

单词 教养
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mannered〕The British are considered ill-mannered, badly dressed and unsophisticated.英国人被认为缺乏教养、衣着邋遢、头脑简单。柯林斯高阶〔Borstal〕He spent a year in a Borstal.他在少年犯教养院待了一年。韦氏高阶〔Borstal〕She was sent to Borstal for stealing cars.她因盗窃车辆被送进少年犯教养院。韦氏高阶〔LOOK AFTER〕I was a very well-brought up young lady. 我那时是一位很有教养的年轻女士。朗文写作活用〔Mother Nature〕The personification of nature as a powerful and nurturing woman.自然之母:将大自然拟人化为有神通广大之力及教养万物的女性美国传统〔PART〕His formal education was a less significant factor in his upbringing than practical experience. 对于教养而言,他接受的正规教育不及实际经历那么重要。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕David is very well-brought up, but he does have a nasty temper sometimes. 戴维很有教养,但他有时候确实脾气不好。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕They are well-brought-up children, and have a great respect for their teachers. 他们都是有教养的孩子,很尊敬老师。朗文写作活用〔Philistine〕I shall not be thought too Philistine and indifferent to culture.我不能被人认为太无教养,太不知书识礼。英汉大词典〔above〕A true gentleman is above envy, jealousy or vindictiveness.一个真正有教养的人是没有妒忌猜疑或报复心的。21世纪英汉〔approved school〕A school for young offenders; a reform school.青少年罪犯教养学校;少年感化院美国传统〔argue〕His manners argue a good upbringing.他的礼貌表明教养有素。英汉大词典〔barbarian〕The students behaved like barbarians.这些学生表现得缺乏教养。韦氏高阶〔barbarian〕The youths were described as uncivilised barbarians who savagely attacked innocent victims.那些青年人被说成是缺少教养的野蛮人,他们凶残地袭击无辜的人群。朗文当代〔barbarous〕It is barbarous to call at 5 a.m.清晨5点给人打电话是缺乏教养的行为。英汉大词典〔borstal〕He was sent to borstal.他被送去青少年犯教养院。外研社新世纪〔bounder〕An ill-bred, unscrupulous man; a cad.粗人:没有教养、无耻的人;下流人美国传统〔breeding〕Good breeding requires you to treat people with respect.良好的教养要求你对人要尊敬。麦克米伦高阶〔breeding〕Her good breeding shows in her exquisite manners.她高雅的举止显示出她良好的教养。牛津搭配〔breeding〕His politeness shows good breeding.他彬彬有礼,显示出良好的教养。韦氏高阶〔breeding〕It's a sign of good breeding to know the names of all your staff.知道所有雇员的名字是良好教养的一种体现。外研社新世纪〔breeding〕The young man clearly has breeding.这个年轻男子显然很有教养。牛津搭配〔breed〕He is aristocratic born and bred.从出身到教养他都是彻头彻尾的贵族。英汉大词典〔breed〕It takes a special breed of person to be a surgeon.经过特殊教养的人才能成为外科医生。牛津搭配〔breed〕She was bred to be a lady.她被教养成淑女。文馨英汉〔characterization〕The reporter was criticized for his characterization of the people of the town as poor and uneducated.那名记者受到了指责,因为他把小镇居民描绘成一群贫穷且缺少教养的人。韦氏高阶〔civilization〕Cultural or intellectual refinement; good taste.教养,修养:文化或智慧的优雅;好品味美国传统〔cleanliness〕We were brought up to have habits of cleanliness.我们自小被教养成要有爱清洁的习惯。文馨英汉〔common〕She thought he was very common and uneducated.她认为他很粗俗且无教养。牛津高阶〔common〕She thought him common and uneducated.她觉得他粗俗又没教养。韦氏高阶〔cultured〕Educated, polished, and refined; cultivated.有教养的,文雅的,高雅的;有修养的美国传统〔cultured〕He is a cultured man with a wide circle of friends.他为人有教养, 交友也很广泛。外研社新世纪〔culture〕A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training.修养,教养:通过美学和智力训练而形成的高品味和文雅美国传统〔culture〕Development of the intellect through training or education.教养:通过训练或教育而实现的智力发展美国传统〔decorously〕They go for decorous walks every day in parks with their nanny.他们每天都和保姆一起在公园里散步,表现得很有教养。柯林斯高阶〔decorous〕They go for decorous walks every day in parks with their nanny.他们每天都会和保姆到公园散步, 表现得很有教养。外研社新世纪〔educated〕He is an educated, amiable and decent man.他是个有教养、和蔼可亲的正人君子。柯林斯高阶〔educated〕The people who work here are well educated and open-minded.在这里工作的人们既有教养又思想开放。麦克米伦高阶〔effendi〕An educated or respected man in the Near East.近东地区有教养并受人尊敬的人美国传统〔euphemism〕The prison was euphemistically referred to as a “correctional facility.” 监狱被委婉地称作“教养所”。韦氏高阶〔fetch up〕The way that child behaves,you'd think she'd been fetched up,not brought up.从这个女孩不懂规矩行为来看,你会认为她是胡拉扯大的,不是教养大的。21世纪英汉〔gentry〕People of gentle birth, good breeding, or high social position.出身名门者:出身高贵的人,有良好的教养或高层社会地位的人美国传统〔govern〕Govern yourselves like civilized human beings.注意自己的言行,使自己象一个有教养的人美国传统〔ill-bred〕Badly brought up; impolite and crude.教养差的:教养差的;没礼貌的和粗野的美国传统〔ill-bred〕He's an ill-bred lout.他是个没有教养的粗人。文馨英汉〔inelegance〕Lack of refinement or polish.粗俗:缺乏优雅或教养美国传统〔inhibit〕His strict upbringing inhibited him from asking questions.他所受的严格教养使他怯于提问。英汉大词典〔institutionalized〕Because he was hopelessly institutionalized he was unable to look after himself when free.由于受到教养院生活所产生的无可挽回的不良影响,他获得自由时已没有照料自己的能力了。英汉大词典〔instructed〕The instructed person is usually tolerant.有教养的人通常宽容待人。英汉大词典〔kidnapper〕They were intelligent and educated, yet they chose to kidnap and kill.他们聪明且有教养,却选择去绑架和杀人。柯林斯高阶〔ladylike〕Characteristic of a lady; well-bred.贵妇人似的;有教养的美国传统〔lady〕A well-behaved young girl.有教养的少女:举止文雅的年轻女性美国传统〔lady〕I remember her as a refined elegant lady.我记得她是一个很有教养的文雅女子。麦克米伦高阶〔monkey〕Come here, you cheeky little monkey! 过来,你这没有教养的小捣蛋鬼!牛津高阶〔muck〕When she starts talking you'll realize that she's as common as muck.她一开口,你就会知道这人缺乏教养。英汉大词典〔noblesse oblige〕He was raised to have a strong sense of noblesse oblige.他从小受的教养使他树立了强烈的高位责任感。韦氏高阶〔plaster over〕He has at bottom the feelings of a gentleman, but all these are plastered over with a stiff manner.他内心富于有教养人的情感,但是全被他僵硬的举止掩盖了。21世纪英汉〔proclaim〕His behavior proclaimed his good upbringing.他的举止显示出他良好的教养。韦氏高阶〔product〕Her politeness is a product of good parenting.她的彬彬有礼源于良好的家庭教养。韦氏高阶〔product〕People are often products of their surroundings and upbringing.人们常受他们的环境和教养的影响。韦氏高阶〔proper〕She was an educated lady so she talked proper.她是位有教养的女士,因此谈吐很得体。剑桥高阶〔rap〕They were rapped with one-to-ten years at the reformatory.他们被判处1至10年的教养。英汉大词典〔rear〕Parents rear their families.父母教养子女。牛津同义词〔rude〕Lacking education or knowledge; unlearned.无教养的:未受过教育的或无知的;没文化的美国传统〔rude〕Lacking the graces and refinement of civilized life; uncouth.粗暴的,粗野的:缺少文明生活的文雅和教养的;不雅的美国传统〔savage〕Lacking polish or manners; rude.无礼的:少教养的或无礼貌的;粗鲁的美国传统〔savoir-vivre〕He has the utmost grace of manner and the completest savoir-vivre.他举止优雅,极有教养。英汉大词典〔savour〕Bad manners savour a bad education.粗暴无礼显示出缺乏教养。英汉大词典〔speak of〕Her bad behavior speaks poorly of her upbringing.她糟糕的举止表明她缺乏教养。韦氏高阶〔speak〕His manners spoke of good upbringing.他的谈吐显示了他良好的教养美国传统〔standard〕She could serve as the standard of good breeding.她可以作为教养良好的楷模。英汉大词典〔thoroughbred〕A well-bred person.有教养之人美国传统〔uncouth〕People thought he was uncouth and uncivilized.人们认为他这个人粗鲁且没有教养。韦氏高阶〔unkempt〕Unpolished; rude.没有教养的;粗鲁的美国传统〔upbringing〕His upbringing shaped his whole life.他的家庭教养影响了他的一生。外研社新世纪〔upbringing〕Martin's upbringing shaped his whole life.马丁的家庭教养影响了他的一生。柯林斯高阶〔upbringing〕The rearing and training received during childhood.教养:小时候所接受的抚养和训练美国传统〔well brought up〕Despite the family's problems, the children were well brought up.尽管家庭有问题,这些孩子们也还是很有教养的。剑桥高阶〔well brought up〕He was a very well-brought-up young man.他是一个非常有教养的年轻人。剑桥高阶〔well brought up〕He's just a well-brought-up, middle-class boy.他只是个有教养的中产阶级家庭的男孩。柯林斯高阶〔well-bred〕He was too well-bred to tell her that he didn't like her singing.他很有教养,没有跟她说他不喜欢她的演唱。韦氏高阶〔well-bred〕Of good upbringing; well-mannered and refined.教养好的;风度佳的和文雅的美国传统〔widely〕He's an educated, widely-read man(= he has read a lot of books).他这个人有教养,博览群书。牛津高阶〔worldly〕She was surprised at their educated, worldly manner.她对他们教养有加、老成练达的举止很吃惊。外研社新世纪A well-brought-up person wouldn't make such threats.一个有教养的人不会做出这样的威胁。剑桥国际Anyone who dislikes Beethoven must be a barbarian. 谁不喜爱贝多芬的作品,谁必定是个没有教养的人。译典通Education departments in all the prisons are being put out to tender.所有监狱的教养部门都在招聘。剑桥国际He is suave, sophisticated, well-educated and extremely well-spoken.他举止儒雅,老于世故,教养良好,善于辞令。剑桥国际He was sent to borstal for shoplifting.因在商店里偷窃他被送进了青少年犯教养院。剑桥国际His behavior was suggestive of a cultured man. 他的举止暗示他是一个有教养的人。译典通I would say that maleness is purely biological, whereas masculinity is based largely on upbringing and social conditioning.我认为男性纯粹是生物学(现象),而男子气质很大程度上取决于教养及社会环境。剑桥国际It is barbarous to call at 5 a.m. 清晨五点给人打电话是缺乏教养的行为。译典通It's no easy job being a corrections officer.当教养官并不容易。剑桥国际Kate's new boyfriend is a very couth youth.凯特的新男朋友是一个很有教养的年轻人。剑桥国际Many boys in borstals are taught more serious crimes by older boys.青少年犯教养院里的许多男孩被年龄大的男孩教唆更严重的犯罪。剑桥国际One million dollars has been cut from the city's budget for law enforcement and corrections this year.该市今年从执法和教养预算中削减了一百万美元。剑桥国际That kid's so lippy. He should learn some respect.那个小孩说话真没教养。他应该学会尊敬别人。剑桥国际The offender was sent to a correctional facility. 罪犯被送到教养院。译典通They're a pair of inconsiderate, ill-bred youngsters, is all I can say! 我只能说他们是一对不顾他人、没教养的小子!剑桥国际Tolerance is a sign of breeding. 容忍是有良好教养的表现。译典通




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