

单词 欧元区
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONDITION〕The Chancellor says that five conditions have to be met before the UK joins the Euro. 财政大臣称,英国加入欧元区之前必须满足五个条件。朗文写作活用〔Euroland〕In much of euroland, inflation is already double the ceiling set by the European Central Bank.在很多欧元区,通货膨胀率已经达到欧洲中央银行规定上限的两倍。柯林斯高阶〔Eurozone〕Homeowners in the eurozone enjoy cheaper mortgages than we do here in Britain.欧元区内的房屋所有者享有比我们英国更低的抵押贷款利率。柯林斯高阶〔earner〕The Eurobond market is a steady earner for Britain.欧元区债券市场为英国带来稳定的收益。外研社新世纪〔fateful〕Leading Britain into the euro could be the most fateful decision he will ever take.带领英国加入欧元区可能是他将要做出的最重大的决定。外研社新世纪〔long〕Britain will not remain outside the euro for long.英国不会留在欧元区之外太久。外研社新世纪〔militate for〕They continue to militate for Britain to join the euro.他们继续努力促使英国加入欧元区。外研社新世纪Several large euro-zone companies have recently issued 30-year securities.几家大型的欧元区公司最近已发行了 30 年期的证券。牛津商务The bank's chief economist has reduced her forecast for growth in the eurozone to 0.5%.银行的首席经济学家将她对欧元区经济增长的预测调低到 0.5%。牛津商务




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