

单词 星系
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕Most galaxies are found in clusters rather than in isolation. 大多数星系都成星团存在,而不是孤立的。朗文写作活用〔Galaxy〕Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy.天文学家们发现了一个遥远的星系。柯林斯高阶〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Space is filled with unknown stars and uncharted galaxies. 宇宙中满是未知的星球和未标明的星系。朗文写作活用〔Magellanic Clouds〕Two small, irregularly shaped galaxies that are the galaxies closest to the Milky Way and are faintly visible near the south celestial pole.麦哲伦云:两个小的,形状不规则的星系,是距离银河最近的星系,并且可以在南天极附近隐约地看到美国传统〔Milky Way〕The galaxy containing the solar system, visible as a broad band of faint light in the night sky.银河:包括太阳系的星系,在夜空中呈现为发淡光的宽带美国传统〔SEPARATE〕Since the universe began, the galaxies have gradually moved further apart. 从宇宙开始的时候起,星系之间就逐渐地越来越远。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕It's mind-boggling to think that our solar system is only one among billions. 想到我们的太阳系只是数亿星系中的一个,那是多么不可思议啊。朗文写作活用〔Seyfert galaxy〕A spiral galaxy with a small, compact, bright nucleus that exhibits variable light intensity and radio-wave emission.塞弗特星系:有小的、紧密的、明亮的核的且表现出不同光强度和无线电波发射的螺旋星系美国传统〔antigalaxy〕A galaxy that is made up of antimatter.反星系:由反物质构成的星系美国传统〔back up〕Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.从该星系中心收到的无线电信号证实了黑洞理论。柯林斯高阶〔clump〕Galaxies tend to clump together in clusters.星系往往聚集形成星团。牛津高阶〔cluster〕Have a look at the cluster of galaxies in this photograph.看看这张照片上的星系群。剑桥高阶〔deep space〕The regions beyond the gravitational influence of Earth encompassing interplanetary, interstellar, and intergalactic space.太空:超出地球引力影响力的区域,包括行星际空间,星际空间以及星系际空间美国传统〔digital satellite system〕A system in which a satellite dish receives a digital signal, decodes the signal, and passes it to a television, radio receiver, or computer.数字卫星系统:卫星碟形天线接收讯号,并将其译码传送至电视、无线电接受器或计算机的系统美国传统〔distributed〕Galactic surveys show that distant galaxies are not as evenly distributed in space as theory predicts.对银河系的研究表明,遥远星系在太空中的分布并不像理论所预言的那样均匀。柯林斯高阶〔emit〕The telescope can detect light emitted by distant galaxies.望远镜能观测到遥远星系发出的光。韦氏高阶〔energetic〕Quasars are the highly energetic cores of distant galaxies.类星体是遥远星系的极为活跃的核心体。牛津搭配〔exist〕It's the largest galaxy known to exist.这是已知存在的最大星系。韦氏高阶〔galactic〕Of or relating to a galaxy, especially the Milky Way.星系的,银河系的:星系的,与星系有关的,尤指银河系美国传统〔galaxy〕Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy.天文学家发现了一个遥远的星系。外研社新世纪〔galaxy〕Edwin Hubble discovered that distant galaxies are moving away from us.埃德温·哈勃发现远处的星系正在远离我们。麦克米伦高阶〔galaxy〕There were specks of light beginning to form galaxies.有一些开始形成星系的小光斑。牛津搭配〔globular cluster〕A system of stars, generally smaller in size than a galaxy, that is more or less globular in conformation.恒星团:恒星系统,一般体积比星系小,其结构近似球形美国传统〔gravitational collapse〕The process by which stars, star clusters, and galaxies form from interstellar gas under the influence of gravity.引力坍塌:在引力影响下星际气体形成恒星、星云和星系的过程美国传统〔hypothesize〕They hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.他们假定各星系必然含有大量无法探测到的失踪物质。外研社新世纪〔hypothesize〕To explain this, they hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.为了解释这一点,他们假定各星系一定包含了大量无法探测到的不明物质。柯林斯高阶〔implausible〕It's not entirely implausible that a galaxy could be identical to our own.某个星系和我们这个星系完全相同并非完全不可能。朗文当代〔infer〕By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.通过测量星系在一个星系团内的运动,天文学家们可以推定这个星系团的质量。柯林斯高阶〔infer〕By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.通过测量星团中星系的运动, 天文学家可以推断出该星团的质量。外研社新世纪〔infinitesimal〕Man is physically infinitesimal compared to the billions of stars and galaxies.人类就有形肉体与亿兆星球和星系相比,实在是渺小之极的。英汉大词典〔intragalactic〕Occurring or situated within the space of a galaxy.星系内的:发生于或位于银河系空间内部的美国传统〔lead〕This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies.这就使得科学家推测还有其他星系存在。牛津高阶〔metagalaxy〕The assemblage of all galaxies; the entire physical universe.总星系:所有星系的总称;整个自然宇宙美国传统〔planetary〕Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems.在我们所处的银河系中, 大概有数万个行星系。外研社新世纪〔planetary〕Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems.在我们自己的星系里可能有数以万计的行星系。柯林斯高阶〔prodigious〕Some galaxies seem to release prodigious amounts of energy.一些星系似乎释放出巨大的能量。朗文当代〔protogalaxy〕A mass of hydrogen that is sufficient to form or is already beginning to form a galaxy.原星系:一团足已形成或已开始形成星系的氢美国传统〔radio galaxy〕A galaxy emitting large amounts of radio energy.射电星系:发出大量放射能的星系美国传统〔secondary〕The dimmer star of a binary star system.双星系统中稍暗的星美国传统〔show up〕The telescope is so powerful that it can show up galaxies billions of light years away.这架望远镜性能强大, 可以使人看见数十亿光年外的星系。外研社新世纪〔spectroscopic binary〕A binary star system that is identified by periodically shifting lines in its spectrum.周期性变换其光谱谱线的双星系美国传统〔spiral galaxy〕A galaxy having a spiral structure.旋涡星系,螺旋星系:具有螺旋形结构的星系美国传统〔sun〕A star that is the center of a planetary system.恒星:行星系中心的一颗恒星美国传统〔supercluster〕A group of neighboring clusters of galaxies.超星系团:一群相邻的星系团美国传统〔supergalaxy〕A very large group of galaxies.超星系:一组巨大的星群美国传统〔supernova〕At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.在我们的星系中每 10 年至少有一颗超新星出现。柯林斯高阶〔true〕This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years.已知这条定律同样适用于距离至少几十亿光年远的星系。外研社新世纪〔true〕This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years.据知,这条定律同样适用于距离至少几十亿光年之远的星系。柯林斯高阶〔universe〕All matter and energy, including Earth, the galaxies and all therein, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.宇宙:一切物质和能量,包括被视为一个整体的地球,各星系及其所包容的星体,和星系间空间电的物质美国传统〔unquenched〕Salamander's unquenched ambitions lead him to strive toward absolute control over the galaxy.萨拉曼德无止境的野心使他奋力追求对星系的绝对控制权。外研社新世纪Astronomers are particularly interested in the cluster of galaxies you can see in this photograph.你在这照片上看到的星系群是天文学家特别感兴趣的东西。剑桥国际Astronomers at the University of California discovered one of the most distant galaxies known.加利福尼亚大学的天文学家发现了迄今为止所知道的最遥远的一个星系。剑桥国际Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is a spiral.我们的银河系是个旋涡星系。剑桥国际Scientists have speculated about the possibility of parallel universes.科学家们推测了并列星系的可能性。剑桥国际Their instruments picked up pulsations coming from a distant galaxy.他们的仪器接受到了来自遥远星系的脉动。剑桥国际




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