

单词 无法忍受
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔STAND〕when a situation is so bad that you cannot stand it 情形糟糕得让人无法忍受朗文写作活用〔bear〕couldn't bear his lying. 无法忍受他的谎言美国传统〔endure〕unbearable pain, which they had to endure in solitude because not even the doctors could get near them. 他们不得不独自承受的无法忍受的疼痛,因为甚至连医生都无法靠近他们柯林斯高阶〔endure〕unbearable pain, which they had to endure in solitude他们不得不独自承受的无法忍受的疼痛外研社新世纪〔hard〕a hard life. 令人无法忍受的生活美国传统〔infliction〕without the unnecessary or cruel infliction of pain. 不会施以不必要的或令人无法忍受的痛苦柯林斯高阶〔intolerable〕intolerable pain.无法忍受的疼痛。牛津同义词〔intolerable〕intolerably hot 热得无法忍受牛津高阶〔maddening〕maddening pain 无法忍受的剧痛英汉大词典〔sustain〕can't sustain the blistering heat. 无法忍受酷热美国传统〔unbearable〕an unbearably hot day 热得让人无法忍受的一天朗文当代〔unbearable〕unbearable heat. 无法忍受的酷热美国传统〔unbearable〕unbearable pain 无法忍受的疼痛牛津高阶〔unendurable〕unendurable pain/suspense 无法忍受的痛苦/悬念剑桥高阶〔unholy〕an unholy mess/row/noise 无法忍受的杂乱/吵闹/噪声剑桥高阶




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