

单词 机敏的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agile〕He has an agile mind.他有机敏的头脑。文馨英汉〔calculating〕Shrewd; crafty.精明的:机敏的;诡计多端的美国传统〔calculation〕Careful, often cunning estimation and planning of likely outcomes, especially to advance one's own interests.深思熟虑:认真的、常是机敏的对可能结果的估计和计划,特指为提高个人的利益美国传统〔clever〕New England Affable but not especially smart.【新英格兰】 温和的:友善但不是特别机敏的美国传统〔coup〕A brilliantly executed stratagem; a masterstroke.机敏的策略:非常出色的执行策略;妙举美国传统〔cutie〕A cute person.机敏的人美国传统〔eat up〕She was such a clever player that she always ate up the opposition.她是一个很机敏的运动员,所以总能击败对手。21世纪英汉〔evade〕The subtleties of his argument evaded me.他机敏的辩论把我难到了。朗文当代〔fencing〕Skillful repartee, especially as a defense against having to give direct answers.雄辩:巧妙机敏的应答,尤指作为反对必须直接回答的辩护美国传统〔nifty〕It took some nifty footwork to avoid the traps the interviewer set for her.她用了些机敏的策略避开了采访人设置的陷阱。外研社新世纪〔nimble〕A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters.机敏的头脑再加上经济学学位作后盾使他对金融问题把握非常准。外研社新世纪〔nimble〕A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters.机敏的头脑再加上经济学学位作后盾使他对金融问题把握非常准。柯林斯高阶〔parry〕He parried arguments with devastating repartee.他用高度机敏的应对回避了争论。外研社新世纪〔reduce ... to〕Her clever speech reduced the speaker's argument to nonsense.她的机敏的发言把讲演人的论点驳成一派胡言。21世纪英汉〔resourceful〕Able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations.机敏的:能有效或有创造力地行动,尤指在困难情况下美国传统〔riposte〕He was unable to think of a suitable riposte.他想不出一个合适而机敏的回答。麦克米伦高阶〔sharp〕She manages to combine a sharp mind/intellect with a sympathetic manner.她既有机敏的头脑,又能做到善解人意。剑桥高阶〔shrewd〕Characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence, and often a sense of the practical.机敏的,精明的:有敏锐的感知、机敏的智力以及通常为实用感的特征的美国传统〔streetwise〕Having the shrewd awareness, experience, and resourcefulness needed for survival in a difficult, often dangerous urban environment.适应都市环境的:在一困难,经常有危险的都市环境中有生存所需要的机敏的意识,经验或才智的美国传统〔tactless〕Lacking or exhibiting a lack of tact; bluntly inconsiderate or indiscreet.不圆通的:缺乏或显出缺乏机敏的;对他人的感觉反应迟钝的或不谨慎的美国传统〔tip〕In an interview, smart presentation can tip the scales in your favour.在面试中,机敏的表现是一种有利的条件。牛津高阶〔undiplomatic〕Not tactful or diplomatic.不老练的;不机敏的美国传统A clever politician knows how to manipulate his supporters. 机敏的政客懂得如何操纵自己的支持者。译典通Kimberley Smart is an adroit interviewer who knows when to keep her mouth shut.金伯利·斯马特是一个机敏的采访记者,她知道何时应该闭口。剑桥国际Oscar Wilde's plays are full of witty repartee.奥斯卡·王尔德的戏剧中充满了机敏的对答。剑桥国际She has a shrewd eye for publicity and rarely misses an opportunity to appear in the media.她对宣传有着机敏的眼光,极少错过在媒介露面的机会。剑桥国际She manages to combine a sharp mind/intellect with a sympathetic manner.她能把机敏的头脑和善解人意的态度融为一体。剑桥国际




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