

单词 教员
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔certify〕certify a teacher 发给教员合格证书英汉大词典〔discourage〕lack of interest that disheartened the instructor; 缺乏兴趣使教员很泄气;美国传统〔faculty〕a faculty party 教员聚会英汉大词典〔faculty〕an excellent mathematics faculty 一批出色的数学教员英汉大词典〔faculty〕her colleagues on the faculty 她的教员同事牛津搭配〔faculty〕the faculty of the University of Iowa 艾奥瓦大学的全体教员牛津搭配〔instructor〕an instructor in the local high school 当地中学教员英汉大词典〔professor〕a professor of history 历史教授(或教员) 英汉大词典〔relic〕select teachers by a so-called point system as a relic of barbarism 作为一种残留陋习以所谓的评点制度选拔教员英汉大词典〔remorseless〕a remorseless teacher insisting that all the work must be done again 一个坚持所有功课必须重做的铁石心肠的教员 英汉大词典〔removable〕a teacher appointed and removable by the principal 由校长任命并可由校长免职的教员英汉大词典〔shunt〕shunt off unsatisfactory teachers 去掉不称职的教员英汉大词典〔teach〕a swimming/science instructor 游泳教练;科学教员牛津高阶〔trainer〕teacher trainers 培训师资的教员牛津高阶〔unqualified〕an unqualified instructor 不合格的教员牛津高阶




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