

单词 活来
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕He was unsociable and distrustful, but also a fanatical worker. 他不合群也不相信人,但又是个干起活来非常卖力的人。朗文写作活用〔alimony〕A means of livelihood; maintenance.生活费:生活来源;供养费美国传统〔autopilot〕He did his job as though he were on autopilot.他干起活来很机械。韦氏高阶〔breadwinner〕One whose earnings are the primary source of support for one's dependents.养家活口的人:其收入为家眷提供基本生活来源的人美国传统〔bucket〕As soon as he arrived he bucketed into his work.他一到就忙着干起活来了。21世纪英汉〔burn〕To exhaust oneself or one's resources by leading a hectic or extravagant life.耗费精力:通过令人兴奋的或奢侈的生活来耗尽某人的精力或财力美国传统〔cool〕They were completely in love in the beginning, but I think it's starting to cool off now.一开始他们爱得死去活来,但我觉得现在开始冷淡下来了。剑桥高阶〔dependence〕The old man's small income from rents was his only dependence.那位老人微薄的房租收入是他唯一的生活来源。英汉大词典〔energetic〕The children are energetic workers.孩子们干起活来都是精力充沛的。韦氏高阶〔fireball〕The man may be short, but he is a fireball!这个人虽然个子不高, 可干起活来劲头十足!外研社新世纪〔go〕They went at the job as if their lives depended on it.他们干起活来好像性命攸关似的。牛津高阶〔gymnastics〕They are the only ones whose brains are supple enough for the mental gymnastics required.他们是仅有的那些头脑足够灵活来应对这些需要动脑筋的事的人。柯林斯高阶〔livelihood〕That farm is his livelihood.那个农场是他的生活来源。剑桥高阶〔livelihood〕The boat was his main source of livelihood.这条船是他主要的生活来源。牛津搭配〔means〕The family had no means of support (= way of getting money).这家人没有生活来源。剑桥高阶〔occupation〕An activity that serves as one's regular source of livelihood; a vocation.职业:用以成为某个正常的生活来源的一项活动;行业美国传统〔pulp〕The guards beat them to pulp in the name of democracy.警卫以民主的名义把他们打得死去活来。外研社新世纪〔skivvy〕She skivvied on yachts to bankroll her campaign.她在游艇上干粗活来为她的活动筹集资金。外研社新世纪〔tedium〕We sang while we worked, to relieve the tedium .我们边唱歌边干活来排遣无聊。朗文当代〔tiger〕He's a tiger for work.他干起活来像只小老虎。英汉大词典〔tireless〕Tony is a tireless worker.托尼干起活来不知疲倦。剑桥高阶〔vag〕He was vagged because he had no visible means of support.他以流浪罪被捕,因为他没有任何有形的生活来源。21世纪英汉She shut herself in her bedroom sobbing her heart out. 她把自己关在卧室里,哭得死去活来。译典通They were desperately in love to begin with but I think it's starting to cool off now.他们开始时爱得死去活来,但我想现在开始冷下来了。剑桥国际




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