

单词 bristle
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WET〕Wetting the toothbrush before you put the toothpaste on makes the bristles softer. 挤上牙膏前先弄湿牙刷,使刷毛更软些。朗文写作活用〔acicula〕A slender, needlelike part or structure, such as the spines or bristles of some plants and animals and the crystals of certain minerals.针,刺:针状物,如动物和植物上的脊椎或刺毛和某些矿物的结晶体美国传统〔allusion〕This is a work that bristles with historical allusion and innuendo.这部作品充斥着对历史的影射和暗讽。外研社新世纪〔barbet〕Any of various brightly colored tropical birds of the family Capitonidae that have a broad bill with bristles at the base and are related to the toucans.拟啄木鸟:须鴷科一种颜色鲜艳的热带鸟,有宽喙,在喙的基部有刺毛,与巨嘴鸟相关美国传统〔barb〕Botany A short, sharply hooked bristle or hairlike projection.【植物学】 钩状毛,芒刺美国传统〔beard〕A tuft or group of hairs or bristles on certain plants, such as barley and wheat.芒:某些植物上的簇毛或硬毛,如大麦和小麦美国传统〔bristle against〕They bristled against the boss.他们反对老板。21世纪英汉〔bristle at〕She bristled at the suggestion that she had in any way neglected the child.她对那种说她在任何方面都没照管好孩子的话感到恼怒。21世纪英汉〔bristle up〕He furiously bristled up.他勃然大怒。21世纪英汉〔bristle up〕The dog was angry and bellicosely bristled up.狗发怒,毛发倒竖,显出一副好斗的凶相。21世纪英汉〔bristle with〕He bristled with anger.他满腔怒火。21世纪英汉〔bristle with〕He bristles with energy.他充满活力。韦氏高阶〔bristle with〕It was a Sunday morning and the city was bristled with people.那是个星期日上午,城里挤满了人。21世纪英汉〔bristle with〕The battlefield was bristled with guns.战场上枪炮林立。21世纪英汉〔bristle with〕The hillside bristled with soldiers.山坡上到处都是士兵。韦氏高阶〔bristle〕As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out.只要牙刷上的毛开始磨损, 就把它扔掉。外研社新世纪〔bristle〕As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out.牙刷毛一开始磨损,就把它扔掉。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕Cats yowl. My dog's hair bristles in response.这些猫的哀叫引得我的狗毛发竖立。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕Don't bristle up at me like that.别对我摆出那么一副气势汹汹的样子。英汉大词典〔bristle〕Electricity makes your hair bristle.电流使你的头发竖起。韦氏高阶〔bristle〕Ellis bristles at accusations that Berkeley's experiment is ill-conceived.埃利斯对有人指责伯克利的实验考虑不够周密感到气愤。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕He bristled at her rudeness.她的无礼使他火冒三丈。朗文当代〔bristle〕He bristled at the insult.他对这样的侮辱感到愤怒。韦氏高阶〔bristle〕He bristled at the suggestion that he was like his father.只要说他像他的父亲,他就怒发冲冠。麦克米伦高阶〔bristle〕He bristled with indignation at the suggestion that he was racist.有人暗示他是个种族主义者,他对此十分恼火。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕He rubbed his hands over the soft bristles of his crew cut.他用双手摸了摸他平头上柔软的短发。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕He still bristles at the suggestion that he is arrogant.只要有人暗示说他高傲自大, 他仍然会暴跳如雷。外研社新世纪〔bristle〕His chin was covered with bristles.他满下巴都是胡子茬。外研社新世纪〔bristle〕His chin was covered with bristles.他满下巴都是胡茬。朗文当代〔bristle〕His lies made her bristle with rage.他的谎话使她火冒三丈。牛津高阶〔bristle〕It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.它粗短的尾巴上鬃毛浓密。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.它长着一条长满刚毛的又短又粗的尾巴。外研社新世纪〔bristle〕It makes the hairs at the nape of the neck bristle.这使人毛骨悚然。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕It makes the hairs at the nape of the neck bristle.这让颈背处的鬃毛竖了起来。外研社新世纪〔bristle〕My toothbrush has blue and white plastic bristles.我的牙刷上有蓝白塑料刷毛。剑桥高阶〔bristle〕She bristled at the suggestion that she had in any way neglected the child.人们认为她多少有点忽略了这孩子,这种看法使她很生气。剑桥高阶〔bristle〕She bristled at their criticism.她面对他们的批评火冒三丈。韦氏高阶〔bristle〕The author bristled at the suggestion of plagiarism.那个作家被抄袭的建议激怒了美国传统〔bristle〕The best quality men's shaving brushes are made from badger bristle.最好的男用修面刷由獾毛制成。剑桥高阶〔bristle〕The cat bristled at the sight of the large dog.一见到那只大狗,猫身上的毛都竖起来了美国传统〔bristle〕The cat's fur bristled and it arched its back.猫毛竖立并弓起背来。21世纪英汉〔bristle〕The cat's fur bristled and it arched its back.那只猫竖起了毛,弓起了背。剑桥高阶〔bristle〕The cock (or rooster) bristled his crest.公鸡竖起了鸡冠。21世纪英汉〔bristle〕The country bristles with armed groups.这个国家到处都是武装团伙。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕The frightened kitten bristled.小猫吓得浑身的毛都竖起来了。英汉大词典〔bristle〕The hair on the dog's neck bristled.狗脖子上的毛竖起来了美国传统〔bristle〕The harbour bristles with masts.港口船桅林立。英汉大词典〔bristle〕The hedgehog's quills bristled in all directions.刺猬周身的硬刺四散耸起。英汉大词典〔bristle〕The hog bristled up.这头猪鬃毛直立。21世纪英汉〔bristle〕The idea fairly bristles with controversy.这个想法争议很大。外研社新世纪〔bristle〕The idea fairly bristles with controversy.这个想法存有诸多争议。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.老妇人下巴上长出几根灰白的又短又硬的毛。剑桥高阶〔bristle〕The project bristled with difficulties.这项工程困难重重。21世纪英汉〔bristle〕The storm bristled the lake.暴风雨中,湖水起伏翻腾。英汉大词典〔bristle〕The target bristled with arrows.箭靶上插满了箭。外研社新世纪〔bristle〕The whole country bristled with indignation.举国上下义愤填膺。英汉大词典〔bristle〕The whole subject bristles with problems.整个事情问题成堆。牛津高阶〔bristle〕The woman bristled when I asked her to move.当我叫那女人往前挪动时,她发怒了。21世纪英汉〔bristle〕Their vocabulary bristles fashionably with talk of federalism.他们开口闭口都是联邦制度,满口时髦词汇。柯林斯高阶〔bristle〕They bristled at the remark.他们对那些话感到恼怒。21世纪英汉〔bristle〕To furnish or supply with bristles.配备或提供刺毛状物美国传统〔bristly〕Consisting of or similar to bristles.刚毛的:由刚毛组成的或与之相似的美国传统〔bristly〕Thick with bristles.布满刚毛的美国传统〔broom〕A bunch of twigs, straw, or bristles bound together, attached to a stick or handle, and used for sweeping.扫帚:梆在一块儿的枝条、干草或刺毛,缚在一根棍或把柄上,作清扫之用美国传统〔brush〕A device consisting of bristles fastened into a handle, used in scrubbing, polishing, or painting.刷子;画笔:把刚毛绑牢在一根手柄上,可作擦洗、上光或绘画之用美国传统〔chaeta〕A bristle or seta, especially of an annelid worm.刚毛:尤指环节动物毛虫类的毫毛或刚毛美国传统〔glochid〕One of the minute barbed hairs or bristles on certain plants, such as the prickly pear.具勾毛的,具刺的:长在某些植物上的细微刺毛或是硬毛,例如霸王树(仙人球)美国传统〔hair〕A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.茸毛:与毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺毛,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成美国传统〔mustache〕A group of bristles or hairs about the mouth of an animal.动物嘴四周长的须或毛的东西美国传统〔nailbrush〕A small brush with firm bristles used for scrubbing the hands and cleaning the fingernails.指甲刷:用来擦洗手和清洗指甲的一种硬鬃毛小刷美国传统〔pappus〕A modified calyx, composed of scales, bristles, or featherlike hairs, in plants of the composite family, such as the dandelion and the thistle.冠毛:在例如蒲公英和蓟等菊科植物中的一种由鳞叶、刺毛或羽毛状茸毛形成的修饰性花萼美国传统〔peccary〕Any of several piglike hoofed mammals of the family Tayassuidae, found in North, Central, and South America and having long, dark, dense bristles.西趪:一种西趪科的像猪的有蹄哺乳动物,见于北美、中美和南美地区,具有又长又黑的浓密鬃毛美国传统〔roach〕To shave (the mane of a horse) to a short bristle.把(马鬈)剪短至直立状美国传统〔seta〕A stiff hair, bristle, or bristlelike process or part on an organism.刚毛:生物体的硬鬃毛或鬃毛样部分美国传统〔setiform〕Shaped like a seta or bristle.刚毛状的:形状象刚毛或鬓毛的美国传统〔splay〕The bristles of the toothbrush are beginning to splay out already.这把牙刷的毛已开始向外倒斜了。英汉大词典〔stare〕To stand on end; bristle, as hair or feathers.倒立;直竖起,如头发或羽毛美国传统〔whisker〕One of the long stiff tactile bristles or hairs that grow near the mouth and elsewhere on the head of most mammals; a vibrissa.刚毛,触须,嘴须:绝大多数哺乳动物的长在嘴附近或头部其它位置的长而硬的触觉硬髭或毛发美国传统His mission bristled with difficulties. 他的使命困难重重。译典通She bristled with anger at the mention of his name. 她一听到他的名字便气得毛发倒竖。译典通That brush is not adequately bristled for heavy cleaning. 那把刷子刚毛不够,不适用于用力洗刷。译典通The bristles on this brush are worn out.这把刷子上的毛都掉了。剑桥国际The cat's fur bristled (= the hairs stood up stiffly) and it arched its back.那只猫竖起了毛,弓起了背。剑桥国际The cock bristled up his crest. 那只公鸡竖起冠子。译典通The only paintbrushes we could find were old and had lost most of their bristles.我们能找到的几把油漆刷都已经旧了,毛都掉了大半。剑桥国际The streets bristled with armed guards after the latest terrorist attack. 最近一次恐怖分子攻击后,街道上武装警卫遍布。译典通White bristles stick out from his unshaven chin.白色的胡茬儿从他没刮的下巴上戳出来。剑桥国际




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