

单词 有加
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EARN〕Teachers never get paid overtime. 老师从来没有加班工资。朗文写作活用〔Ghanaian〕Among the people in this area are Ghanaians and Nigerians.住在该地区的有加纳人和尼日利亚人。柯林斯高阶〔Ghanaian〕Among the people in this area are Ghanaians and Nigerians.这个地区的人口中有加纳人和尼日利亚人。外研社新世纪〔Jordan almond〕An almond covered with a hard, colored, and flavored sugar coating.五彩松脆糖杏仁:裹有加了调味料的彩色硬糖衣的杏仁美国传统〔MOTHER〕My oldest sister, Roberta, used to fuss over me in a rather maternal manner. 我的大姐罗伯塔过去总是以母亲的方式对我宠爱有加。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Is there a gas station close by? 附近有加油站吗?朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Responses to his latest movie have generally been favourable. 人们对他的最新影片普遍称赞有加。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕As Susan put it so succinctly ‘No overtime pay, no work!’ 苏珊已经说得很清楚了,“没有加班费,不加班!”朗文写作活用〔STOP〕All pay increases are to be suspended until further notice. 所有加薪计划都将暂停执行,直至另行通知。朗文写作活用〔Scout〕I was never a scout.我从来没有加入过童子军。外研社新世纪〔add〕The bank failed to add the 2.5 per cent charge.银行没有加收2.5%的费用。外研社新世纪〔add〕The juice contains no added sugar.这种果汁没有加糖。牛津高阶〔advance〕Any advance on £200?200英镑, 有没有加价的?外研社新世纪〔affection〕She had developed quite an affection for the place.她逐渐对这个地方钟爱有加。柯林斯高阶〔alone〕Alone among the major candidates, Gaviria expressed a determination to continue the campaign to defeat the drugs cartels.在主要的候选人中,只有加维里亚一人坚决表示要继续打击药品同业联盟。柯林斯高阶〔alone〕In the American continents, Canada and Argentina alone have succeeded.在美洲大陆,只有加拿大和阿根廷获得了成功。英汉大词典〔as〕As of now, there will be no more paid overtime.从现在起不再有加班费。朗文当代〔attention〕It came to my attention that Jenny was claiming overtime pay for hours she had not worked.我发现珍妮没有加班却在申请加班费。朗文当代〔authorize〕All overtime payments must be authorized by a senior member of staff.所有加班薪水的支付必须得到高层人员的许可。麦克米伦高阶〔bosom〕We, at least, have taken her to our bosom.至少我们对她是关爱有加的。外研社新世纪〔bosom〕We, at least, have taken her to our bosom.至少我们对她是关爱有加的。柯林斯高阶〔café noir〕Coffee served without cream or milk.纯咖啡:没有加冰淇淋或牛奶的咖啡美国传统〔chaise longue〕A reclining chair with a lengthened seat that supports the outstretched legs.躺椅:一种躺椅,带有加长的座椅,可支撑伸展开的双腿美国传统〔coffee〕I have milk but no sugar in my coffee.我的咖啡里加了牛奶但是没有加糖。牛津搭配〔comment〕The discovery is hardly commented by the press.这一发现报界几乎没有加以评论。英汉大词典〔compliment〕Complimentary:She made some very complimentary remarks about my English.她对我的英语赞赏有加。牛津高阶〔contend〕Critics of the school system contend that not enough emphasis is placed on creativity.学校制度的批评者认为创造性没有加以足够的强调。麦克米伦高阶〔draw〕When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated.当我们齐头并进时,他既没有慢下来也没有加速。柯林斯高阶〔dual〕She has dual nationality , of Canada and Britain (=she is a citizen of Canada and Britain).她有加拿大和英国双重国籍。朗文当代〔eye〕Keep your eyes open for a petrol station.留心看一下有没有加油站。麦克米伦高阶〔failure〕Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure.人们对埃尔加赞誉有加,但他却常觉得自己是个失败者。柯林斯高阶〔favourably〕Vocal teachers in England are more favourably disposed to early music than their counterparts anywhere else in Europe.与欧洲其他国家的同行相比, 英国的声乐教师对早期音乐作品偏爱有加。外研社新世纪〔favouritism〕Maria loved both the children. There was never a hint of favouritism.玛丽亚对两个孩子都疼爱有加,向来一视同仁。柯林斯高阶〔fuss〕Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn't fuss over them enough.希尔达姨妈和杰克姨父对他们宠爱有加。柯林斯高阶〔fuss〕His aunts fussed over him all the time.他的姑母们对他一直宠爱有加。朗文当代〔generous〕There's a generous (= kinder than deserved) review of the book in today's newspaper.今天的报纸刊登了一篇书评,对该书赞赏有加。剑桥高阶〔hump〕Only humping yourself can you hope to finish your work in time.只有加把劲干,你才有希望按时完成任务。21世纪英汉〔independent〕Often Independent Affiliated with or loyal to no one political party or organization. 常作 Independent 无党派的:没有加入或并不忠于任何一个政治党派或组织的美国传统〔invalid〕Without the right date stamped on it, your ticket will be invalid.票上若没有加盖正确的日期就是废票。朗文当代〔lap robe〕A blanket or fur piece for covering the lap, legs, and feet, as of a passenger in an unheated car or carriage.膝毯:用来盖膝、腿和脚的毯子或毛皮,如乘客在没有加热的轿车或四轮马车上使用美国传统〔laudatory〕The play received mostly laudatory reviews.大部分评论都对这部剧作称赞有加。韦氏高阶〔lavish with〕The production was lavished with praise by the critics.评论家们对这部作品赞誉有加。韦氏高阶〔letter of recommendation〕My boss wrote me a glowing letter of recommendation.我的老板给我写了一封赞许有加的推荐信。韦氏高阶〔make〕Did you make the club?【美】=【英】Did you make one of the club? 你有没有加入那个俱乐部?文馨英汉〔nitinol〕An alloy of nickel and titanium that has the ability to return to a predetermined shape when heated.镍钛记忆合金:镍钛合金,具有加热后能恢复原型的能力美国传统〔or no〕Extra pay or no extra pay, I'm not going to work late again tonight.不管有没有加班费,今晚我都不打算再工作到很晚。剑桥高阶〔overtime〕Do you get overtime? 你有加班费吗?麦克米伦高阶〔overtime〕Everyone is on overtime (= being paid extra for working after the usual time) this weekend.这个周末大家都有加班费。剑桥高阶〔pace〕I have not, pace my detractors, entered into any secret negotiations.我没有,请恕我无礼,我没有加入任何秘密商谈美国传统〔pasty〕A pie or turnover, especially one filled with seasoned meat or fish.肉馅饼:馅饼或半圆形卷饼,尤指内有加了调料的肉体或鱼的美国传统〔protective〕She felt very protective towards her sister.她对妹妹关爱有加。外研社新世纪〔punctuation〕The letter was brief and had no punctuation.这封信很简短,没有加标点。麦克米伦高阶〔reason〕I suppose she has her reasons for not joining us.我猜想她没有加入我们自有她的理由。麦克米伦高阶〔residence〕Jeff has permanent residence in Canada, but is still a US citizen.杰夫有加拿大的永久居留权,但仍然是美国公民。朗文当代〔sinew〕The belt is sinewed with steel cables.这带子中间穿有加固钢丝。英汉大词典〔sugar〕This juice contains no added sugar.这种果汁没有加糖。牛津高阶〔tender〕She was tender and loving with her new child.她对自己刚出生的孩子呵护备至、关爱有加。韦氏高阶〔the toast of〕After she won the championship, she was the toast of the town.她赢得冠军后,镇上的人们对她赞誉有加。韦氏高阶〔there〕Is there a gas station nearby? 附近有加油站吗?韦氏高阶〔thumb〕It more or less gets the thumbs up from everyone.几乎每个人对此都称赞有加。外研社新世纪〔time〕There are extra buses at peak times.高峰时间公交车有加车。牛津搭配〔touch on/upon〕She touches upon the issue in the article but never fully explains it.她在文章中提到了这个问题,但始终没有加以全面的解释。韦氏高阶〔towel rail〕We have a heated towel rail in our bathroom.我们的浴室里有加热毛巾架。剑桥高阶〔tumbler〕A toy made with a weighted, rounded base so that it can rock over and then right itself.不倒翁:带有加重圆形底座,可来回摇晃并自己扶正的玩具美国传统〔unaffiliated〕Two of the candidates are unaffiliated with any political party.候选人当中有两人没有加入任何政党。韦氏高阶〔village〕In some U.S. states, an incorporated community smaller in population than a town.社区:在美国某些州郡,人口少于市镇的没有加盟的社会团体美国传统〔whatever〕Ihave no intention whatever of joining such a foolish enterprise.我没有加入这样一个愚蠢企业的任何想法。麦克米伦高阶〔wing〕Her boss took her under his wing after fully realising her potential.老板充分认识到她的潜力之后, 对她呵护有加。外研社新世纪〔worldly〕She was surprised at their educated, worldly manner.她对他们教养有加、老成练达的举止很吃惊。外研社新世纪Bill has been (Br and Aus) on/(Am) at the same grade (= his job has been of the same level of importance, or he has had the same level of pay) for several years now.比尔好几年没有升职了(或没有加薪了)。剑桥国际Everyone is on overtime (= being paid extra for working beyond the usual time) this weekend.这个周末人人有加班费。剑桥国际For dessert we had bread and butter pudding with raspberry coulis.饭后的甜点有加木莓果酱的奶油面包布丁。剑桥国际He has all the apparatus, including a blowtorch, for freebasing cocaine. 他有加热吸用可卡因的所有器具,包括喷灯都有。译典通He was the perfect waiter, being efficient, unobtrusive and yet attentive.他是一个完美的侍者, 能干, 不莽撞, 但殷勤有加。剑桥国际I told her straight out that there was no possibility of a pay increase.我坦率地告诉她没有加薪的可能。剑桥国际The bulk of the savings will come from stopping all overtime.大部分节余将来自所有加班的取消。牛津商务The facts are presented barely, without any comments. 事实原原本本摆了出来,没有加任何评论。译典通The pipes froze because they weren't lagged.管子冻住了,因为没有加防护套。剑桥国际The thing I noticed about the people was how unfailingly polite they were.我注意到那些人永远是礼貌有加的。剑桥国际When I complained about how long we'd had to wait for our food, the bill was whisked away and smilingly returned without the service charge.当我抱怨等上菜花了很长时间后,帐单被很快地拿走又被微笑着送了回来,没有加服务费。剑桥国际




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