

单词 有经验
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕A practised observer would quickly notice changes in the birds’ behaviour. 一位有经验的观察者会马上注意到鸟类的行为变化。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Ms Carter is one of our most experienced teachers. 卡特女士是我们最有经验的老师之一。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕My elder brother was a lot more experienced in these matters than I was. 在这些事情上,哥哥比我要有经验得多。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕This job would suit someone experienced in dealing with the public. 这份工作适合与大众打交道有经验的人。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕We need a seasoned manager to run this project. 我们需要一位有经验的经理来管理这个项目。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕She's very experienced -- she knows the advertising business inside out. 她很有经验一广告行业的方方面面她都了如指掌。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕The England team is a good side, with a nice blend of experience and youthful energy. 英格兰队很不错,有经验的队员和朝气勃勃的队员配合得很好。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕Any smart employer would prefer to hire an experienced worker over an unknown. 精明的雇主都更愿聘用有经验的工人而不是一无所知的人。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Angie did a really good interview, but they gave the job to someone with more experience. 安吉面试表现很好,但是他们却把职位给了更有经验的人。朗文写作活用〔absence〕In the absence of anybody more experienced, I took command.由于找不到其他更有经验的人,只好由我来指挥。英汉大词典〔address〕Most of the speaker's remarks were addressed to those with experience in the industry.演讲者大部分的话都是针对有经验的业内人士讲的。韦氏高阶〔administration〕He is experienced in city administration.他在市政方面有经验。英汉大词典〔bird of passage〕At present the organization has to rely on young, inexperienced graduates who are usually birds of passage.目前该机构不得不依赖没有经验的年轻毕业生,可这些人通常会跳槽。剑桥高阶〔butterfly〕Even experienced musicians sometimes get butterflies before a performance.即使有经验的音乐家在演出前有时也会紧张。韦氏高阶〔change〕Perhaps you and I had better change over; you are more experienced.也许我们的工作还是对换一下好;你比我更有经验。英汉大词典〔charge〕An experienced engineer is in charge of the project.一位有经验的工程师负责这项工程。英汉大词典〔command〕With his skills and experience, he can command a high salary.他有技术,又有经验,应该拿高薪。韦氏高阶〔considering〕He did very well in the campaign, especially considering his lack of experience.他在竞选活动中的表现已经相当不错了,尤其是考虑到他之前没有经验。韦氏高阶〔control〕We were reassured to know that an experienced pilot was now at the controls.得知现在驾驶飞机的是一名很有经验的飞行员时,我们都放心了。麦克米伦高阶〔deduction〕A skilled accountant will make sure that you take the proper business deductions.有经验的会计师会确保你得到正当的营业抵扣。牛津搭配〔defer to〕You have more experience with this, so I'm going to defer to you.你在这一方面更有经验,所以我准备把此事委托给你。韦氏高阶〔elder statesman〕A prominent, highly experienced older person, especially a retired official acting as an unofficial adviser.前辈,元老:广为人知的极有经验的年长者,尤指一位作非官方顾问的退休官员美国传统〔experienced〕At 16, Hoskins is already an experienced sailor.16岁的霍斯金斯就已经是一位有经验的海员了。麦克米伦高阶〔experienced〕She's very experienced in caring for children.在照看孩子方面她很有经验。牛津搭配〔experienced〕The job calls for someone who is more experienced.这份工作需要一位更有经验的人。韦氏高阶〔experienced〕The lawyers are experienced in these matters.律师在这些事情上很有经验。外研社新世纪〔experienced〕The staff are all highly experienced.职员都非常有经验。牛津搭配〔experience〕He's counting on his mother to take care of the twins for him; she's had plenty of experience with them.他靠母亲帮忙照顾他的双胞胎;她在照顾这两个娃娃方面很有经验。外研社新世纪〔fiddle away〕We need an experienced player who can fiddle away for hours for the country dancing.我们需要一位有经验的、能够为乡村舞蹈连续拉好几个小时的小提琴手。21世纪英汉〔finish ... off〕You have to finish off three experienced players before you can win the prize.你得先彻底战胜三个有经验的对手才能获奖。21世纪英汉〔flew〕Only experienced pilots fly large passenger aircraft.只有经验丰富的飞行员才能驾驶大型客机。21世纪英汉〔from〕They were transformed from raw recruits into trained soldiers.他们从没有经验的新兵转变成了训练有素的老兵。韦氏高阶〔gamble〕It was a gamble using such an inexperienced director, but it paid off (= was successful).任用这样一位没有经验的导演确实是一种赌博,但结果大获成功。剑桥高阶〔greenhorn〕An inexperienced or immature person, especially one who is easily deceived.生手,新手:一个没有经验、幼稚的人,尤指易受骗的人美国传统〔grotesque〕It's grotesque to expect a person of her experience to work for so little money.想让她那样有经验的人为这点钱工作真是荒唐。牛津高阶〔hand〕This matter is too important to be left in the hands of (=in the control of) an inexperienced lawyer.这件事情关系重大,不能交给没有经验的律师来处理。朗文当代〔have sth on your side〕I thought I would get the job, but the other person who was being considered for it had experience on his side.我觉得我能得到那份工作,但另外那个候选人有经验方面的优势。剑桥高阶〔impostor〕He claimed he was an experienced pilot, but he turned out to be an impostor.他声称自己是个有经验的飞行员,但结果是个冒牌货。韦氏高阶〔inexperience〕Critics attacked the youth and inexperience of his staff.批评者抨击他的员工太年轻且没有经验。外研社新世纪〔inexperience〕His mistake was due to youth and inexperience.他失误的原因是年轻没有经验。牛津高阶〔initiate〕The initiate knows that dinner is nearing an end when the rice and tea appear.有经验的人知道,米饭和茶上桌时,宴席也就接近尾声了。英汉大词典〔innocent〕Not experienced or worldly; naive.单纯的:没有经验的或不谙世事的;单纯的美国传统〔job〕She's very experienced – she's been doing the job for years.她很有经验,她干这工作已经好多年了。麦克米伦高阶〔know about〕Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate.雇一个有经验、了解房地产业的人。外研社新世纪〔leap〕He will be the least experienced leader ever of the party. It will be a leap in the dark.他将是这个党有史以来最没有经验的领导者。这将是一场冒险。外研社新世纪〔learn from〕We should learn from experienced teachers.我们应该向有经验的教师学习。21世纪英汉〔least〕He has the least experience of them all.他们当中他最没有经验。文馨英汉〔leave〕The other climbers were fitter and more experienced and I was worried I'd get left behind.其他的登山者更健壮也更富有经验,因此我担心自己会被落在后面。麦克米伦高阶〔misnomer〕It's something of a misnomer to refer to these inexperienced boys as soldiers.用“军人”来指这些没有经验的男孩有些用词不当。剑桥高阶〔objection〕The objection that he had no experience was ignored.认为他没有经验的反对理由未被理会。英汉大词典〔operate〕Clive was experienced in operating the computers.克莱夫对操作计算机很有经验。朗文当代〔operation〕A very experienced heart surgeon will perform the operation.将由一位非常有经验的心脏外科医生实施这一手术。麦克米伦高阶〔opponent〕You're facing a much more experienced opponent in tomorrow's match.你在明天的比赛中将面对一个更有经验的对手。麦克米伦高阶〔palooka〕Sports An incompetent or easily defeated athlete, especially a prizefighter.【体育运动】 无经验的选手:没有经验或易被打败的运动员,尤指职业拳击手美国传统〔paper〕We're looking for people who have experience rather than paper qualifications.我们要找有经验的人,而不是有文凭的人。柯林斯高阶〔parliamentarian〕One who is expert in parliamentary procedures, rules, or debate.富于经验的议员:在议会程序、规则或辩论中有经验的人美国传统〔polemicist〕A person skilled or involved in polemics.辩论家;辩论文章作家:在辩论上有经验的或参与的人美国传统〔politician〕One who is skilled or experienced in the science or administration of government.政治家:在政府的科学或管理上老练的或有经验的人美国传统〔practised〕He was practised in dealing with money and with men.他在处理钱财人事上都富有经验。英汉大词典〔preference〕Preference will be given to people with experience.将优先考虑有经验者。外研社新世纪〔prone〕For all her experience, she was still prone to nerves.尽管有经验, 她还是很容易紧张。外研社新世纪〔pull〕We need an experienced manager to pull the department together.我们需要一位有经验的经理来重整这个部门。朗文当代〔raw〕They were replacing experienced men with raw recruits.其时, 他们正用有经验的人员替代新人。外研社新世纪〔rough-hewn〕She's an experienced politician with a rough-hewn style.她是一个有经验的政治家,但格调粗犷。剑桥高阶〔salt〕Informal A sailor, especially when old or experienced.【非正式用语】 老水手:水手,尤指老练而富有经验的水手美国传统〔sea dog〕With his white beard and blue cap he looked like an old sea dog.他留着白胡子,戴着蓝帽子,看起来像个有经验的老水手。剑桥高阶〔sell sb/yourself/sth short〕Don't sell yourself short - you've got the skills and the experience.不要小看自己——你有技能,也有经验。剑桥高阶〔shadow〕Younger workers should shadow more experienced ones.年轻一些的工人应该跟更有经验的工人实地学习。外研社新世纪〔showing〕There are seasoned professionals who can teach you and show you what to do.有经验丰富的专家教你,并向你演示怎么做。柯林斯高阶〔snowboarding〕Experienced snowboarders can zip downhill amazingly fast.有经验的滑雪板运动员能够以极快的速度滑下山。柯林斯高阶〔stage〕Even experienced actors can suffer from stage fright.即使富有经验的演员也会怯场。牛津搭配〔stall〕An inexperienced pilot may easily stall a plane.没有经验的飞行员很容易使飞机失速下降。朗文当代〔strange〕She was strange to her new duties.她对新任务还没有经验美国传统〔test-drive〕He asked an experienced driver to test-drive that Jetta for him.他请一位有经验的司机为他试开那辆捷达车。21世纪英汉〔treat〕An experienced nurse treats all minor injuries.一位有经验的护士处理所有的轻伤。柯林斯高阶〔uninitiated〕This may not be visible to the uninitiated eye, but the experienced quarryman sees it.也许外行人看不出来,但是逃不过有经验的采石工人的眼睛。柯林斯高阶〔unpracticed〕Lacking the benefit of experience; unskilled.经验不足的:缺乏经验所带来的好处的;没有经验的美国传统〔untried〕She chose two untried actors for the leading roles.她选了两个没有经验的演员饰演主角。牛津高阶〔viridity〕Innocence or inexperience.无知或没有经验美国传统〔warranted〕The contract warrants that an experienced person is on board all the time.合同确保一位富有经验的人会一直呆在船上。柯林斯高阶〔who〕Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be joining the school in September.史密斯太太将在九月份加入这所学校,她在初级教育方面颇有经验。牛津高阶〔with〕With all her experience, she could not get a job.尽管很有经验,她还是找不到工作美国传统An experienced mechanic is in charge of the job. 一位有经验的机械师负责这工作。译典通An inexperienced pilot can easily stall his plane. 没有经验的飞行员很容易使他的飞机失速。译典通As a greenhorn journalist, I made a lot of mistakes.当我是个没有经验的记者时犯了许多错误。剑桥国际Because of her experience she had the edge over the other people that we interviewed.她有经验,因此比我们面试过的其他人有优势。剑桥国际Experienced staff will be working in shifts to ensure a good service.有经验的员工将轮班工作以确保优良的服务质量。牛津商务He has failed to surround himself with a staff of real quality or experience (= failed to get a team of such people to work for him).他未能在自己周围组成一群有才华又有经验的人。剑桥国际I didn't get the job because they were looking for someone more experienced.我没有得到这份工作,因为他们要的是更有经验的人。剑桥国际I was very green when I started working there.我在那儿开始工作时是十分没有经验的。剑桥国际It's something of a misnomer to refer to these inexperienced boys as soldiers.用战士来指这些没有经验的孩子有点用词不当。剑桥国际She is an experienced journalist who has covered six presidential inaugurations.她是个采访了六次总统就职典礼的有经验的记者。剑桥国际She knows a thing or two about living and teaching abroad.她对国外生活和教学很有经验。剑桥国际She was an experienced traveller who'd traversed both Africa and Europe in her twenties.她是个有经验的旅行者,在二十几岁时,她穿越了非洲和欧洲。剑桥国际The management manned the ship with experienced hands. 管理部门给这条船配置了有经验的人员。译典通They put up a good fight (=played well) against a more experienced football team.和一个更有经验的足球队比赛时,他们勇猛拼搏,表现出色。剑桥国际We give preference to applicants with some experience. 我们优先录用有经验的申请人。译典通We need someone who has experience in marketing and teaching, and I think Alex is just the woman for the job.我们需要一个在销售和教学方面有经验的人,而我认为亚历克斯是干这件工作最合适的人。剑桥国际You can't get a job unless you've got experience (= you can only get a job if you've got experience).除非你有经验, 否则你不会得到工作。剑桥国际〔élite〕These experienced workers are the élite of their profession.这些有经验的工作人员是他们这一行里的精英。牛津同义词




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