

单词 指植物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔American〕Indigenous to North or South America. Used of plants and animals.原产于美洲的,美洲特有的:北美洲或南美洲特有的。用于指植物和动物美国传统〔circumboreal〕Distributed or occurring chiefly throughout the boreal regions of North America and Eurasia. Used especially of plants.遍及北部地区的:主要分布或发生在北美和欧亚北部地区的。尤指植物美国传统〔habit〕Characteristic appearance, form, or manner of growth, especially of a plant or crystal.习性,特性:典型的外貌、形式或生长方式,尤指植物和晶体美国传统〔heliotropism〕Growth or orientation of a sessile organism, especially a plant, toward or away from the light of the sun.向日性,向光性:无柄有机体,尤指植物的向日光或偏离日光而成长或定位美国传统〔trash〕Something broken off or removed to be discarded, especially plant trimmings.断枝,碎块:为了丢弃而弄断或去掉的东西,尤指植物修剪后留下的剪屑美国传统〔winterkill〕To die from exposure to cold winter weather. Used especially of plants.被冻死:因暴露于冬季天气而死去。尤指植物美国传统




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