罪的判决。柯林斯高阶〔every〕I have every reason to believe she's guilty.我有充分的理由相信她是有罪的。文馨英汉〔evidence〕He was released when the judge ruled there was no evidence against him.法官裁决没有证明他有罪的证据,他获得释放了。牛津高阶〔exception〕Almost without exception those convicted were our friends and colleagues.那些被判有罪的人几乎无一例外都是我们的朋友和同事。柯林斯高阶〔face〕If he is found guilty, he faces up to 12 years in jail.他要是被判有罪的话将面临长达 12 年的刑期。朗文当代〔face〕She had to face up to the fact that he was guilty.她必须接受他有罪的事实。朗文当代〔go by〕She may be guilty but we have very little evidence to go by.她也许是有罪的,但是我们没什么证据这样说。韦氏高阶〔guilty〕Law Adjudged to have committed a crime.【法律】 判处有罪的:依法被判处有罪的美国传统〔gut〕She felt in her gut that he was guilty.她从心底知道他是有罪的美国传统〔hangdog〕Shamefaced or guilty.羞愧的,感到有罪的美国传统〔hell〕Often Hell The abode of condemned souls and devils in some religions; the place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death, presided over by Satan. 常作 Hell 地狱:某些宗教中被判有罪的灵魂或魔鬼居住的地方;邪恶之人死后永远受惩罚的地方,由撒旦统治美国传统〔hide〕Lewis was dismissed as a convicted felon who would say anything in court to try to save his own hide.人们对刘易斯嗤之以鼻, 觉得他就是一个有罪的恶棍, 为了活命在法庭上什么都说得出来。外研社新世纪〔inasmuch as〕Ann is guilty, inasmuch as she knew what the others were planning.安知道其他人的谋划,所以也是有罪的。朗文当代〔inclined〕He's inclined to believe that she's guilty.他倒相信她是有罪的。文馨英汉〔incriminate〕A secret report incriminating the company was leaked last week.一份显示这家公司有罪的秘密报告上星期泄露了出来。剑桥高阶〔incriminating〕Police searched his flat and found incriminating documents.警方搜查了他的公寓, 发现了证明他有罪的文件。外研社新世纪〔infamy〕An evil or criminal act that is publicly known.恶行:公众所知的极坏或有罪的行为美国传统〔interpret〕A jury should not interpret the silence of a defendant as a sign of guilt.陪审团不应该将被告的沉默看作是有罪的表示。剑桥高阶〔ipso facto〕If a crime occurs then there is, ipso facto, a guilty party.如果犯罪发生了,那么根据事实本身,就会有有罪的一方。柯林斯高阶〔jumble〕Don't jumble the innocent and the guilty.不要混淆无辜的人和有罪的人。英汉大词典〔jury〕The jury gave a verdict of guilty.陪审团做了有罪的裁决。文馨英汉〔likely〕Are black defendants disproportionately likely to be wrongfully convicted? 黑人被告被误判有罪的比例更高吗?牛津搭配〔little〕There's little doubt in my mind that he's guilty.我心里几乎没有怀疑他是有罪的。朗文当代〔lose〕He said some sections of the press had lost no opportunity to create the impression that she was guilty.他说某些新闻机构抓住一切机会制造她有罪的印象。外研社新世纪〔minute〕A: Didn't you ever suspect he was guilty? B: No, not for a minute.甲:难道你从不怀疑他是有罪的吗? 乙:是的,从不怀疑。英汉大词典〔misfeasor〕One guilty of misfeasance.违法行为者:因违法行为而有罪的人美国传统〔motive〕I think he's guilty of the crime. He had the motive, the means, and the opportunity.我认为他是有罪的。他具备了作案动机、手段和机会。韦氏高阶〔onus〕The onus is on the prosecution to provide proof of guilt.控方有责任提供(疑犯)有罪的证据。朗文当代〔peccant〕Sinful; guilty.有罪的;犯罪的美国传统〔plentiful〕There is ample evidence to prove that he is guilty of the crime.有足够的证据可以证明他是有罪的。韦氏高阶〔possession〕The newspaper is in possession of documents which prove his guilt.这家报纸掌握了证明他有罪的文件。外研社新世纪〔possible〕A guilty verdict is always possible.总是有可能作出有罪的判决。麦克米伦高阶〔presumptive〕The man's running away was regarded as presumptive evidence of his guilt.那人的逃跑被视为他有罪的推定证据。英汉大词典〔prevail〕Justice has prevailed,the guilty man has been punished.正义已经获胜,有罪的人受到了惩罚。21世纪英汉〔prison〕A place where persons convicted or accused of crimes are confined; a penitentiary or a jail.监狱,拘留所:监禁被指控或认定有罪的人的地方;拘留所或监狱美国传统〔produce〕A lengthy police investigation failed to produce any evidence on which the suspect could be convicted.警方的长期调查并未发现任何能证明疑犯有罪的证据。剑桥高阶〔proof〕Her account gives us no concrete proof of his guilt.她的叙述并不能成为证明他有罪的确凿证据。牛津搭配〔prove〕He claims the police destroyed records that could prove the officer's guilt.他声称警方毁掉了能证明那名警察有罪的记录。朗文当代〔question〕There's no question that he's guilty.毫无疑问他是有罪的。剑桥高阶〔read〕As the law reads, he is guilty.按法律条文,他是有罪的。英汉大词典〔repeater〕One who has been convicted of wrongdoing more than once, especially for the same offense.惯犯:多次被宣判有罪的人,尤指犯同样的罪行美国传统〔rightly〕He believed, rightly or wrongly, that she was guilty.且不问他的看法对不对,他坚持认为她是有罪的。英汉大词典〔search〕The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them.警察逮捕了那些年轻人,并进行搜身,看能不能找到可以认定他们有罪的物证。牛津高阶〔sentence〕A court judgment, especially a judicial decision of the punishment to be inflicted on one adjudged guilty.判决:法庭的判决,尤其指对已判决有罪的人加以处罚的法院的刑罚决定美国传统〔serious〕The judge's tone was solemn as he pronounced sentence on the convicted murderer.当法官宣布对被证明有罪的杀人犯的判决时语气很严肃。美国传统〔set〕After years in prison, the men who had wrongfully been found guilty of the bombing were finally set free.坐了多年牢之后,在爆炸案中遭错判有罪的数名男子终于被释放了。剑桥高阶〔sinful〕It's sinful to waste good food! 浪费好好的食物是有罪的!牛津高阶〔take〕We can't take his silence as proof of his guilt.我们不能把他的沉默看作是他有罪的证据。麦克米伦高阶〔the whole time〕The police knew the whole time who was guilty.警方一直都知道谁是有罪的。韦氏高阶〔they〕They are the guilty ones, not us.有罪的是他们, 不是我们。外研社新世纪〔throw〕The convicted judge was thrown out of office. The headwaiter threw the disorderly guest out.被认定有罪的那位法官被逐出了办公室。服务生领班把乱嘈嘈的客人赶了出去美国传统〔verdict〕The jury returned a verdict(= gave a verdict)of guilty.陪审团作出了有罪的裁决。牛津高阶A jury should not interpret the silence of a defendant as a sign of guilt.陪审团不应该将被告的沉默看作是有罪的表示。剑桥国际A lengthy police investigation didn't produce any evidence on which the suspect could be convicted.警方的长期调查并未发现任何能证明疑犯有罪的证据。剑桥国际A secret report incriminating the company was leaked last week.一份显示这家公司有罪的秘密报告上星期被泄露了。剑桥国际Adultery is considered by some people to be a sin.通奸被一些人认为是有罪的。剑桥国际After years in prison, the men who had wrongfully been found guilty of the bombing were finally set free.坐了多年牢之后,在爆炸案中错判有罪的数名男子终于被释放了。剑桥国际Further investigation revealed that he was guilty. 进一步侦查显示他是有罪的。译典通He's the second New York mob leader to be convicted this month.他是这个月第二个被判有罪的纽约犯罪团伙头目。剑桥国际New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict.新的证据引起了人们对于判决有罪的怀疑。剑桥国际On the basis of the evidence we deduced that he was guilty. 根据这些证据,我们推论他是有罪的。译典通She took her case to the court of appeal but the guilty verdict was upheld.她把她案件呈交给上诉法院,但是法院维持有罪的判决。剑桥国际The decision about/on whether he is innocent or guilty rests with the jury.判决他是无辜的还是有罪的取决于陪审团。剑桥国际The decision whether he is innocent or guilty rests with the jury. 判决他是无辜的还是有罪的取决于陪审团。剑桥国际The jury brought in a verdict of guilty.陪审团作出有罪的判决。牛津商务The jury passed a verdict of guilty, with an appeal to the judge for clemency.陪审团通过了有罪的判决,同时请求法官宽大处理。剑桥国际The jury's decision to convict the defendant was based on a misinterpretation of the evidence.陪审团判被告有罪的决定是建立在对证据误解的基础上的。剑桥国际The men were charged with racketeering, and face stiff prison sentences if they are found guilty.这些人被控敲诈勒索,要是被判有罪的话,他们面临很重的徒刑。剑桥国际The police have no definitive proof of her guilt.警方没有证明她有罪的确凿证据。剑桥国际Their father is also guilty, insomuch as he knew what they were planning to do. 他们的父亲也是有罪的,因为他当时知道他们在策划什么。译典通There's no doubt/not a shadow of doubt (in my mind) (that) he's guilty. [U + (that) clause] 毫无疑问,(我认为)他是有罪的。剑桥国际We can't assume the suspects to be guilty simply because they've decided to remain silent.仅仅因为那些嫌疑犯死不开口,我们不能就此认定他们是有罪的。剑桥国际




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