

单词 深夜
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LATE〕late at night 深夜朗文写作活用〔after-hours〕an after-hours club. 深夜营业的俱乐部美国传统〔afterhours〕an afterhours nightclub 深夜营业的夜总会英汉大词典〔after〕an after-hours club 深夜营业的夜总会剑桥高阶〔dead〕at dead of night=in the dead of night 在深夜,更深夜静时文馨英汉〔dead〕the dead hours (of the night) 深夜,夜阑人静时文馨英汉〔dead〕the dead of winter; the dead of night. 隆冬;深夜美国传统〔deep〕worked deep into the night. 工作直至深夜美国传统〔depth〕in the depth(s) of night (winter) 在深夜 (隆冬) 英汉大词典〔drinking〕late-night drinking sessions持续到深夜的酒会外研社新世纪〔far〕far into the night 至深夜文馨英汉〔ghettoize〕a program ghettoized to late-night television 被打入深夜档播出的电视节目韦氏高阶〔into〕dance far into the night 跳舞一直跳到深夜英汉大词典〔into〕far [well] into the night 到深夜文馨英汉〔into〕to work into the night工作到深夜21世纪英汉〔late-late〕the late-late TV show viewers 收看深夜播放的电视节目的人英汉大词典〔late-night〕a late-night TV show 深夜的电视节目文馨英汉〔late-night〕a late-night conference 深夜会议英汉大词典〔late-night〕a late-night movie (电视台)深夜播放的电影英汉大词典〔late-night〕late-night drinking parties. 深夜饮酒派对柯林斯高阶〔late-night〕late-night shopping 深夜购物朗文当代〔late-night〕late-night shopping 深夜购物牛津高阶〔late-night〕late-night trains深夜的火车班次外研社新世纪〔lateness〕the lateness of the hour 深夜韦氏高阶〔late〕a late movie on television; the late flight to Denver. 电视里在深夜播放的影片;深夜飞往丹佛的航班美国传统〔late〕a late show (电视的)深夜节目,午夜场文馨英汉〔late〕in the late afternoon/morning/evening在黄昏时分/近午时/深夜外研社新世纪〔late〕neighbours who make a noise late at night深夜喧闹的邻居外研社新世纪〔late〕sit (stay) up till late 坐到(等到)深夜英汉大词典〔loony〕the loonies on that late-night television show 深夜电视节目中的那些疯子韦氏高阶〔music〕bars and nightclubs blaring music late into the night 音乐声震耳欲聋一直响到深夜的酒吧和夜总会牛津搭配〔night〕an attack in the dead of night 深夜袭击朗文当代〔night〕either late Thursday night or early Friday morning. 星期四深夜或星期五凌晨美国传统〔night〕work (talk, read, write) late into the night 一直工作(谈,读,写)到深夜 英汉大词典〔owl〕an owl show in a fleabag 蹩脚小电影院里深夜放映的影片英汉大词典〔pack〕to pack off at night深夜时匆忙离开21世纪英汉〔train〕a lone commuter waiting for a train late at night 深夜在等候列车的一个孤独的通勤者朗文当代〔underwear〕a couple who went for a late-night swim in their underwear. 深夜穿着内衣去游泳的一对夫妇柯林斯高阶〔work〕work late into night 工作到深夜 英汉大词典late-night meetings/talks 深夜会议/会谈牛津商务




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