

单词 校长
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ORGANIZATION〕the National Association of Head Teachers 全国校长协会朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕a weak, indecisive principal 一位软弱、优柔寡断的校长朗文写作活用〔acting〕the new acting principal 那位新的代理校长文馨英汉〔adjudicate〕had to ask the school principal to adjudicate the quarrel. 不得不请校长裁夺争吵美国传统〔appointment〕his appointment as principal 他担任校长的任命牛津高阶〔assistant〕an assistant headmaster (中小学)副校长英汉大词典〔boarding〕the master in charge of boarding负责寄宿的校长外研社新世纪〔call〕be called to the presidency of the university 被聘任大学校长英汉大词典〔chancellor〕the new chancellor of the university 这所大学的新任校长韦氏高阶〔deputy〕the deputy head of a school 副校长牛津高阶〔director〕a school director 校长英汉大词典〔dread〕the dread presence of the headmaster. 校长令人敬畏的仪表美国传统〔governor〕the school governor 校长韦氏高阶〔gown〕an old headmaster in a flowing black gown. 身着宽松黑礼袍的老校长柯林斯高阶〔gown〕an old headmaster in a flowing black gown身穿飘逸的黑色学位袍的老校长外研社新世纪〔head teacher〕the head teacher of a secondary school一所中学的校长外研社新世纪〔headship〕apply for a headship 申请任校长的职务文馨英汉〔head〕the deputy head 副校长牛津高阶〔head〕the head of a school.校长。牛津同义词〔honorary〕the honorary president 名誉校长牛津高阶〔immediate〕the immediate past president 前一任校长英汉大词典〔imposing〕an imposing headmaster 威严的校长英汉大词典〔induct〕a service to induct the new president of the university. 那个大学的新校长正式的就任仪式美国传统〔installation〕the installation of the new vice chancellor 新任校长的就职牛津高阶〔lame duck〕a lame-duck president 任期将满的大学校长韦氏高阶〔parapolitical〕parapolitical jobs like university presidencies 大学校长这类准政治性的职位英汉大词典〔presidency〕achieve the presidency of a university 获得大学校长职位英汉大词典〔president〕a bank/college president 银行行长;大学校长韦氏高阶〔president〕the president of Harvard University 哈佛大学校长英汉大词典〔principal〕a small school with just three teachers and the principal 只有三位老师和一位校长的小学校朗文当代〔principal〕the Principal of Glasgow University 格拉斯哥大学校长麦克米伦高阶〔principal〕the new high school principal 新建高中的校长韦氏高阶〔principal〕the principal of a college.校长。牛津同义词〔principal〕the principal of a school 校长英汉大词典〔progressive〕a progressive head teacher开明的校长外研社新世纪〔removable〕a teacher appointed and removable by the principal 由校长任命并可由校长免职的教员英汉大词典〔report〕reported them to the principal. 向校长告发了他们美国传统〔resign〕resign the presidency of a university 辞去大学校长职务 英汉大词典〔vice-chancellor〕the vice-chancellor for student affairs 负责学生事务的大学副校长朗文当代〔waltz〕waltzed them into the principal's office. 率领他们走进了校长的办公室美国传统




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