

单词 放射
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KEEP〕The scientists are keeping a record of radioactive levels in the area. 科学家正在对该地区的放射水平作记录。朗文写作活用〔Mössbauer effect〕The recoilless emission of gamma rays by radioactive nuclei of crystalline solids, and the subsequent absorption of the emitted rays by other nuclei.莫士包效应:由晶体状物质的放射性原子核产生的γ射线发出的无后坐力辐射,以及放射线被其他原子核的随后吸收美国传统〔NEW〕Important new discoveries in the field of radiology may lead to a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. 放射学领域的重要新发现可能会给癌症治疗带来突破。朗文写作活用〔account〕Wine is radioactive but few people stop drinking it on that account.葡萄酒有放射性, 但是很少有人就因此不再饮用了。外研社新世纪〔actinal〕Of, relating to, or located on the part of a radially symmetric animal from which the tentacles radiate or the side where the oral area is found.口侧的:呈放射状对称动物之触角向外伸展的部位的,与这一部位有关的,位于这一部位的或口腔所在部位的美国传统〔actinoid〕Having a radial form, as a starfish.放射线状的:具有放射性形状的,如海星美国传统〔beta decay〕The radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus accompanied by emission of a beta particle.β衰变:伴随β粒子释放的原子核放射性衰变美国传统〔beta particle〕A high-speed electron or positron, especially one emitted in radioactive decay.β粒子:一种高速电子或质子,主要在放射衰变中释放出美国传统〔bright〕Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts; shining.发亮的:放射或反射大量光的;照耀的美国传统〔careful〕They are radioactive and need careful handling.它们是有放射性的, 需要小心处理。外研社新世纪〔cineradiography〕A diagnostic technique in which a movie camera is used to film the images, as of internal body structures, produced through radiography or fluoroscopy.射线电影摄制:一种诊断技术,通过放射线照相或X光透视法,用电影摄影机拍摄图象,如人体内部结构的图象美国传统〔decay〕Physics Radioactive decay.【物理学】 放射性的蜕变、衰变美国传统〔discharge〕All discharges and disposals of radioactive waste from Springfields were within relevant limits.斯普林菲尔兹所有放射性废物的排放和处理都在限定的范围之内。外研社新世纪〔distribution〕Radiology was used to determine the distribution of the disease.曾利用放射学方法来测定这种疾病的分布。牛津搭配〔dosimeter〕All of the X-ray technicians are required to wear a dosimeter.所有X射线技术人员都必须佩带放射量计。英汉大词典〔dumping ground〕Eastern Europe is rapidly becoming a dumping ground for radioactive residues.东欧正在迅速成为放射性残渣的倾倒场。外研社新世纪〔effuse〕To radiate; diffuse.放射;扩散美国传统〔emanation〕Chemistry Any of several radioactive gases that are isotopes of radon and are products of radioactive decay.【化学】 射气:几种氡的同位素的放射性气体,是放射性物质衰变的产物美国传统〔emission nebula〕A nebula that absorbs ultraviolet radiation from stars and reemits it as visible light.发射星云:吸收星体的紫外线辐射并且转变成可见光放射出来的星云美国传统〔encase〕The original plan was to encase a small amount of a radioactive substance in a protective steel container.原先计划是要将少量的放射性物质封存在一个钢质防护罩中。柯林斯高阶〔environmental〕Examples of unsafe environmental conditions are noise, radiation, dust.不安全的环境条件, 例如噪音、放射线和粉尘。外研社新世纪〔existence〕The Geiger counter indicated the existence of radioactivity.盖戈计算器指示放射性的存在美国传统〔fallout〕The particles that descend in this fashion.辐射尘:以这种方式落下的放射性粒子美国传统〔filter〕Devices in the two chimneys would filter (out) (= remove) radioactive dust.两个烟囱里的装置可以滤除放射性尘埃。剑桥高阶〔gamma camera〕An electronic instrument used in medical diagnostics to visualize the distribution of radioactive compounds in animal tissue.Υ照相机:一种电子仪器,用于医学诊断以显现动物组织内放射性化合物的分布美国传统〔girandole〕A composition or structure in radiating form or arrangement, such as a rotating display of fireworks.五彩缤纷物,旋转烟火:放射形式或排列中的一种组合或结构,如旋转展示的焰火美国传统〔half-life〕Physics The time required for half the nuclei in a sample of a specific isotopic species to undergo radioactive decay.【物理学】 半衰期:放射性样品的原子核经历一半放射性衰变所需要的时间美国传统〔hot spot〕An area of intense heat, radiation, or activity.热点:具有强烈热量、辐射性或放射性的地区美国传统〔incidence〕There is a greater incidence of cancer in the families of radiation workers.接触放射性物质的工作人员,其家属的癌症发病率要更高一些。牛津搭配〔induce〕To produce (radioactivity, for example) artificially by bombardment of a substance with neutrons, gamma rays, and other particles.感生:通过用中子流、r射线线和其它一些粒子流射向一个物质而产生(例如,放射现象)美国传统〔infinitesimal〕The amounts of radioactivity present were infinitesimal.存在的放射量极小。剑桥高阶〔ingest〕Twelve workers have ingested radioactive substances well above the permitted maximum.12名工人摄入体内的放射性物质已大大超过允许的最高限度。英汉大词典〔locate〕The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.这台机器能准确地确定放射性物质的位置。牛津搭配〔luminous〕Emitting light, especially emitting self-generated light.发光的:放出光的,尤其是放射自己内部产生的光的美国传统〔mutagen〕An agent, such as ultraviolet light or a radioactive element, that can induce or increase the frequency of mutation in an organism.诱变剂:有机体中的一种可诱发或者增加突变的次数的因子,如紫外线或放射性元素美国传统〔mutate〕The genes are mutated by irradiation or chemicals.基因会因为放射或化学药物而发生突变。外研社新世纪〔mutate〕The technique has been to mutate the genes by irradiation or chemicals.该技术是通过放射线照射或者使用化学方法使基因变异。柯林斯高阶〔neuroradiology〕The branch of radiology that deals with the nervous system.神经放射学:放射学中研究神经系统的分支美国传统〔nuclear reaction〕A reaction, as in fission, fusion, or radioactive decay, that alters the energy, composition, or structure of an atomic nucleus.核反应:发生在核裂变、聚变或放射性衰变等条件下的改变原子核能量、组成或结构的反应美国传统〔opine〕Ernest Rutherford opined that his work on radioactive substances would be of little or no practical use.欧内斯特‧卢瑟福认为,他对放射性物质的研究工作没有多少或者没有实际用处。剑桥高阶〔phosphorescence〕Persistent emission of light following exposure to and removal of incident radiation.发磷光,闪磷火:曝露于入射的辐射线并将辐射线移开后持续放射光美国传统〔posit〕Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals.卡拉汉假定化学元素放射电磁信号。外研社新世纪〔problem〕No one has solved the problem of what to do with radioactive waste.还没有人能解决如何处理放射性垃圾这个难题。剑桥高阶〔projector〕A device for projecting a beam of light.探照灯:放射出光束的装置美国传统〔quasar〕A starlike object that has a large red shift and emits powerful blue light and often radio waves.类星体:一种类似星体的物体,它有很大的红移并放射出大量的蓝光,而且经常还有无线电波美国传统〔radial engine〕An internal-combustion engine, formerly used in propeller-driven aircraft, with cylinders arranged radially around the crankshaft.辐状引擎:曾用于螺旋推动式飞行器的内燃机,其汽缸呈放射状地环绕机轴排列美国传统〔radial〕A radial part, such as a ray, spoke, or radius.放射部:辐射状的部分,如光线、轮辐或半径美国传统〔radial〕The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass.白色的大理石地板镶嵌在铜质的放射形图案中。柯林斯高阶〔radiate〕Botany Having rays or raylike parts, as in the flower heads of daisies.【植物学】 有放射状部分的:有或好象有放射状的部分的,如雏菊的头状花序美国传统〔radiate〕To emit (light, for example) in or as if in rays.放射:以射线或象以射线一样发出(光)美国传统〔radiate〕To send out rays or waves.放射,辐射:发出射线或波美国传统〔radiation〕He goes in for radiation next week.他下周去做放射治疗。韦氏高阶〔radiation〕If the cancer returns, radiation therapy is successful in 90 per cent of cases.如果癌症复发,放射性疗法有90%的治愈率。柯林斯高阶〔radioactive〕The government has been storing radioactive waste at Fernald for 50 years.政府在弗纳德存放放射性废料已达50年之久。柯林斯高阶〔radioactive〕Uranium and plutonium are radioactive.铀和钚具有放射性。韦氏高阶〔radioactive〕Uranium is a radioactive material.铀是一种放射性物质。剑桥高阶〔radiobiology〕The use of radioactive tracers to study biological processes.放射生物学:用放射性追踪的使用来研究生物进程美国传统〔radiocarbon dating〕Carbon dating.放射性碳测年法美国传统〔radioecology〕The study of the effects of radiation and radioisotopes on an ecological population or community.放射性生态学:对放射性和放射性同位素对生态群落的影响的研究美国传统〔radioelement〕A naturally occurring or artificially produced radioactive element.放射性元素:自然产生或人为制造的放射性元素美国传统〔radioimmunology〕The study of immunity by radiolabeling and other radiological methods.放射免疫:用放射性物质标记或其它放射学方法进行免疫研究美国传统〔radiolarian〕Any of various marine protozoans of the order Radiolaria, having rigid siliceous skeletons and spicules.放射虫:一种放射虫目的海生原生动物,骨骼和针骨为硅质美国传统〔radiology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease.医疗辐射学:医学的一个分支,从事用放射性物质进行疾病诊断和治疗美国传统〔radiology〕The use of radiation for the scientific examination of material structures; radioscopy.放射检查:用放射进行物质结构的科学检查;射线检验美国传统〔radiopharmaceutical〕A radioactive compound used in radiotherapy or diagnosis.放射性药剂:一种用于放射性治疗或诊断的放射性化合物美国传统〔radioprotection〕Protection against the harmful effects of radiation.放射防护:对放射的有害影响的防护美国传统〔radioscopy〕Examination of the inner structure of optically opaque objects by x-rays or other penetrating radiation; radiology.放射检验:用X射线或其它穿透性的辐射对不透光的物体的内部构造进行的检查;放射学美国传统〔ray-finned fish〕Any of various bony fishes belonging to the subclass Actinopterygii, having fins supported by dermal rays.组织鳍鱼:属于辐鳍亚纲的各种多骨鱼之一,有由放射组织所支撑的鱼鳍美国传统〔ray〕A structure or part having the form of a straight line extending from a point.放射组织,放射状:具有射线形式的结构或部分美国传统〔ray〕A thin line or narrow beam of light or other radiant energy.光线,放射线:极细的一条或极窄的一束亮光或其它辐射能美国传统〔regimen〕We used a combined regimen of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.我们采用了化疗和放射治疗相结合的方案。牛津搭配〔roentgenology〕Radiology employing x-rays.X射线学:使用X射线的放射学美国传统〔rutherford〕A unit expressing the rate of decay of radioactive material, equal to one million disintegrations per second.卢瑟福:反应放射性材料衰变率的单位,等于每秒一百万次衰变美国传统〔seeker〕A device used in a moving object, especially a missile, that locates a target by detecting light, heat, or other radiation.自导头,自导导弹:尤指导弹内一种用于移动物体的装置,可通过探测光、热或其他放射形式来确定目标的位置美国传统〔seep〕Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs.放射性水已经渗入地下蓄水层中。柯林斯高阶〔shoot〕To emit (a ray or rays of light or another form of energy).放射:发出(一道或多道光线或另一种形式的能源)美国传统〔skill〕Veterinarians combine the skills of a surgeon, radiologist, dietitian and much more.兽医的工作要综合外科医生、放射治疗医师、营养师及其他专业技术能力。牛津搭配〔spectrum〕The distribution of energy emitted by a radiant source, as by an incandescent body, arranged in order of wavelengths.光谱:辐射源(如一白炽物体)放射出的根据波长来排定的能量分布美国传统〔spent〕Radioactive waste is simply spent fuel.放射性废物就是用后的燃料。柯林斯高阶〔starburst〕A shape or design with emanating rays that resembles the flash of light produced by an exploding star.星放射状:类似爆发的星产生的光芒那样的放射线的形状或图案美国传统〔substance〕Some workers had developed cancer after exposure to radioactive substances.有些工人接触放射性物质后得了癌症。麦克米伦高阶〔sun〕The radiant energy, especially heat and visible light, emitted by the sun; sunshine.日光:太阳放射出来的辐射能,尤指热和可见光;阳光美国传统〔tie〕Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太明确。外研社新世纪〔tie〕Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太清楚。柯林斯高阶〔torbernite〕A green radioactive mineral that is a hydrous crystalline phosphate of uranium and copper.铜铀云母:一种绿色的放射性矿物,为铀和铜的氢化结晶云母美国传统〔underground〕Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.低放射性固体废料将作深埋处理。外研社新世纪〔venogram〕A radiograph of a vein after injection of a radiopaque substance.静脉造影:一种静脉的放射线照片,在注入射线不能显著穿透的物质后拍摄美国传统〔weigh〕Economic benefits must be carefully weighed against the possible dangers of handling radioactive waste.考虑经济收益时,必须衡量处理放射性核废料可能出现的危险。剑桥高阶〔x-ray astronomy〕The branch of astronomy that deals with the properties of celestial bodies as indicated by the x-rays they emit.X射线天文学:天文学的分支学科,它利用天体放射的X光来研究天体的特性美国传统A spokesperson said that there was no danger of a leak/escape of radioactivity from the nuclear power station.发言人说核电站没有放射线泄漏之虞。剑桥国际According to received wisdom, exposure to such low levels of radioactive fall-out is harmless.根据常识,暴露于这么少量的放射性尘埃是无害的。剑桥国际Becquerel was one of the first scientists to study radioactivity.贝克勒尔是首批研究放射性的科学家之一。剑桥国际Now they are set to tackle one of their most ambitious clean-up jobs yet--radioactive waste.现在他们着手处理目前他们最为雄心勃勃的清理工作之一----放射性废料。剑桥国际Polonium is so radioactive that it glows in the dark.钋的放射性很强,能在黑暗中发光。剑桥国际Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl disaster contaminated the reindeer feeding grounds in northern Scandinavia.从切尔诺贝利灾祸中泄漏出的放射性尘埃污染了北斯堪的纳维亚驯鹿的觅食地。剑桥国际The insects are artificially reared and irradiated to make them sterile.这些昆虫由人工饲养,并进行放射处理使他们不能繁殖。剑桥国际The nuclear reactor was briefly shut down after an escape of non-radioactive steam from a faulty valve.从一只有毛病的活门里溢出了一股非放射性雾气后,核反应堆暂时关闭。剑桥国际The production and storage of radioactive waste is a major international environmental issue.放射性废料的产生和储存是个国际性环境大问题。剑桥国际This apparatus produces harmful radiations. 这个装置产生有害的放射物。译典通Uranium is a radioactive material.铀是放射性物质。剑桥国际




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