

单词 暴风雪
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bastard〕a bastard of a snowstorm 一场讨厌的暴风雪英汉大词典〔blinding〕a blinding snowstorm 天昏地暗的暴风雪英汉大词典〔blinding〕a blinding snowstorm 天昏地暗的暴风雪韦氏高阶〔blizzard〕a raging/howling blizzard 猛烈的╱怒吼着的暴风雪牛津高阶〔blizzard〕blizzard conditions 暴风雪天气牛津高阶〔during〕was born during a blizzard. 生于暴风雪降临的时候美国传统〔epic〕an epic snowstorm 特大暴风雪英汉大词典〔fiendish〕a fiendish blizzard; a fiendish problem. 极大的暴风雪;极大的难题美国传统〔howling〕a howling blizzard 怒吼的暴风雪英汉大词典〔humdinger〕a humdinger of a blizzard. 一场极猛烈的暴风雪美国传统〔overtake〕to be overtaken by a snow storm意外赶上暴风雪21世纪英汉〔plough〕plough the roads after a snowstorm 暴风雪后清除路上的雪英汉大词典〔plough〕to plough the playground after a snowstorm暴风雪后清除操场上的雪21世纪英汉〔raging〕a raging snowstorm 一场猛烈的暴风雪麦克米伦高阶〔shovel〕shoveling off the driveway after the snowstorm; shovels out the hall closet once a year. 暴风雪后清除车道;每年清扫一次大厅的柜子美国传统〔stick〕to be stuck by a storm for a week被暴风雪围困达一星期21世纪英汉〔storm〕a snowstorm 暴风雪剑桥高阶〔storm〕a thunderstorm/snowstorm/sandstorm 雷暴;暴风雪;沙暴牛津高阶〔tooth〕the teeth of the blizzard. 暴风雪的毁灭力量美国传统〔unseasonable〕an unseasonable snowstorm 不合季节的暴风雪英汉大词典




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