

单词 有债务
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIFE〕Even when in debt, he continued to enjoy an extravagant lifestyle. 即使有债务缠身,他还是继续过着奢侈的生活。朗文写作活用〔cancel〕The bank agreed to cancel all the company's debts.银行同意免除这家公司的所有债务。朗文当代〔clear〕Try to clear your existing debts first.尽量先把现有债务还清。麦克米伦高阶〔debt〕I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country.我得在离开该国前偿清所有债务。牛津高阶〔debt〕Nearly half the students said they were in debt.近一半的学生说自己负有债务。朗文当代〔discharge〕He discharged all his debts before he went abroad.他出国前还清了所有债务。21世纪英汉〔insolvent〕Insufficient to meet all debts, as an estate or a fund.不足偿还债务的:财产或资金不足以清偿所有债务的美国传统〔national debt〕The total financial obligations of a national government.国有债务:国家政府的全部财政契约美国传统〔normal〕Things are back to normal now that we've paid off all our debts.我们偿还了所有债务,一切又恢复了正常。剑桥高阶〔refinance〕A loan was arranged to refinance existing debt.办理贷款以清偿现有债务。柯林斯高阶〔thankfully〕Thankfully, I managed to pay off all my debts before we got married.幸好,在我们结婚前我设法还清了所有债务。朗文当代At present, the airline has zero debt on its balance sheet.目前,这航空公司资产负债表上没有债务。牛津商务It took her years to pay off all her debts.她花了很多年才还清所有债务。牛津商务The company has little debt and is cash rich.公司现金充裕,几乎没有债务。牛津商务The figures showed the company was solvent.数字显示这家公司没有债务。牛津商务




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