

单词 橘汁
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔call〕We only have orange juice. There's not much call for cranberry juice around here.我们只有橙汁。这里对越橘汁的需求量不大。麦克米伦高阶〔ceviche〕Raw fish marinated in lime or lemon juice with olive oil and spices and served as an appetizer.酸橘汁腌鱼:腌泡于加橄榄油和香料的酸橙汁或柠檬汁中的生鱼,作开胃品用美国传统〔crêpe suzette〕A thin dessert pancake usually rolled with hot orange or tangerine sauce and often served with a flaming brandy or curaçao sauce.苏珊薄饼卷:一种上面卷有热的橙汗或橘汁的甜薄饼卷,食用时浇上点燃的白兰地或库拉索酒沙司美国传统〔hot toddy〕A drink consisting of whiskey, brandy, or other liquor mixed with hot water, sugar, and spices.香甜热酒:含威士忌、白兰地或其他混有热水、糖和橘汁的饮料美国传统




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