

单词 暴风
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔activity〕a burst of storm activity 一场暴风雨的袭击英汉大词典〔awesome〕an awesome thunderstorm. 一场令人恐惧的暴风雨美国传统〔awful〕an awful storm 可怕的暴风雨英汉大词典〔black〕black storm clouds 带来暴风雨的乌云牛津高阶〔blanket〕a storm that blanketed out TV reception干扰电视接收的暴风雨21世纪英汉〔breast〕breast the storm 临暴风雨而不惧英汉大词典〔buffet〕buffet a storm 与暴风雨搏斗英汉大词典〔core〕the core of a storm (flame) 暴风雨(火焰)中心英汉大词典〔define〕the high winds that define a storm as a hurricane 狂风是暴风雨成为飓风的特征麦克米伦高阶〔desperate〕a desperate storm 猛烈的暴风雨英汉大词典〔disaster〕the unfolding storm disaster in the South 南方愈演愈烈的暴风雨灾害牛津搭配〔dozen〕a storm which destroyed dozens of homes and buildings. 摧毁了许多房屋和建筑的暴风雨柯林斯高阶〔dreadful〕a dreadful storm/scream 可怕的暴风雨/尖叫声韦氏高阶〔elemental〕the elemental power/violence/fury of the storm 暴风雨的肆虐韦氏高阶〔fade〕a close-up fade against a stormy sky 以暴风雨天空为背景的特写淡出镜头英汉大词典〔fiendish〕a fiendish blizzard; a fiendish problem. 极大的暴风雪;极大的难题美国传统〔first〕the first of a storm 暴风雨之始 英汉大词典〔furor〕the furor of storms 暴风雨的肆虐英汉大词典〔gather〕the gathering storm 正在形成的暴风雨韦氏高阶〔guide〕guide a ship through a storm 驾驶轮船穿越暴风雨英汉大词典〔height〕the height of a storm. 暴风雨最猛烈的时候美国传统〔hurricane〕a hurricane of cheers 一阵暴风雨般的欢呼声英汉大词典〔meteorologist〕a storm forecast by meteorologists 气象学家预报的暴风雨韦氏高阶〔nasty〕a nasty storm 猛烈的暴风雨麦克米伦高阶〔plough〕plough the roads after a snowstorm 暴风雪后清除路上的雪英汉大词典〔raging〕a raging snowstorm 一场猛烈的暴风雪麦克米伦高阶〔run〕run before a storm. 在暴风雨来临之前起程美国传统〔sea〕a calm sea after the storm 暴风雨过后平静的海面牛津搭配〔sinister〕sinister storm clouds 预示暴风雨将临的不祥之云英汉大词典〔stormy〕a stormy night 暴风雨之夜英汉大词典〔storm〕a snowstorm 暴风雪剑桥高阶〔storm〕a summer storm 夏天的暴风雨朗文当代〔tempestuous〕a tempestuous wind 暴风英汉大词典〔terrible〕a terrible storm 猛烈的暴风雨朗文当代〔torture〕trees tortured by storms 被暴风雨吹打得歪歪斜斜的树英汉大词典〔unabated〕an unabated windstorm; a battle fought with unabated violence. 毫不减弱的暴风雨;全力展开的战斗美国传统〔uproot〕fallen trees which have been uprooted by the storm被暴风雨连根拔起、倒伏在地上的树木外研社新世纪〔wait〕wait out a storm 等到暴风雨过去英汉大词典〔wild〕a wild night 暴风雨之夜英汉大词典〔wild〕wild weather. 暴风雨天气美国传统




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