

单词 来欺骗
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cajole〕To urge with gentle and repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery; wheedle.哄骗:用重复和温和的恳求、逗弄、谄媚来欺骗人;甜言蜜语地哄骗美国传统〔crook〕She figured out many ingenious ways to crook her boyfriend.她想出许多巧妙的方法来欺骗她的男朋友。英汉大词典〔feint〕To deceive with a feint.伪装来欺骗美国传统〔gammon〕To talk misleadingly or deceptively.欺骗:胡说来欺骗或欺诈美国传统〔gimmick〕A device employed to cheat, deceive, or trick, especially a mechanism for the secret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus.暗机关:一种用来欺骗、行骗或欺诈的装置,尤指秘密地和欺骗地控制赌博器具的机械装置美国传统〔intentionally〕The test is intentionally designed to trick students.这项测试是故意设计用来欺骗学生的。韦氏高阶〔put sth across/over sb〕You didn't manage to put that story over on the tax people, did you? 你没能用那个故事来欺骗税务员,对吧?剑桥高阶〔stratagem〕A military maneuver designed to deceive or surprise an enemy.军事策略:用来欺骗敌人或使其惊惧的军事计谋美国传统




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