

单词 放弃了
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOPE〕The tunnel had never been finished. Perhaps the builders lost heart and abandoned it. 隧道工程半途而废了,也许是工人们丧失了信心放弃了。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Because Jean had given up a career to support her husband's career, the court ordered him to pay alimony. 由于琼为了支持丈夫的事业而放弃了自己的事业,法庭就判定他支付赡养费。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕All attempts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict have now been abandoned. 和平解决这场冲突的所有努力,现在都已经放弃了。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕As he grew older he gave up going for walks and seldom went out. 随着年龄越来越大,他放弃了散步的习惯,很少出门了。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕I made several attempts to repair the damage, but gave up in the end. 我几次试图修理破损的地方,但最后都放弃了。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕She abandoned her teaching career in favour / favor of singing.她为了做歌手而放弃了教师职业。牛津搭配〔abandon〕They abandoned their attempts to escape.他们放弃了逃跑的尝试。英汉大词典〔abdicable〕He abdicated his responsibilities and fled.他放弃了自己的职责逃跑了。21世纪英汉〔abdicate〕She abdicated all responsibility for the project.她放弃了有关该项目的所有职责。剑桥高阶〔abjure〕He abjured the Protestant faith and became King in 1594.他放弃了新教信仰, 于1594年登基为王。外研社新世纪〔abjure〕He abjured the Protestant faith and became King in 1594.他放弃了新教信仰,于1594年登基为王。柯林斯高阶〔abstention〕There were high levels of abstention (from voting) in the last elections.上几次选举中都有很多人放弃了投票权。剑桥高阶〔admit〕After months of protests, the government was forced to admit defeat and abandon the policy.在经过几个月的抗议后,政府被迫认输,放弃了该项政策。麦克米伦高阶〔all〕She'd given up all hope of having a child.她完全放弃了生孩子的希望。朗文当代〔apostatize from〕They apostatized from their belief.他们放弃了自己的信仰。21世纪英汉〔back down〕When threatened with a revolt of its own supporters, the government backed down.当支持者威胁要造反时,政府放弃了原来的主张。韦氏高阶〔backtracking〕The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system.委员会改变主意,放弃了有争议的奖金制度。柯林斯高阶〔back〕Jerry backed off when he realized how much work was involved.杰里知道有多大的工作量之后,就放弃了。朗文当代〔captcha〕The leading ticket sales website is to stop using the human verification system captcha in favour of something more user-friendly.几家最大的售票网站放弃了人机鉴别验证码系统,转而采用界面更为友好的办法。剑桥高阶〔cede〕They ceded their authority.他们放弃了权力。韦氏高阶〔chicken out〕He chickened out of playing when he saw the other team.当他看到对阵队伍时, 吓得放弃了比赛。外研社新世纪〔commune〕He gave up his job in the city and joined a commune.他放弃了城里的工作,加入到一个群居村之中。牛津搭配〔cure〕The ordeal cured him of any ambitions to direct again.那次痛苦的经历使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。外研社新世纪〔deep-six〕The committee deep-sixed the plan.委员会放弃了这项计划。韦氏高阶〔desert〕The price rise caused many readers to desert the magazine.价格上涨导致许多读者放弃了这本杂志。朗文当代〔despair〕She finally gave up in despair.她最后绝望地放弃了。韦氏高阶〔discouraged〕A lot of players get discouraged and quit.许多选手失去信心,放弃了。朗文当代〔dispossess〕The landlord has dispossessed the old tenement building.该房主已放弃了那座旧的经济公寓的所有权。21世纪英汉〔ditch〕We ditched the idea.我们放弃了这个主意。牛津同义词〔divest of〕He was divested of his title/power/dignity.他被迫放弃了头衔/权力/尊严。韦氏高阶〔drop sb/sth like a hot potato〕He dropped the plan like a hot potato when he realized how much it would cost him.当他意识到这个计划的代价后立即就放弃了这个烫手的山芋。剑桥高阶〔drop〕When nobody volunteered, the idea was finally dropped altogether.在没有人主动的情况下,这个构思就被完全放弃了。牛津搭配〔environmentally〕He veered away from the most environmentally sound option.他放弃了对环境保护最有利的选择方案。柯林斯高阶〔favour〕Early in his musical career he abandoned blues in favour of jazz.他在音乐生涯的早期就放弃了布鲁斯音乐而选择了爵士乐。牛津搭配〔fight〕She just gave up her fight for life.她就这样放弃了挣扎求生。牛津搭配〔follow〕Like a disciple following Christ, he gave up everything.就像追随基督的信徒一样, 他放弃了一切。外研社新世纪〔force〕Bad health forced her to abandon her studies.糟糕的健康状况使她被迫放弃了学业。麦克米伦高阶〔freewheeling〕He has given up his freewheeling lifestyle to settle down with his baby daughter.他放弃了自由放纵的生活方式,和幼小的女儿安顿下来。柯林斯高阶〔give up〕After a fruitless morning sitting at his desk he had given up.他在书桌前徒劳地坐了一上午之后便放弃了。柯林斯高阶〔give up〕We did our best to repair the engine, but in the end we had to give it up as impossible.我们尽了最大努力维修这台发动机,可最后还是因为修不好而放弃了。韦氏高阶〔going〕When the going gets tough, he just gives up.当遇到困难时, 他干脆放弃了。外研社新世纪〔good life〕She gave up a good job in the city to move to the country in search of the good life.她放弃了城里的好工作,搬到乡下去追求美好生活。韦氏高阶〔indefensible〕The checkpoint was abandoned as militarily indefensible.这个边检站因军事上无法防守而被放弃了。外研社新世纪〔jettison〕The scheme was jettisoned when the government found it too costly.政府发觉这项计划花费太大后就放弃了。朗文当代〔kidnapper〕I had given up all hope of tracing her kidnapper.我已经放弃了所有追踪到绑架她的绑匪的希望。外研社新世纪〔kiss〕She can kiss her vacation plans good-bye.她只能放弃了她的假期计划美国传统〔lapse〕He lapsed from Judaism when he was a student.他当学生时就放弃了犹太教。牛津高阶〔laugh〕His opponents surrendered the last laugh and accepted him as president.他的对手们放弃了最后获胜的希望并同意他出任主席。英汉大词典〔lucre〕He compromised his art for the pursuit of filthy lucre.为了追求不义之财,他放弃了他的艺术。韦氏高阶〔medicine〕She gave up general medicine to specialize in geriatrics.她放弃了内科学,专攻老年医学。牛津搭配〔most〕Some people kept working, but most became discouraged and quit.有些人坚持工作,但大多数人心灰意冷并且放弃了。韦氏高阶〔pass〕I can't believe you passed up the chance to do a parachute jump.我不敢相信你竟然放弃了尝试跳伞的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔pretence〕The army has given up any pretence of neutrality in the war.军队已放弃了在战争中的中立伪装。剑桥高阶〔programmatic〕He gave up on programmatic politics and turned his back on public life.他放弃了按部就班的政治工作, 不再参与公众事务。外研社新世纪〔punt on sth〕We punted on a motion that makes no sense.我们放弃了一个没有意义的动议。剑桥高阶〔recant〕He's now completely recanted his earlier statement.他现在已完全放弃了早先的声明。外研社新世纪〔relinquish〕He has relinquished his claim to the throne.他放弃了继承王位的要求。剑桥高阶〔rescue〕We had given up hope of rescue.我们那时已经放弃了获救的希望。牛津高阶〔ridicule〕The idea met with such ridicule that it was dropped.这个想法遭到那么多嘲笑,因此被放弃了。麦克米伦高阶〔right〕He renounced his right to the throne.他放弃了继承王位的权利。牛津搭配〔scrap〕We scrapped our plan when we worked out the cost.等我们计算出成本,就放弃了计划。牛津同义词〔screenwriting〕He gave up screenwriting in Hollywood.他放弃了好莱坞的编剧工作。外研社新世纪〔scrub〕I'm disappointed they scrubbed the idea without telling me.他们没有告诉我就放弃了这个想法, 我很失望。外研社新世纪〔scrub〕We scrubbed the idea in the end.最后我们放弃了这个想法。朗文当代〔sign away〕They signed the rights away when they sold their idea to DC Comics.他们在将点子出售给 DC 漫画公司时签字放弃了版权。柯林斯高阶〔sign off〕I signed off when I got a job.我找到工作后签字放弃了失业救济。外研社新世纪〔stab〕She made a half-hearted stab at medical school, and quickly withdrew.她漫不经心尝试过考医学院,但很快就放弃了。牛津搭配〔step out〕I don't regret stepping out of the security of marriage.我并不后悔放弃了婚姻所带来的安全感。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕He renounced Christianity, temporarily straining his relationship with his parents.他放弃了基督教信仰,从而与父母的关系暂时变得紧张。英汉大词典〔succumb〕The town finally succumbed last week after being pounded with heavy artillery for more than two months.在遭受了两个多月的猛烈炮火轰击后,小镇最终在上星期放弃了抵抗。剑桥高阶〔surrender〕The troops were forced to surrender the fort.部队被迫放弃了要塞。韦氏高阶〔surround〕He tried to run away but gave up when he found himself surrounded.他试图逃跑,但发现已被包围时只好放弃了这个念头。柯林斯高阶〔swap〕He has swapped his hectic rock star's lifestyle for that of a country gentleman.他放弃了摇滚歌星紧张忙碌的生活方式, 过起了乡村绅士的生活。外研社新世纪〔teaching〕He gave up his teaching post at Enfield.他放弃了在恩菲尔德的教学职位。外研社新世纪〔transcribe〕He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano.他放弃了为吉他谱曲,决定把作品改编成钢琴曲。柯林斯高阶〔transcribe〕He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano.他放弃了吉他谱曲, 决定改编钢琴曲作品。外研社新世纪〔try〕After a few tries, he gave up.试了几次之后, 他放弃了。外研社新世纪〔wistful〕I can't help feeling slightly wistful about the perks I'm giving up.我不禁为放弃了特殊待遇而感到有点儿失落。外研社新世纪〔write〕He felt hopeless; his teachers had written him off.他感到毫无希望,他的老师们已放弃了他。麦克米伦高阶〔year〕She gave up teaching three years ago.三年前,她放弃了教学工作。牛津高阶A lesser man (= a man who was not as strong or brave) might have given up at that point.一个稍弱些的人在那种情况下可能已经放弃了。剑桥国际Don't compromise your beliefs/principles for the sake of being accepted.不要为了得到别人的认同,就放弃了你的信仰/原则。剑桥国际He abjured his religion/his life of dissipation.他放弃了自己的宗教/放荡的生活。剑桥国际He dropped the idea/plan/business deal like a hot potato (= quickly stopped being interested) when he realized how much it would cost him.当他意识到这个主意/计划/交易的代价时,他立刻放弃了。剑桥国际He gave up his job so that he could nurse his mother at home in her last months.他放弃了工作,这样他就能在他母亲临终前的几个月里留在家里照料她。剑桥国际He has given up political power, but he remains securely in control of the army.他放弃了政治权力,但仍紧握军队的控制权。剑桥国际He must have gone completely loopy to give up a good job like that.他肯定犯傻了,竟然放弃了那样好的一个工作。剑桥国际He renounced his peerage.他放弃了爵位。剑桥国际I see he has backed down from the position he took last week. 我注意到他放弃了上星期的立场。译典通It was such a hassle trying to get my bank account changed that I nearly gave up.要改换我的银行帐户真是麻烦,我几乎放弃了努力。剑桥国际Many families are giving up disposables and using cloth diapers instead.许多家庭放弃了一次性用品,改用布料尿布。剑桥国际The army has given up any pretence of neutrality in the war.军队已放弃了在战争中的中立伪装。剑桥国际The barrister entirely renounced his right to object to a juror. 这位律师完全放弃了反对陪审团员的权力。译典通The government has shamelessly abandoned its principles.政府无耻地放弃了它的原则。剑桥国际The minister abandoned her holiday plans when a surprise general election intervened.一次出人意料的大选插入时,部长放弃了她的度假计划。剑桥国际They have made the results of their research available in the public domain.他们把自己的研究成果公布于众,放弃了版权保护。牛津商务They were forced to yield (up) some of their lands during the war.他们在战争中被迫放弃了一些土地。剑桥国际They've dropped the plan for a new railway line.他们放弃了建造新铁路线的计划。剑桥国际We abandoned the project on the advice of our cost accountant.我们根据成本会计师的建议,放弃了那个项目。牛津商务We'll have to forget (about) the whole thing (=we can't continue with the plan). [T; I + about] 我们不得不将整个计划都放弃了。剑桥国际




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