

单词 有光
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔American foxhound〕Any of an American breed of foxhounds having drooping ears and a smooth, glossy coat that is usually black, tan, and white.美国猎狐犬:一种美国培育出的猎狐犬品种,有低垂的耳朵,通常为黑色、褐色和白色的平滑且有光泽的皮毛美国传统〔CD-ROM〕The dictionary is available on CD-ROM.这本词典还有光盘版的。韦氏高阶〔EMPTY〕We looked out over a desolate landscape of bare trees and stony fields. 我们举目远眺,大地一片荒凉,只有光秃秃的树木和满布石头的旷野。朗文写作活用〔Irish setter〕Any of a breed of setters having a silky reddish-brown coat.爱尔兰谍犬:谍犬中的任何一种,有光滑的红褐色毛皮美国传统〔Persian lamb〕The pelt of a Persian lamb, having glossy, tightly curled fur.波斯羊羔皮:卡拉库尔羊羔的毛皮,有光滑紧密的卷毛美国传统〔Pomeranian〕Any of a breed of small dogs having long, silky hair, a foxlike face, pointed ears, and a hairy tail curling over the back.波美拉尼亚狗:一种小狗,长有光滑的长毛、狐状脸、尖耳和蜷在背部的毛茸茸的尾巴美国传统〔ROUGH/NOT SMOOTH〕If your body skin looks dull, removing dead skin with an abrasive glove can make a big difference. 如果你的皮肤看上去没有光泽,用搓澡手套把死皮去掉,感觉就截然不同了。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕The gel is guaranteed to add gloss even to the dullest hair. 这种发胶能令即使是最没有光泽的头发也亮泽起来。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕There was a stack of glossy magazines on the coffee table. 咖啡桌上有一叠用有光纸印刷的杂志。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕They chose a red clay pot decorated with patterns in dull white paint. 他们选了一个红色的陶罐,上面饰有用没有光泽的白漆描绘的图案。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕You shouldn't let the silverware get so tarnished. 你不应该让这些银器变得那么没有光泽。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕If we can come through this crisis, the company's future looks bright. 如果我们能渡过这次危机,公司将会有光明的前途。朗文写作活用〔Weimaraner〕Any of a large breed of hunting dog having a smooth grayish coat that originated in Germany.威玛狗:一种原产于德国的大型猎犬,有光滑的淡灰色皮毛美国传统〔Welsh springer spaniel〕Any of a breed of medium-sized hunting dog that originated in Wales and has a silky red and white coat.威尔士猎獚:一种原产于威尔士的中型猎犬,有光滑而亮泽的红色和白色皮毛美国传统〔achromatic〕Refracting light without spectral color separation.消色差的,不分光的:折射光没有光谱颜色分离的美国传统〔alpaca〕A glossy cotton or rayon and wool fabric.仿羊驼呢:有光泽的棉或人造丝和羊毛混纺织物美国传统〔bright〕I'm sure there is a very bright future for you in this company.我相信你在这家公司有光明的未来。麦克米伦高阶〔burner〕The computer comes equipped with a CD burner.此款电脑配有光盘刻录机。韦氏高阶〔burnish〕A smooth, glossy finish or appearance; luster.抛光面,光泽:一个光滑的有光泽的抛光木或表面;光泽美国传统〔caftan〕A westernized version of this garment consisting of a loose, usually brightly colored waist-length or ankle-length tunic.西洋式长袍:西洋样式的这种长袍,多有一宽松的、有光亮色彩的长及腰部或踝部的外袍美国传统〔cd-rom〕The encyclopedia is available on CD-ROM.百科全书备有光盘形式。牛津高阶〔cover〕Her image has graced the covers of many glossy magazines.她的形象登上过许多有光纸印刷的通俗杂志的封面。牛津搭配〔curl〕Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.要想头发卷最多, 最有光泽, 就让卷发自然晾干。外研社新世纪〔curl〕Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.让卷发自然变干,才能使头发卷最多,最有光泽。柯林斯高阶〔dark〕A place having little or no light.黑暗之处:光线很弱或没有光线的地方美国传统〔day〕The period of light between dawn and nightfall; the interval from sunrise to sunset.白天,白昼:黎明和黄昏之间有光的一段时间;从日出到日落的间隔美国传统〔decompose〕The compound will decompose in the presence of light.在有光的条件下,化合物会分解。韦氏高阶〔delicate〕The colours are delicate and shimmering.这些颜色柔和且有光泽。外研社新世纪〔dish〕A young man with a brilliant future ahead of him—just your dish in fact.一个有光明前途的小伙子——事实上正是你所喜爱的人。英汉大词典〔dusky〕Characterized by little or inadequate light; shadowy.微暗的:没有光或光线不足的;昏暗的美国传统〔earth〕There was nothing but bare earth to be seen.一眼望去只有光秃秃的土地。牛津搭配〔emblazon〕To make resplendent with brilliant colors.使有光彩:用艳丽的色彩使…光彩夺目美国传统〔enamel〕To give a glossy or brilliant surface to.涂亮漆:使具有光滑或亮泽的表面美国传统〔fairly〕The contest was judged fairly.他没有光明正大地玩那项游戏。文馨英汉〔frizz〕This mousse says it's designed to eliminate frizz and make hair glossy and easier to manage.这瓶摩丝的说明上写着能用来平复头发的卷曲,使头发有光泽、易于打理。剑桥高阶〔galyak〕A flat, glossy fur made from the pelt of a stillborn lamb or kid.波纹羔皮:用死产的羊羔或小羊的毛皮而制成的平坦、有光泽的皮毛美国传统〔glacé〕Having a smooth, glazed or glossy surface, such as certain silks or leathers.光滑的,有光的:有光滑的、光泽的或光亮的表面的,如某种丝绸或毛皮美国传统〔glaze〕Glaze the pie with beaten egg.在饼的表面刷上打匀的蛋液使它有光泽。牛津高阶〔gloss〕She glossed the table (with wax) 她(以蜡)使那张桌子有光泽文馨英汉〔gloss〕To become shiny or lustrous.变得有光泽,变得有光彩美国传统〔gloss〕To give a bright sheen or luster to.使有光泽,光彩美国传统〔huckleberry〕The glossy, blackish, many-seeded berry of these plants.越橘果:这种植物多子的有光泽,带黑色的浆果美国传统〔illustrious〕The Institute has an illustrious history.这家研究所具有光辉的历史。外研社新世纪〔interactive〕I think that interactive media have a bright future.我认为互动媒体会有光明的未来。外研社新世纪〔japan〕A black enamel or lacquer used to produce a durable glossy finish.亮漆,假漆:用来制作持久的、有光泽的罩面漆的瓷漆或油漆美国传统〔light reaction〕The first stage of photosynthesis, occurring only in the presence of light, during which energy captured from light drives the production of ATP.光合作用:是光合作用的第一步,但只能在有光的情况下发生,在此过程中光能可转化成三磷酸腺苷美国传统〔lip-gloss〕A cosmetic that gives shine or gloss to the lips.珠光唇膏:使嘴唇有光泽的化妆品美国传统〔luster〕A fabric, such as alpaca, having a glossy surface.有光呢:表面有光泽的织物,如羊驼毛织品美国传统〔luster〕To be or become lustrous.有光泽,发光:有或变得有光泽的美国传统〔luster〕To give or add glory, radiance, distinction, or splendor to.使有光彩,给增光:给或增添…荣耀、光辉、荣誉或显赫美国传统〔lustre〕Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals.黄金保持其原有光泽的时间较其他金属要长得多。柯林斯高阶〔lustrous〕Having a sheen or glow.有光泽或光亮的美国传统〔messaline〕A lightweight, soft, shiny silk cloth with a twilled or satin weave.梅萨林丝缎:一种用斜纹织法或缎织法制成的质轻、柔软、有光泽的丝绸美国传统〔mink〕The soft, thick, lustrous fur of this animal.貂皮:这种动物的柔软、浓密且有光泽的毛皮美国传统〔moon shell〕Any of various marine gastropod mollusks of the family Naticidae, having a smooth, rounded shell.海月贝:任一种玉螺科的腹足纲海洋软体动物,长有光滑球形的壳美国传统〔need〕Plants need light in order to survive.植物存活必须有光照。朗文当代〔negative〕An image in which the light areas of the object rendered appear dark and the dark areas appear light.底片像:一种映像,在里面物体的有光的部分显示出暗色,而阴暗的部位显示出光亮美国传统〔orient〕The luster characteristic of a pearl of high quality.珍珠光泽:一种高品质珍珠所特有光泽美国传统〔pole〕For six months of the year, there is hardly any light at the poles.在南北极,每年有6个月时间几乎没有光照。柯林斯高阶〔polished〕Naturally shiny and smooth.有光泽的:天然光亮而平滑的美国传统〔polish〕You can improve the polish by using beeswax.你涂些蜂蜡就能更有光泽。外研社新世纪〔rain〕The rains have failed again in the Horn of Africa.雨季又没有光顾非洲之角。柯林斯高阶〔rosy〕She had bright, rosy cheeks.她的脸庞红润有光泽。柯林斯高阶〔saluki〕Any of an ancient breed of tall, slender dog developed in Arabia and Egypt and having a smooth, silky, variously colored coat.萨卢基狗:古代阿拉伯和埃及的一种高而瘦的狗,有光滑发亮多种颜色的皮毛美国传统〔schiller〕A lustrous, colored reflection from certain planes in a mineral grain.青铜光泽:矿石纹理中某个平面有光亮和色彩的反射美国传统〔sharkskin〕A rayon and acetate fabric having a smooth, somewhat shiny surface.鲨皮布:一种具有光滑、稍微磨光表面的人造丝和醋酸丝织物美国传统〔sheeny〕Lustrous; glistening.有光泽的;闪烁的美国传统〔sheen〕A glossy surface given to textiles.有光泽的纺织品美国传统〔sheen〕The conditioner gives hair a beautiful soft sheen.这种护发素能使头发美丽、柔顺,富有光泽。剑桥高阶〔shine〕Silk has a shine.丝绸有光泽。英汉大词典〔shine〕Wax polish gives a high shine to wood furniture.用蜡打磨,可以使木制家具富有光泽。剑桥高阶〔shiny〕Her blonde hair was shiny and clean.她的金发干净而有光泽。外研社新世纪〔shiny〕Her blonde hair was shiny and clean.她的金发干净而有光泽。柯林斯高阶〔shiny〕Her hair was thick and shiny.她的头发浓密且富有光泽。朗文当代〔silver〕To cover, plate, or adorn with silver or a similar lustrous substance.饰银于…:给…涂、镀或装饰上银或其它类似的有光泽的物质美国传统〔skin〕Keep your skin radiant using creams and lotions.使用护肤霜和润肤乳令肌肤保有光泽。牛津搭配〔sleep〕Botany The folding together of leaflets or petals at night or in the absence of light.【植物学】 夜间闭合:夜间或没有光线时小叶片或花瓣的闭合现象美国传统〔slick〕A racing automobile tire with a smooth tread.(没有花纹的)赛车轮胎:有光滑的胎面的赛车轮胎美国传统〔smear〕The ink tends to smear on shiny paper.墨水往往会在有光泽的纸上变成一团模糊。麦克米伦高阶〔soft〕The dog has a soft, silky coat.这条狗有一身柔滑而有光泽的皮毛。英汉大词典〔splendent〕Shining or lustrous; brilliant.光亮的,有光彩的;光辉的美国传统〔stone〕Printing A table with a smooth surface on which page forms are composed.【印刷术】 排板用石台:具有光滑表面的石板,用于纸张印板排字美国传统〔stuff〕There's some very good music there, CD systems and stuff, and laser discs.那儿有些很好的音乐、CD 播放设备什么的,还有光盘。朗文当代〔surface〕The bowl has a shiny surface.这个碗的表面很有光泽。韦氏高阶〔taffeta〕A crisp, smooth, plain-woven fabric with a slight sheen, made of various fibers, such as silk, rayon, or nylon, and used especially for women's garments.塔夫绸:一种略微带有光泽、脆而滑的平纹织造的织物,由各种纤维(比如丝绸、人造丝或尼龙)做成,尤指被用来制造女用服装美国传统〔thumbtack〕A tack with a smooth, rounded head that can be pressed into place with the thumb.图钉:一种可用拇指揿入某处的有光滑圆形头部的平头钉美国传统〔varnish〕A paint containing a solvent and an oxidizing or evaporating binder, used to coat a surface with a hard, glossy, transparent film.清漆,罩光漆:一种颜料,含有溶解剂和氧化或脱水的粘合剂,用于把表面涂成坚硬的,有光泽的透明的膜美国传统〔varnish〕To give a smooth and glossy finish to.使有光泽:对…施加光滑的并有光泽的润饰美国传统〔velvet〕A soft fabric, such as silk, rayon, or nylon, having a smooth, dense pile and a plain underside.丝绒:一种柔软的织物,如丝绸、人造丝或尼龙,具有光滑、浓密的绒毛以及平整的底面美国传统〔wash〕The treatment leaves hair glossy and lasts 10 to 16 washes.这种护理方法能使头发富有光泽,清洗10到16次都还可以保持效果。柯林斯高阶〔waxy〕Smooth and lustrous.光滑和有光泽的美国传统I feel so drab in this grey uniform.穿着这件灰色的制服,我觉得没有光彩。剑桥国际Saturn is large and has rings around it.土星很大,周围有光环。剑桥国际Several atlases are now available on CD-ROM.现在有些地图集有光盘版。剑桥国际She wore a sleek little black dress.她穿了一条有光泽的黑色短连衣裙。剑桥国际Some movies are now available on laser disc as well as on video cassette.有些电影除了有录像带,还有光盘。剑桥国际The conditioner gives the hair a beautiful soft sheen.这种护发素能使头发美丽、柔顺,富有光泽。剑桥国际The encyclopedia is available on CD-ROM.这百科全书有光盘可供选购了。牛津商务This recording is available on disc and on cassette.这个录音有光盘和盒带。剑桥国际We used a gloss paint for the woodwork and a matt paint for the walls.我们在木器上用有光漆,在墙上用亚光漆。剑桥国际




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