

单词 探明
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Comstock〕The old mine is proving a genuine Comstock.这个老矿正被探明是一个蕴藏量丰富的矿藏。英汉大词典〔FIND〕Techniques for the location of tumours have improved greatly over the last twenty years. 20年来探明肿瘤位置的技术已经大大提高。朗文写作活用〔canvass〕He located some of the desired items after a quick canvass.经过一番迅速的查询,他探明了他所需要的一部分东西的存放地点。英汉大词典〔cruise〕To inspect a wooded area to determine its lumber yield.勘查林区:勘查林木地带以探明木材产量美国传统〔cruise〕To inspect in order to determine lumber yield.勘探木材产量:勘查以探明木材产量美国传统〔determine〕Science has determined that the risk is very small.科学已经探明其危险性非常小。柯林斯高阶〔find〕I don't know, but I'll find out for you.我虽不知道,但将为你去探明。英汉大词典〔geologically〕With geological maps, books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals.有了地质图、书籍和地图册,你便可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。柯林斯高阶〔geological〕With geological maps, books, and atlases, you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals.有了地质图、相关书籍和地图册, 你就可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。外研社新世纪〔informant〕I found out what happened from my informant who saw it happen.我从目击这件事发生的消息提供者那儿探明了事情真相。英汉大词典〔prove up〕They proved up 22 billion tons of oil in reserves in this country.他们探明这个国家有220亿吨石油的储藏量。21世纪英汉〔send ahead〕They were sent ahead of the main troops to examine the enemy's position.他们被派作主力部队的先遣小组,去探明敌人的阵地。21世纪英汉〔spot〕Our plane was spotting for mortar fire.我方飞机在为迫击炮火探明敌军阵地的位置。英汉大词典〔spot〕To locate targets from the air during combat or training missions.侦察:在战斗中或训练中从空中探明目标位置美国传统〔spy out〕The Lunar Orbiters had spied out potential landing sites.绕月轨道飞行器已经探明了可能的登陆点。外研社新世纪〔spy out〕They were trying to spy out the enemy's position.他们正在设法探明敌人的位置。韦氏高阶Fearing (=Being afraid) to go herself, she sent her son to find out the news.自己不敢去,她派儿子去探明消息。剑桥国际The exploration and production division is responsible for locating oil reserves, drilling wells and pumping crude oil and natural gas.探测与生产部门负责探明石油藏量,钻油井,并用泵将原油与天然气抽出来。剑桥国际We've employed a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable TV system.我们雇了一名市场调查员,来探明人们真正想要从有线电视系统得到什么。剑桥国际




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