

单词 未击中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abroad〕Not on target; in error.未击中目标;失误美国传统〔dirt〕He swung and missed at a curveball in the dirt.他朝曲线球挥棒但未击中,球触地。韦氏高阶〔duff〕He duffed the golf ball because the club stroke the ground behind the ball before hitting it.因为击球前球杆触了球后面的地,所以他未击中高尔夫球。21世纪英汉〔duff〕Jack duffed his drive off the first tee.杰克开球第一杆就未击中球。21世纪英汉〔intended〕The bullet missed its intended target.子弹未击中预定的目标。牛津高阶〔missile〕All of the missiles missed their target.所有的导弹均未击中目标。牛津搭配〔miss〕To fail to hit, reach, catch, meet, or otherwise make contact with.未击中、未达到、未赶上、未遇到或未接触到美国传统〔overshoot〕The missile overshot its target.导弹未击中目标。21世纪英汉〔overshoot〕To miss by or as if by shooting, hitting, or propelling something too far.射过头:因为或似因为射击、击打或推动过远而未击中某物美国传统〔strikeout〕An out made by a batter charged with three strikes and credited to the pitcher who threw the strikes.三击未中击球员出局:对于抛球手抛出的球,击球手由于三次未击中而被罚出局美国传统〔whiff〕Sports To swing at and miss a ball or puck.【体育运动】 未击中球美国传统〔wide〕The shot was wide.射击未击中目标。牛津同义词He missed the target. 他未击中靶子。译典通Morris hit three grounders in the game, but failed to hit a home-run.莫里斯在比赛中击中三个地滚球,但未击中一个本垒打。剑桥国际The bullet missed his heart by a couple of centimetres.那颗子弹差几公分未击中他的心脏。剑桥国际




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