

单词 有力地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglo-Saxon〕It's the simple and blunt Anglo-Saxon English that will always best convey what really matters.简单直白的英语总能最有力地传达真正重要的信息。外研社新世纪〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕Mr Stevenson chaired the meeting firmly and capably. 史蒂文森先生干练有力地主持了会议。朗文写作活用〔ENERGETIC〕A group of cyclists passed us, pedalling energetically up the hill. 一群自行车手从我们身边经过,有力地蹬着踏板往山上骑去。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕She gave her evidence calmly and persuasively. 她冷静、有力地提出自己的证据。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The blades of the helicopter whirled powerfully overhead. 直升机的螺旋桨叶在头顶上强有力地旋转着。朗文写作活用〔ably〕He has very ably demonstrated what a complex issue this is.他强有力地证明了这是个多么复杂的问题。外研社新世纪〔argument〕There is a convincing argument for the Federal Government to take greater responsibility for cities.论据有力地说明联邦政府应该对城市承担起更大的责任。牛津搭配〔articulate〕Even in fascist Italy sanity became more and more articulate.即使在当时法西斯主义统治下的意大利,理智也正愈来愈有力地显示出来。英汉大词典〔backward〕Dr Sale was never backward in coming forward and always spoke his mind with energy.塞尔博士从不迟疑, 总是有力地表达自己的想法。外研社新世纪〔boom〕He boomed (out) an order to the soldiers.他低沉有力地向士兵们发出命令。剑桥高阶〔case〕You need to state your case clearly and forcefully.你需要清楚有力地陈述你的论点。外研社新世纪〔cogency〕The film makes its points with cogency and force.影片强有力地阐明了主旨。外研社新世纪〔cogency〕The film makes its points with cogency and force.影片强有力地阐明了主旨。柯林斯高阶〔crush〕To hug, especially with great force.紧抱,紧拥:紧抱,尤指强有力地拥抱美国传统〔demonstrate〕These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working.这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。牛津高阶〔demonstration〕This is a powerful demonstration of what can be achieved with new technology.这强有力地证明了使用新技术所能取得的成就。麦克米伦高阶〔duel〕To oppose actively and forcefully.反对:积极而有力地反对美国传统〔effective〕His arm was too badly injured to deliver an effective blow.他的手臂伤得很厉害,无法有力地挥拳出击。英汉大词典〔eloquent〕The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano.这些图片清楚有力地展现了火山的巨大威力。剑桥高阶〔emphatic〕His response was immediate and emphatic.他迅速而有力地作出了回答。外研社新世纪〔establish〕Townsend's work firmly established the links between unemployment and poverty.汤森的研究强有力地证实了失业与贫穷之间的联系。麦克米伦高阶〔expansion〕Foreign investment fuelled / fueled this expansion.外资有力地推动了这项扩展。牛津搭配〔forte〕In a loud, forceful manner. Used chiefly as a direction.强音地(的):响亮而有力地。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔fortify〕Support for his theories has been fortified by the results of these experiments.这些实验结果更有力地支持了他的理论学说。韦氏高阶〔go〕To provide strong support.强有力地支持美国传统〔grasp〕He shook my hand with a very firm grasp.他非常有力地和我握了握手。剑桥高阶〔grip〕The church no longer has a strong grip on the population.教会再也不能强有力地控制民众了。麦克米伦高阶〔hammer〕Then he hammered home the need for action.然后他有力地提出需要采取行动的理由。21世纪英汉〔helm〕Does the President have a strong hand on the helm? 总统是否有力地掌管着大权?英汉大词典〔inducement〕A large, open market is a strong inducement to foreign investment.一个开放的大市场会强有力地刺激外国投资。外研社新世纪〔mightily〕In his great age he could still wield his axe mightily.尽管他年事已高, 但仍能有力地挥动斧头。外研社新世纪〔one〕Her work was one in the eye for those still disputing climate change.她的工作成果有力地回击了那些仍然对气候变化持质疑态度的人。外研社新世纪〔opposition〕The brave and militant militiamen offered a strong opposition to the advance of the enemy.英勇善战的民兵有力地抵抗敌军前进。英汉大词典〔palpitate〕To move with a slight tremulous motion; tremble, shake, or quiver.悸动:急迅而有力地抖动;战栗、摇动或颤动美国传统〔ply〕To assail vigorously.质问:强劲有力地抨击美国传统〔precedent〕There is a strong precedent for such a strategy.有先例有力地说明这一战略可行。牛津搭配〔puff〕To blow in puffs.吹一口气:短促而有力地吹美国传统〔punch〕My nervousness made me deliver the vital points of my address without sufficient punch.我太紧张, 没能充分有力地传达我发言的要点。外研社新世纪〔pursue〕If the company chooses to pursue the matter through the courts we will defend our position vigorously.如果公司选择提起诉讼的话, 我们将会有力地对我们的立场加以辩护。外研社新世纪〔quick〕Moving or functioning rapidly and energetically; speedy.快的、迅速的:快速且有力地移动或起作用的;迅速的美国传统〔reggae〕Popular music of Jamaican origin having elements of calypso, soul, and rock 'n' roll and characterized by a strongly accentuated offbeat.雷盖:源于牙买加的流行音乐,含有民间音乐,黑人布鲁斯音乐,摇滚乐的成份,带有一个强有力地强调非传统的特点美国传统〔reinforce〕This report strongly reinforces the view that the system must be changed.这份报告强有力地证实了必须进行制度改革的观点。牛津搭配〔rocket〕To move swiftly and powerfully, as a rocket.像火箭般迅速而有力地运动美国传统〔screaming〕The batter hit a screaming line drive right at the shortstop.击球手快速有力地朝游击手方向击出了一记平直球。韦氏高阶〔seize〕To lay sudden or forcible hold of.抓住,夺取,攫取:突然或有力地抓住美国传统〔slam-dunk〕Basketball To shoot (the ball) forcefully and dramatically into the basket.【篮球】 灌篮:把(蓝球)有力地并有戏剧性地投进篮筐里美国传统〔slam〕Slang To criticize harshly; censure forcefully.【俚语】 苛刻地批评;有力地非难美国传统〔snap〕To bring the jaws briskly together, often with a clicking sound; bite.猛咬:有力地将上下颚合在一起,通常带有碰撞的声音;咬住美国传统〔storm〕To blow forcefully.强有力地吹美国传统〔stride〕To walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or vigorous way.大踏步走:阔步行进,尤指匆忙或有力地美国传统〔stroke〕He rowed with a powerful stroke.他强有力地划船。文馨英汉〔suggest〕The evidence suggests quite strongly that the fire was caused by an explosion.证据相当有力地表明火灾是由爆炸引起的。牛津搭配〔support〕The evidence strongly supports his claims.这一证据有力地证实了他的说法。牛津搭配〔telling〕Her experience is/provides a telling example of why the nation's educational system needs to be changed.她的经历有力地说明了这个国家的教育制度需要变革。韦氏高阶〔weight〕The new evidence added considerable weight to the prosecution's case.新的证据有力地支持了控方的论据。牛津搭配〔withstand〕To oppose with force or resolution.反抗:有力地或有决心地反对美国传统〔wrench〕To twist or turn suddenly and forcibly.扭转:猛然而有力地扭或转动美国传统A spokeswoman at the White House has squelched rumors about the president's ill-health.白宫的一位女发言人有力地驳斥了关于总统健康不佳的谣言。剑桥国际An upturned car by the roadside served as a forcible (=effective) reminder to me not to drive fast on country roads.翻在路边的车子有力地提醒我,在乡间公路上行车不能太快。剑桥国际He swirled round in well-controlled pirouettes before lifting Juliet up and around his body with grace and strength.他控制极好地单脚旋转,然后优美、有力地把朱丽叶托起,环绕着他的身体。剑桥国际Her ideas were forcibly expressed. 她的看法被有力地表达了出来。译典通His caustic/cutting/savage (= cruelly clever) wit comes through strongly in his writing.他的辛辣风趣强有力地体现在他所写的文章中。剑桥国际The family vigorously defended their decision.那家人有力地为他们的决定辩护。剑桥国际The organization has campaigned vigorously against imports of tropical hardwoods .这个组织有力地开展活动反对进口热带硬木。剑桥国际The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano.这些照片强有力地提醒人们火山的巨大威力。剑桥国际The victorious team had skilfully demonstrated the old axiom about attack being the best form of defence.胜利的一队有力地证明了古老的格言:进攻是最好的防守方式。剑桥国际These figures provide tangible proof that the economy is recovering.这些数据有力地证明了经济正在复苏。牛津商务We heard him rap on the door.我们听到他有力地敲门。剑桥国际With a powerful lash of its tail, the fish jumped out of the net and back into the river.鱼有力地一甩尾巴,跳出渔网,回到河里。剑桥国际




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