

单词 指示的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arrow〕Follow the arrows to the X-ray department.顺着箭头指示的方向去 X 光科。朗文当代〔bell〕The time indicated by the striking of this instrument, divided into half hours.报时钟:由敲击该乐器而指示的时间,每半小时一次美国传统〔brief〕We are confident we will meet all the requirements of the design brief.我们相信我们会达到设计指示的所有要求。麦克米伦高阶〔crier〕An official who announces the orders of a court of law.庭吏:在法庭上宣布指示的官员美国传统〔deictic〕The words this, that and those have a deictic function.this, that 和those这些词有指示的作用。英汉大词典〔direction〕Dan followed the direction the sign had pointed.丹沿着路标指示的方向走。牛津搭配〔direction〕The adults gazed in the direction indicated.大人们注视着指示的方向。牛津搭配〔directorial〕Serving to direct; directive.指导的,指示的;管理的美国传统〔indicant〕Something, such as a typographical device, that serves to indicate.标志:用于指示的事物,例如地貌标志美国传统〔indication〕The act of indicating.表示:指点、指示的行为美国传统〔magnetic north〕The direction of the earth's magnetic pole, to which the north-seeking pole of a magnetic needle points when free from local magnetic influence.磁北:地球磁极的方向,当不受当地磁场影响时,用来寻找北方磁极指示的方向美国传统〔polar〕Serving as a guide, as a polestar or a pole of the earth.指示的;引导的:用作导向的,如一颗北极星或地球的一极美国传统〔prescription〕The act of establishing official rules, laws, or directions.立法:建立官方规则,法律或指示的行为美国传统〔referendum〕A note from a diplomat to the diplomat's government requesting instructions.请示书:外交使节致本国政府请求指示的短信美国传统〔segue〕Music To make a transition directly from one section or theme to another.【音乐】 (按前面指示的方式)继续演奏:使一变调直接地从一个乐章或主旋律进入另一个(乐章或主旋律)美国传统〔show〕The clock showed the wrong time.那只钟指示的时间不对。英汉大词典〔significative〕Tending to signify or indicate; indicative.指示的:趋向于表明或指示的;指示性的美国传统〔signified〕The concept that a signifier denotes.意味着:传示意义者所指示的概念美国传统〔signpost〕A post supporting a sign that has information or directions.路标,指示标,标志杆:一根支撑一块写有信息或指示的杆子美国传统〔slug〕A compositor's type line of identifying marks or instructions, inserted temporarily in copy.嵌条:排版工人暂时插在排好的版上用以标示记号或指示的一行铅字美国传统




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