

单词 殷实
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔better-off〕The better-off people live in the older section of town.家道殷实的人们住在旧城区。英汉大词典〔burgher〕A member of the mercantile class of a medieval European city.中产阶级富裕殷实的公民:中世纪欧洲城市的商业阶层成员美国传统〔finesse〕He finessed his small inheritance into a substantial fortune.他用巧计把一笔小小的遗产变成殷实的家当。英汉大词典〔founding father〕Unlike many of the other Founding Fathers, Adams wasn't born into a family of financial means.和其他美国的奠基者们不同,亚当斯并没有出生在殷实的家庭。剑桥高阶〔scion〕He's the scion of a very wealthy newspaper-publishing family.他出身于报业世家,家境殷实。剑桥高阶〔well-off〕Her family is extremely well-off.她家境殷实。韦氏高阶He introduced us to a number of substantial farmers. 他把我们介绍给几个殷实的农场主。译典通She's from an old-money family who didn't think much of her choice of husband.她来自于一个祖上殷实的家庭,家里人认为她选择的丈夫不怎么样。剑桥国际




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