

单词 极细
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔angel hair〕Pasta in long, extremely thin strands.天使发意大利面:长且极细的线状意大利面美国传统〔fracture〕She was found to have a hairline fracture of the skull.她被发现颅骨上有一道极细的裂缝。外研社新世纪〔hairline〕There's a hairline crack in the rim of that jar.那只罐子的口沿有条极细的裂缝。柯林斯高阶〔hair〕His expression only changed a hair.他的表情只有极细微的变化。英汉大词典〔impossibly〕She has an impossibly thin waist.她的腰极细。剑桥高阶〔mere〕Robert detected the merest sign of disapproval in her face.罗伯特察觉到她脸上露出一丝极细微的不以为然的神色。麦克米伦高阶〔minutely〕With attention to small details.缜密地:对极细枝末节也加以关注地美国传统〔neurofilament〕Any of the long, fine threads that make up a neurofibril.神经丝:构成神经纤维的长且极细的丝美国传统〔pinstripe〕A very thin stripe, especially on a fabric.细条子:一种极细的条子,尤指织物上美国传统〔pissant〕A stickler for petty details.吹毛求疵者,一丝不苟的人:专注于极细小的细节的人美国传统〔ray〕A thin line or narrow beam of light or other radiant energy.光线,放射线:极细的一条或极窄的一束亮光或其它辐射能美国传统〔tomentum〕Anatomy A network of extremely small blood vessels passing between the pia mater and the cerebral cortex.【解剖学】 大脑绒被:从软膜和大脑皮层之间穿过的极细的小血管形成的网美国传统The water was barely dribbling out of the tap and it took five minutes to fill the bucket.极细的水从水龙头里滴下来,用了5分钟才把桶灌满。剑桥国际




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