

单词 有叶
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Corinthian order〕The most ornate of the three classical orders, characterized by a slender fluted column having an ornate bell-shaped capital decorated with acanthus leaves.科林斯式:三种古典式样中最华丽的一种,特点是柱子细长,有凹槽,柱头华丽,钟状,饰有叶板美国传统〔Michaelmas daisy〕Any of several North American species of asters that have leafy stems and flower in the fall.米迦勒节紫菀:紫菀属植物北美种的几种植物,茎上有叶,秋季开花美国传统〔foliaceous〕Having leaves or leaflike structures.有叶的,叶状的:具有叶子的或叶状结构的美国传统〔foliate〕Of or relating to leaves.叶的,有叶的:树叶的或有关树叶的美国传统〔frondose〕Bearing fronds.有叶的:长叶子的美国传统〔gonidium〕An algal cell filled with chlorophyll, formed in the thallus of a lichen.共生藻细胞:在苔藓的叶状体里发现的带有叶绿素的藻类细胞美国传统〔granum〕A stacked membranous structure within a chloroplast that contains the chlorophyll and is the site of the light reactions of photosynthesis.叶绿体基粒:叶绿体内的一种堆叠状的膜结构,其中含有叶绿素,是光合作用中光反应的场所美国传统〔leafy〕Covered with or having leaves.叶子覆盖着的或长有叶子的美国传统〔ligulate〕Having a ligule.有叶舌的美国传统〔nervate〕Having veins. Used of leaves.具脉的:有叶脉的。用于修饰树叶美国传统〔node〕Botany The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached; a joint.【植物学】 节(茎上生叶处):茎上的点,此处长叶或有叶子;节点美国传统〔oar〕A long, thin, usually wooden pole with a blade at one end, used to row or steer a boat.桨,橹:一根尾部有叶状片的长而细的杆,多为木质,用于划船或掌舵美国传统〔of〕The tree is bare of leaf.那棵树光秃秃的没有叶子。英汉大词典〔outlast〕Even those leafless beech trees would outlast him.即使那些没有叶子的山毛榉树也要比他活得长。外研社新世纪〔paddle〕Nautical A wooden implement having a blade at one end or sometimes at both ends, used without an oarlock to propel a canoe or small boat.【航海】 宽叶短桨:一端有扁平的叶片或者有时两端都有叶片的一种木制工具,使用这种工具不用桨架就可以推动船或小舟美国传统〔petiolate〕Having a petiole.有叶柄的,有肉茎的美国传统〔pinnatiped〕Having lobate toes. Used of birds.蹼足的:有叶状趾的。指鸟类美国传统〔salad〕A dish consisting of green, leafy raw vegetables, often with radish, cucumber, or tomato, served with a dressing.沙拉:由绿色有叶生菜制成的一道菜,常加有萝卜、黄瓜或西红柿,并加调味品食用美国传统〔standard〕A shrub or small tree that through grafting or training has a single stem of limited height with a crown of leaves and flowers at its apex.茎干挺直的植物:经嫁接或培育而生成的灌木或小树,有一定高度的单茎干,在茎的顶部有叶子和花朵组成的花冠美国传统〔venosity〕The quality or condition of being venous or venose.具脉,多叶脉:具有叶脉或多叶脉的性质或状态美国传统Only the rustling of the leaves disturbed (= interrupted) the tranquillity of the lake.只有叶子的沙沙声打破了湖的宁静。剑桥国际




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