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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕Local banks give better rates for converting your traveler's checks into foreign currency. 当地银行把你的旅行支票兑换成外币时提供更优厚的兑换率。朗文写作活用〔beat〕I have never seen the beat of him for elegance.我从未见到过举止比他更优雅大方的人。英汉大词典〔better〕The poor did not envy their betters.穷人不妒忌比他们更优越的人。麦克米伦高阶〔deal〕I think we can get a better deal somewhere else.我认为我们在别处购买价格会更优惠。韦氏高阶〔deal〕You may get a better deal from another bank.另一家银行可能提供更优厚的交易条件。牛津搭配〔explanation〕The simplest explanation for his achievements lies in his greater ability and superiority over his contemporaries at college.他之所以取得成就,最简单的解释就是他比大学中的同龄人能力更强,表现更优秀。牛津搭配〔favourable〕We are negotiating more favourable terms for key contracts.我们正通过谈判为关键合同争取更优厚的条款。外研社新世纪〔form〕She would be a better swimmer/golfer if she improved her form.她如果改进一下姿势,会是更优秀的游泳运动员/高尔夫球手。韦氏高阶〔hold out for〕I should have held out for a better deal.我应该坚持要求更优厚的条件。外研社新世纪〔hold out〕I should have held out for a better deal.我应该坚持要求更优厚的条件的。柯林斯高阶〔melodically〕The leader has also learned to play more melodically.乐队的首席小提琴手也已经学会更优美地弹奏。外研社新世纪〔outdo〕It was important for me to outdo them, to feel better than they were.超过他们,感到自己比他们更优秀,这点对我来说很重要。柯林斯高阶〔outshine〕To surpass in obvious excellence; outdo.明显比…更优异;超越美国传统〔polish〕I wish his manners had more polish.要是他的举止更优雅些就好了。牛津同义词〔promotion〕The government has pledged to give the promotion of democracy higher priority.政府已承诺将推进民主化进程放到更优先的位置。外研社新世纪〔superiority〕The use of the words 'modern' and 'old' is not meant to imply the superiority of one over the other.“现代”与“古老”这两个词的使用并不是要暗示谁比谁更优越。牛津搭配〔superlative〕Of the highest order, quality, or degree; surpassing or superior to all others.最高的:最高的等级、品质或程度的;比所有别的更好的或更优越的美国传统Bigger stores can negotiate better prices from suppliers.较大的商店可以从供应商那里拿到更优惠的价格。牛津商务He took elocution lessons to try to make his accent sound more genteel.他去接受演讲技巧训练,以使他说话的声调听上去更优雅些。剑桥国际Reading good books helps to refine our speech. 读一些好书有助于使我们的言谈更优雅。译典通The rebels were no match for the government troops with their vastly superior weapons.反叛者敌不过拥有更优良武器的政府军队。剑桥国际The supermarket has sweetened its offer (= offered more money) for its smaller competitor.这家超市向其较小的竞争对手提供更优厚的(收购)条件。牛津商务




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