

单词 正义
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Astraea〕The goddess of justice.阿斯特莉亚:掌管正义的女神美国传统〔DISOBEY〕Marlow sometimes disregards the law, but his aim is always justice. 马洛有时也会无视法律,不过他的目的总是为了正义。朗文写作活用〔EXAMPLE〕This court exemplifies the values of fairness and justice. 本法庭是公平和正义这种价值观念的典范。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕Our cause is just, and we are prepared to give our lives for it. 我们的事业是正义的,我们准备为之牺牲性命。朗文写作活用〔If (my) memory serves me (right/correctly)〕Many people do not believe that justice has been served in his case. [=that he has been given proper punishment or fair treatment by the legal system] 许多人认为在他这个案子中,正义没有得到伸张。韦氏高阶〔Mahdi〕The messiah who, it is believed, will appear at the world's end and establish a reign of peace and righteousness.马赫迪,救世主:被相信会在世界末日降临并能建立一个和平和正义王国的救世主美国传统〔SELFISH/NOT SELFISH〕Abernathy was a man of great courage and an unselfish dedication to a just cause. 阿伯内西是个英勇无畏的人,为了正义的事业克己奉公。朗文写作活用〔Shamash〕The sun god of Assyro-Babylonian religion, worshiped as the author of justice and compassion.太阳神:亚述-巴比伦教的太阳神,作为正义与同情的创造者被崇拜美国传统〔activism〕He believed in political activism to achieve justice.他相信通过政治激进主义可以赢得正义。柯林斯高阶〔administer〕We do our best to see that justice is administered fairly.我们竭尽全力确保正义得到伸张。麦克米伦高阶〔allegory〕The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice.蒙着眼睛手执天平的形象象征着正义美国传统〔angel〕He liked to think of himself as an avenging angel fighting for justice.他喜欢把自己想成是为正义而战的复仇天使。牛津搭配〔appeal〕I appeal to your sense of justice.我呼吁你们拿出正义感美国传统〔argue〕He's always willing to argue for what is right.他总是愿意为正义而辩。韦氏高阶〔assert〕Justice will assert itself.正义必然会得到伸张。英汉大词典〔burlesque〕The antics of the defense attorneys turned the trial into a burlesque of justice.辩护律师们滑稽的动作将审判变成了对正义的滑稽的模仿美国传统〔but〕There is no doubt but right will prevail.毫无否定疑问,正义将取得胜利美国传统〔caricature〕The trial was a caricature of justice.这次审判是对正义的滑稽模仿美国传统〔carry/win the day〕We believe that truth and justice will carry/win the day.我们相信真理和正义将获胜。韦氏高阶〔cause〕It may be hard work but it's all in a good cause.工作可能很苦,但这一切都是为了正义的事业。麦克米伦高阶〔conviction〕I speak in the full conviction that our cause is just.我深信我们的事业是正义的。英汉大词典〔decency〕Is there no sense of decency left in this country? 这个国家难道就没有一点正义感吗?朗文当代〔disguise〕To disguise expediency as justice is hypocrisy.把谋私利说成行使正义乃是虚伪。英汉大词典〔echo〕Their demand for justice found an echo in communities across the nation.他们对正义的要求在全国各社区内引起了共鸣美国传统〔equip〕He is equipped with a deep sense of justice.他具有深切的正义感。英汉大词典〔equity〕Justice applied in circumstances covered by law yet influenced by principles of ethics and fairness.正义:在法律的范围内应用而又受伦理与公正原则影响的正义美国传统〔equity〕We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity.我们基于社会正义和公平发出这一呼吁。柯林斯高阶〔fairness〕He had a real sense of fairness and hated injustice.他颇具正义感,憎恶不公平现象。剑桥高阶〔faith〕Faith that justice would prevail impelled us forward.正义必胜的信念激励我们前进。英汉大词典〔fighting〕I too am committing myself to continue the fight for justice.我本人也保证将继续为正义而战。柯林斯高阶〔fight〕The fight for justice goes on.为争取正义而进行的斗争会一直进行下去。牛津搭配〔fight〕The fight goes on until we achieve justice for all.我们会一直奋斗, 直至正义降临每一个人。外研社新世纪〔force〕The love of justice has been a powerful motivating force in his life.热爱正义是他生活中强大的动力。英汉大词典〔good〕Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves, but for the greater good of society.受害者希望正义得到伸张,这不仅是为了他们自己,也是为了社会的更广泛的利益。柯林斯高阶〔handmaid〕Law is the handmaid of justice.法律是为正义服务的。英汉大词典〔honor〕Principled uprightness of character; personal integrity.正直:性格的原则性正直;个人正义感美国传统〔honor〕She has a keen sense of honor.她非常有正义感。韦氏高阶〔ideal〕He intends to pursue his ideals of justice and human rights.他想要追求正义和人权的理想。外研社新世纪〔ignominy〕Far from being an ignominy this was a courageous and morally correct deed.这非但不是卑劣行为, 反而是勇敢的正义行动。外研社新世纪〔inherent〕He should be praised for his inherent qualities, his fair-mindedness, and sense of justice.他内在的品质、他的公正和正义感都应该受到赞扬。外研社新世纪〔injustice〕The black boy is hopeful that injustices will be corrected by his generation.这黑人孩子希望非正义的行为将为他这一代人所纠正。英汉大词典〔innate〕His innate sense of justice made him popular with his workforce.他那天生的正义感使他在劳工中很受欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔inseparable〕He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.他坚信自由与社会正义是不可分的。柯林斯高阶〔justice〕Campaigners are convinced of the justice of their cause.参加这项运动的人深信他们的事业是正义的。麦克米伦高阶〔justice〕He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness.他极富正义感和公平意识。柯林斯高阶〔justice〕Is there no justice after a crime like this? 对这样的罪孽难道没有正义的惩罚?英汉大词典〔justice〕She appealed to their sense of justice.她呼吁他们发扬正义感。外研社新世纪〔justice〕The family are determined to see justice done.这家人下决心要让正义得到伸张。麦克米伦高阶〔justice〕Tom has a strong sense of justice.汤姆有很强的正义感。外研社新世纪〔just〕Many Americans no longer viewed it as a just war.许多美国人不再把它看作一场正义的战争。麦克米伦高阶〔mockery〕The Jones trial was a mockery of justice.对琼斯的审判使正义成了笑柄。麦克米伦高阶〔mockery〕The trial made a mockery of justice.这次审判是对正义的嘲弄。牛津高阶〔nothing〕He intends to see that justice is done; he's not a lawyer for nothing.他意在申张正义,他这律师可不是白当的。英汉大词典〔olive branch〕The symbols, given equal prominence, are the scales of justice, a harp, a torch, an olive branch, a shamrock, and a crown.这些象征物具有同等重要性, 代表正义的不同级别, 它们分别是竖琴、火炬、橄榄枝、三叶草和皇冠。外研社新世纪〔parody〕The first trial was a parody of justice.第一次审判是对正义的愚弄。柯林斯高阶〔parody〕The trial was a parody of justice (=very unfair).这场审判是对正义的嘲弄。朗文当代〔personify〕Justice is personified as a woman with her eyes covered.正义之神是一个蒙住双眼的女性形象。韦氏高阶〔perversion〕The past has been scarred by countless perversions of justice.无数次对正义的歪曲使过去的岁月伤痕累累。外研社新世纪〔pessimism〕The doctrine or belief that the evil in the world outweighs the good.悲观主义:认为世界上邪恶远远强于正义的主义和信念美国传统〔predominate〕Good predominates over evil in many works of literature.在许多文学作品中正义战胜邪恶美国传统〔prevail〕Justice will prevail over tyranny.正义必将战胜暴虐。牛津高阶〔prevail〕Rick still believes that justice will prevail.里克仍然相信正义将会得到伸张。外研社新世纪〔propagate〕The government have tried to propagate the belief that this is a just war.政府竭力宣扬这是一场正义之战。剑桥高阶〔proportionality〕Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality.核武器似乎违背了正义战争的罚当其罪原则。外研社新世纪〔rather〕Our aim was not to punish the rich, but rather to bring justice to the poor.我们的目的不是惩罚富人,而是为穷人伸张正义。麦克米伦高阶〔ready〕They readied themselves to fight for justice.他们准备为正义而战斗。英汉大词典〔rejoice〕I rejoice that justice has prevailed.我非常高兴正义得到伸张。牛津高阶〔remedy〕Law A legal order of preventing or redressing a wrong or enforcing a right.【法律】 法律补救办法:阻止或者矫正错误或者增强正义的一个法律命令美国传统〔right-minded〕All right-minded people will support us.所有有正义感的人都会支持我们。朗文当代〔right-minded〕Every right-minded person is against terrorism.每个有正义感的人都反对恐怖主义。剑桥高阶〔right-minded〕Having ideas and views based on what is right or intended to be right.思想正直的,有正义感的:持有基于正直的或意图正确的观点或观念的美国传统〔righteous〕Aren't you afraid of being seen as a righteous crusader?你不怕被人看成自以为正义凛然的改革者吗?外研社新世纪〔right〕According to law, morality, or justice.正直地,正当地,公正地:符合法律,道德或正义地美国传统〔right〕He was convinced of the rightness of his cause.他相信他的事业是正义的。朗文当代〔right〕That which is just, morally good, legal, proper, or fitting.正确,正当,公正,正义:公正的、在道德上好的、合法的、合适的或恰当的东西美国传统〔seeker〕He portrays himself as a seeker of truth and justice.他把自己塑造为真理和正义的追求者。外研社新世纪〔sense〕In a certain sense, justice was done.从某种意义上讲,正义得到了伸张。牛津搭配〔sense〕Kids have a natural sense of justice .小孩子都有一种天生的正义感。朗文当代〔social〕The interests of big companies are rarely compatible with social justice.大公司的利益很少与社会正义相一致。麦克米伦高阶〔support〕Everyone came together to support him in his campaign for justice.大家都来一起支持他的正义活动。麦克米伦高阶〔tangle〕We tangled heatedly over the justice of the war.我们就这场战争的正义性激烈地争了起来。21世纪英汉〔then〕If we truly believe in justice, then we have no choice but to vote against this bill.如果我们真的相信正义, 那么我们就投票反对这个议案, 除此之外别无选择。外研社新世纪〔tirelessly〕He was a tireless worker for justice.他是个为了正义不知疲倦地工作的人。柯林斯高阶〔travesty〕The trial was a travesty of justice.这一审判是对正义的嘲弄。牛津高阶〔triumph〕The whole world looked to her as a symbol of good triumphing over evil.全世界都把她视为正义战胜邪恶的象征。外研社新世纪〔unimpeded〕He promised to allow justice to run its course unimpeded.他承诺要让司法正义不受阻碍地得到伸张。柯林斯高阶〔unprejudiced〕I think the unprejudiced observer will feel that justice was done today.我认为, 公正的旁观者会觉得今天正义已得到伸张。外研社新世纪All I can say, in defence of my actions, is that I did it for a just cause, not for my personal advantage.归根结蒂,我为我的行为作辩护的一句话就是我为正义的事业而做,不是为了个人私利。剑桥国际He described himself as a pursuer of (= someone who tries to achieve) truth and justice.他把自己描绘为真理和正义的追求者。剑桥国际He gloried in working for a good cause. 他因自己为正义事业工作而自豪。译典通Her head's full of abstract ideas about justice and revolution.她的头脑里充满了关于正义与革命的抽象想法。剑桥国际Justice will triumph in the end. 正义终将获胜。译典通Saint Augustine's ‘City of God’ is an allegory of the triumph of Good over Evil.圣·奥古斯丁的‘上帝的城市’是一个关于正义战胜邪恶的寓言。剑桥国际She never lost her youthful idealism and campaigned for just causes all her life.她从未丧失过她那充满青春活力的理想主义,一生都在为正义事业而斗争。剑桥国际The central belief of Judaism is that God is the creator of all things and the source of all righteousness.犹太教的主要信仰是上帝为万物的创造者,是一切正义的源泉。剑桥国际The government tried to propagate the belief that this is a decent war.政府想宣传这是场正义战争的信念。剑桥国际There is an eternal struggle between good (= the force which produces morally right action) and evil.在正义与邪恶之间永远存在着斗争。剑桥国际We demand freedom from injustice / persecution / unfair taxation (=the condition of not having to suffer these things).我们要摆脱非正义的行为/迫害/不公平的税收制。剑桥国际We have pursued and exhausted all possible legal remedies for this injustice.对于这一非正义行为我们已采取并用尽了所有可能的法律补救方法。剑桥国际We've pledged ourselves to fight for justice.我们已发誓为正义而战。剑桥国际




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