

单词 有出口
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔T-maze〕An experimental maze in the shape of a T, one arm of which leads to the correct path, while the other is without an exit.T字型迷宫:一种实验用T字形迷宫,T字的一个臂通向正确的路,而另外一个没有出口美国传统〔THING〕Do not buy any artefacts unless they have an export permit. 别买任何工艺品,除非它们有出口许可证。朗文写作活用〔bunch up〕People were bunched up at all the exits.所有出口都是人挤人。外研社新世纪〔cave〕A hollow or natural passage under or into the earth with an opening to the surface.洞:向地表开有出口的地下的或通向地内的中空或天然的通道美国传统〔clearly〕All exits must be kept clear in case of fire or a bomb scare.所有出口必须保持畅通,以防有火灾或炸弹威吓发生。柯林斯高阶〔clear〕All exits must be kept clear in case of fire.所有出口都必须保持通畅, 以防发生火灾。外研社新世纪〔clear〕All exits must be kept clear of baggage.所有出口必须保持通畅,不得堆放行李。牛津高阶〔cover〕All the exits are covered, so they can't escape.所有出口都被封锁了,所以他们插翅难逃。剑桥高阶〔dead end〕An end of a passage, such as a street or pipe, that affords no exit.尽头,死巷:路的尽头,如没有出口的街道或管道美国传统〔dead-end〕Having no exit.没有出口的美国传统〔empty〕People were emptying out of all the exits from the building.人们正从大楼的所有出口处走出来。英汉大词典〔impasse〕A road or passage having no exit; a cul-de-sac.绝境,死路:没有出口的路或通道;绝境美国传统〔issue〕The dark labyrinth had no issue.这座昏暗的迷宫不见有出口通道。英汉大词典〔jam〕As fans rushed to leave, jams formed at all the exits.因球迷都急于离开,所有出口都给阻塞了。牛津高阶〔stamp〕The oranges were all stamped with the exporter's name.这些橙子全部印有出口商的名字。英汉大词典〔survival〕Exporting is necessary for our economic survival.必须有出口,才能维持我们的经济。牛津高阶〔survive〕The islanders could barely survive without an export crop.没有出口作物,岛上的居民几乎无法生存。牛津搭配The government is committed to holding exports at their present level.政府承诺继续保持现有出口水平。剑桥国际We obtain forward cover on all export orders.我们获得了所有出口订单的远期抛补。牛津商务We've got all the exits covered, so they've no chance of escape.我们封锁了所有出口,使他们插翅难逃。剑桥国际




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