

单词 欧洲文化
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alcuin〕Anglo-Saxon prelate and scholar who was a leader in the revival of learning in medieval Europe.阿尔昆:盎格鲁-撒克逊高级教士及学者,为中世纪欧洲文化复兴的一个领袖美国传统〔COMPLETELY〕Sometimes the UK seems completely isolated from the main stream of European culture. 有时,英国似乎与欧洲文化主流完全脱离。朗文写作活用〔European〕Of or relating to Europe or its peoples, languages, or cultures.欧洲的:欧洲的、欧洲人的或欧洲民族的、欧洲语言的、欧洲文化的美国传统〔further〕They hoped the new venture would further the cause of cultural cooperation in Europe.他们希望这个新项目将促进欧洲文化合作事业。牛津高阶〔mantle〕Glasgow has broadened its appeal since taking on the mantle of European City of Culture in 1990.自从1990年荣获“欧洲文化之都”的光荣称号以来,格拉斯哥的魅力大增。柯林斯高阶〔mantle〕The city has taken on the mantle of European City of Culture.这个城市承袭了“欧洲文化名城”的称号。外研社新世纪




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