

单词 放映
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BROKEN/NOT BROKEN〕Occasionally something went wrong with the projector and the movie was canceled. 放映机偶尔会出问题,这样就得取消播放电影了。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕The Film Club could have played safe by starting the season with one of the ever-popular Hitchcock movies, but instead they chose to show an avant-garde documentary. 电影俱乐部本可以稳妥些,在本季开始时放映一部在任何时候都受欢迎的希区柯克影片,可他们却偏要放映一部先锋派纪录片。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕Any films that are shown here have to pass government censorship. 在这里放映的电影都必须通过政府的审查。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕Films like that should be banned! 那种电影应该禁止放映!朗文写作活用〔ORDER〕Movie scenes are not shot in the order in which they are shown. 电影镜头拍摄的先后和放映顺序是不一样的。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕For a time, the 1,600 seater hall was home to a Saturday night film show, before being converted to a night club. 这座可容纳1,600人的大厅在改建成夜总会之前,曾经是放映周六晚电影的地方。朗文写作活用〔actual〕The programme starts at 8.00 but the actual film doesn't start until 8.30.节目八点开始,但电影本身要到八点半才放映。朗文当代〔advance〕The film is advanced by an electric motor.影片由电动机带动放映。韦氏高阶〔armchair〕Recently children's holiday television programmes have been very strong on providing armchair adventures.近来假日儿童电视节目老是放映幻想冒险故事片。英汉大词典〔art house〕A movie theater that shows art films.艺术剧院:放映艺术影片的电影院美国传统〔ban〕The film was banned (= the government prevented it from being shown) in several countries.这部电影在几个国家都禁止放映。剑桥高阶〔be on〕There's a new film on in the cinema this evening.电影院里今晚放映一部新影片。21世纪英汉〔check〕Did you check to see where the movie was playing? 你有没有搞清楚电影放映的地点?韦氏高阶〔cinematograph〕A movie camera or projector.电影摄影机或放映机美国传统〔circuit〕Young's film has hit the festival circuit in the US.扬的电影得以在美国节日巡演中放映。牛津搭配〔congregate〕Youngsters love to congregate here in the evenings outside cinemas showing American films.晚上,年轻人喜欢聚集在放映美国电影的电影院外面。柯林斯高阶〔debate〕There has been heated debate about whether the movie should be allowed.关于是否准许放映这部影片一直激辩不休。牛津搭配〔distributor〕Theater owners lease films from film distributors.剧院老板从电影发行商处租电影放映。柯林斯高阶〔double feature〕A movie program consisting of two full-length films.两片连映:一次连续放映两个完整的影片美国传统〔drag on〕The director of the movie was dragged on at the end,to receive the cheers of the crowd.电影放映完时,该片导演被推上台接受观众的喝彩。21世纪英汉〔edit〕They're showing the edited highlights of last month's game.他们正在放映上月比赛的精彩片段剪辑。牛津高阶〔entirety〕The film has been shown in its entirety for the first time.这部电影是第一次完整地放映。朗文当代〔entirety〕The film should be shown in its entirety or not at all.电影应该完整放映,要不就干脆一点都不放。麦克米伦高阶〔film〕We'll start the film at 10:00.我们将在10点钟放映影片。韦氏高阶〔finish〕They held a celebration, with a new film to finish up with.他们举行了一个庆祝会,最后放映了一部新电影。英汉大词典〔fleapit〕It's an old fleapit, but it's the only place that shows foreign films.那是一家老跳蚤窝, 却是唯一放映外国电影的地方。外研社新世纪〔flick〕What's on at the flicks this week? 这周电影院放映什么?剑桥高阶〔flick〕What's on at the flicks tonight? 今晚电影院放映什么影片? 英汉大词典〔forum〕The movie show was followed by an open forum on editing techniques.电影放映后举行了一个有关剪辑技术的公开讨论会。牛津搭配〔four-letter word〕Four-letter words are often edited out of films before they are shown on television.电影在电视上放映之前,其中的脏字常常会被剪掉。剑桥高阶〔frame〕Standard 8mm projects at 16 frames per second.标准的 8 毫米的胶片每秒放映16 组镜头。柯林斯高阶〔freeze〕To stop (a moving film) at a particular image.使定格:在某个特别的图象出现时,中断(正在放映的电影)美国传统〔go〕There's a good film on at the Odeon. Shall we go? 奥登影院正在放映一部好片子,我们去看吧?剑桥高阶〔hold〕The film will be held over for another week.这部电影将继续放映一个星期。英汉大词典〔horror〕They show nothing but westerns and horrors.他们只放映西部片和恐怖片。英汉大词典〔jump〕The film jumped during projection.电影放映时跳了片。牛津高阶〔jump〕The film jumped during projection.电影图象在放映过程中发生跳动美国传统〔living〕The programme was televised in living colour.这节目曾以艳丽的色彩在电视中放映。英汉大词典〔movie〕Many people were shocked when the movie was first shown .这部电影第一次放映时令许多人感到震惊。朗文当代〔pap〕TV shows that offer nothing but pap.电视只放映一些没有价值仅供消遣的东西美国传统〔piss yourself (laughing)〕We pissed ourselves laughing during the movie.电影放映过程中我们捧腹大笑。韦氏高阶〔play〕Press “Play” to start the movie.按“播放”开始放映电影。韦氏高阶〔premiere〕Her film was premiered in Cannes Festival.她的影片在戛纳电影节首次放映。21世纪英汉〔preview〕An advance showing, as of a movie or an art exhibition, to which a selected audience is invited before public presentation begins.预审,预看:在公映或公开展览之前的预先放映或开放,如电影或艺术展览,只有少数经过挑选的观众被邀请美国传统〔preview〕An advance viewing or exhibition, especially the presentation of several scenes advertising a forthcoming movie; a trailer.预(试)演,预(试)映,预(试)展预告片:预先观看或展览,尤指放映即将公映的影片中的几个镜头以作宣传;(电影,电视等)的预告片美国传统〔projectionist〕One who operates a movie projector.电影放映员:操作电影放映机者美国传统〔project〕The machine projects motion pictures on/onto a screen.放映机把电影投射到银幕上。韦氏高阶〔project〕They were delighted to see their holiday slides projected on a screen.他们很高兴看到自己度假的幻灯片在银幕上放映。外研社新世纪〔put on〕We're putting on Bugsy Malone.我们正在放映《龙蛇小霸王》。外研社新世纪〔raster〕A scanning pattern of parallel lines that form the display of an image projected on a cathode-ray tube of a television set or display screen.光栅:一种并行线扫瞄的形式,会在电视机或放映屏幕的阴极光线管上投影出影像美国传统〔reconstruction〕Last night police staged a reconstruction of the incident.昨天晚上,警方放映了再现事故经过的影片。牛津高阶〔reconstruction〕The police staged a reconstruction of the events leading up to the murder.警方放映了再现导致谋杀案发生的系列事件的短片。牛津搭配〔rigidly〕The screening procedure must be rigidly applied.必须严格遵守放映程序。剑桥高阶〔road show〕A new movie shown at selected theaters usually for higher ticket prices.新影片专场放映:在选定的剧院放映且通常票价较高的新影片美国传统〔run to〕The film will run to Christmas.这部影片将连续放映到圣诞节。21世纪英汉〔running time〕The film has a running time of 125 minutes.这部电影放映时间长达125分钟。麦克米伦高阶〔screening〕A presentation of a movie.电影的放映美国传统〔screening〕There will be three screenings of the film - at 3 p.m., 5 p.m., and 7 p.m.电影分别将在下午3点、5点和7点放映3场。剑桥高阶〔screen〕The film was screened at the International Film Festival of India.印度国际电影节上放映了这部影片。外研社新世纪〔screen〕We'll be screening his latest film in two weeks.我们将在两周后放映他的最新影片。韦氏高阶〔season〕There is a short season of films by the French director Bertrand Tavernier.有一个短期电影周放映法国导演贝特朗·塔维尼埃的电影。麦克米伦高阶〔select〕The movie is being shown in selected cities.这部电影正在选中的几个城市里放映。柯林斯高阶〔sequence〕Scenes of a film are often shot out of sequence.电影场景常常不按电影放映顺序拍摄。麦克米伦高阶〔serial〕Relating to such publication or production.连续(载)的:关于分期连载小说或分次放映的制作的美国传统〔showing〕I gave him a private showing of the film.我单独给他放映了那部电影。外研社新世纪〔showing〕I gave him a private showing of the film.我给他私下里放映了那部电影。柯林斯高阶〔showing〕I saw a private showing of the film.我看了这部影片的私人专场放映。朗文当代〔showing〕Kung Fu films are now shown at special late night showings.武打片现正在深夜的专场放映。英汉大词典〔showing〕The movie's last showing tonight is at 10:30.今晚最后一场电影的放映时间是10:30。韦氏高阶〔showing〕There are three showings a day.一天放映三场。牛津高阶〔showing〕They attended a private showing of the new Disney movie.他们出席了那部迪士尼新片的不公开放映专场。牛津搭配〔show〕It's now showing at cinemas across London.现在全伦敦的电影院都在放映它。朗文当代〔show〕What film are they showing this week? 这星期他们放映什么电影?英汉大词典〔show〕Where is the new film showing? 新影片在何处放映?英汉大词典〔skin flick〕It's a cheap movie house that only shows skin flicks.这是一家只放映色情电影的廉价影院。剑桥高阶〔slide〕He gave a fascinating slide show on climbing in the Himalayas.他放映了攀登喜马拉雅山的精彩幻灯片。牛津搭配〔slow motion〕A filmmaking technique in which the action as projected is slower than the original action.慢动作:一种电影制作技巧,其中的动作放映得比原来的动作要慢美国传统〔start〕What time does the film start? 电影什么时候开始放映?朗文当代〔subtitle〕The Chinese movie was shown with English subtitles.这部中国电影放映时配了英文字幕。剑桥高阶〔talking head〕The person thus televised.在电视中被这样放映的人美国传统〔televise〕To broadcast or be broadcast by television.用电视放映:通过电视广播或被广播美国传统〔theatre〕The documentary opens tomorrow in movie theatres nationwide.这部纪录片明天起在全国电影院放映。牛津搭配〔title〕A written piece of translated dialogue superimposed at the bottom of the frame during a film; a subtitle.字幕:电映放映时叠映在画面底部的翻译过来的对话的书面形式;字幕美国传统〔uncut〕The film will be shown uncut to audiences over eighteen.那部影片将不删剪,放映给十八岁以上的观众看。文馨英汉〔unroll〕Guests bring movies on tape, and show them on the screen that unrolls from the ceiling.客人带来了电影录像带, 并在从天花板上放下来的幕布上放映。外研社新世纪〔video vérité〕A television filming or videotaping technique in which the subjects are portrayed with frank, unbiased realism, as for a documentary program. 纪实拍摄术:一种电视放映或录制技术,其主题以一种真实、无偏见的现实主义手法拍摄,如纪实节目美国传统〔white-ant〕Television had white-anted their audiences, and they had to use the place for other things besides films.电视挖走了他们的观众,因此他们不得不在放映电影外把电影院另作他用。英汉大词典〔zone out〕I zoned out during the movie.在电影放映过程中我走神了。韦氏高阶A lot of films now come out on video (= in the form of a video) very soon after they've been shown at the cinema.如今很多电影在电影院里放映后不久,很快就被制成了录像带。剑桥国际For your in-flight entertainment today, we are showing the film ‘Ghost’.今天为你们提供的机上娱乐活动是放映电影《人鬼情未了》。剑桥国际Four-letter words are often edited out of films before they are shown on television.电影在电视上放映之前四字母脏话常常先被删除。剑桥国际Her new movie opens in London tomorrow and will be screened nationwide next month.她的新片子明天在伦敦开映,下个月将在全国放映。剑桥国际Part of the display involves the projection of a series of images.这次展览的一部分包括一系列图象的放映。剑桥国际Press F5 to run the slide show.按 F5 键运行幻灯片放映。牛津商务The Chinese film was shown with English subtitles.这部中国影片放映时配有英文字幕。剑桥国际The movie was given an enthusiastic reception at its press screening last week.这部影片在上星期的记者招待放映会中受到热烈欢迎。剑桥国际There will be two fifteen-minute intermissions during the show.放映期间将有两次15分钟的中间休息。剑桥国际They showed the goal in slow motion.他们将射门动作用慢镜头放映。剑桥国际They slowed the film down to see if they could identify any of the faces.他们减慢了片子放映速度,看看是否能辨认出任何面孔。剑桥国际This film is being screened at main cinemas in town. 这部电影正在城里各大电影院放映。译典通




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