

单词 有其特点的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Baconian〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the works or thought of the philosopher Francis Bacon.培根的:哲学家弗朗西斯·培根的思想的,与之相关的或有其特点的美国传统〔GI〕Relating to or characteristic of an enlisted person.士兵的:有关士兵的或具有其特点的美国传统〔Nordic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of Scandinavia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.北欧的:与斯堪的纳维亚或其民族,语言或文化有关或有其特点的美国传统〔Palladian〕Greek Mythology Of, relating to, or characteristic of Athena.【希腊神话】 雅典娜的:雅典娜的,与其有关的,有其特点的美国传统〔Palladian〕Of or characteristic of the Renaissance architectural style of Palladio.帕拉迪奥风格的:文艺复兴时期的帕拉第奥建筑型式的或有其特点的美国传统〔Palladian〕Of, relating to, or characterized by wisdom or study.智慧的,学问的:智慧或学问,与其有关的,有其特点的美国传统〔canine〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the canids.犬科动物的:犬科动物的、与之相关的或具有其特点的美国传统〔laconic〕Using or marked by the use of few words; terse or concise.言简意赅的:用不多的词的或有其特点的;简洁或明了的美国传统〔metallic〕Of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a metal.金属的:金属的、与之有关的或具有其特点的美国传统〔palpal〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of a palp.须的:须的,与其有关的或有其特点的美国传统〔sad〕Affected or characterized by sorrow or unhappiness.悲哀的:受哀伤或不快乐影响的或有其特点的美国传统〔sophistic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of sophists.诡辩者(家)的,诡辩派的:诡辩者(家)的或与之有关的或是有其特点的;美国传统〔spasmodic〕Relating to, affected by, or having the character of a spasm; convulsive.痉挛的:关于痉挛的、痉挛引起的或有其特点的美国传统〔strange〕Archaic Of, relating to, or characteristic of another place or part of the world; foreign.【古语】 外国的:世界的另一个地方或部分的,与其有关的或是有其特点的美国传统




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