

单词 撰写
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abstract〕abstract a story for a book review 为一篇书评撰写故事梗概英汉大词典〔angle〕journalists who write heavily angled columns for national papers为全国性报纸撰写极具偏向性专栏的新闻记者外研社新世纪〔authorize〕an authorized biography 经授权撰写的传记韦氏高阶〔bat〕bat out a speech; bat out dance music. 草草撰写演讲稿;赶写一首舞曲美国传统〔book〕a book by Nelson Mandela, entitled Long Walk to Freedom 由纳尔逊·曼德拉撰写的名为《通往自由的漫长之路》的书麦克米伦高阶〔commission〕specially commissioned reports. 特别委托撰写的报告柯林斯高阶〔commission〕specially commissioned reports特别委托撰写的报告外研社新世纪〔composition〕the composition of a report 报告的撰写英汉大词典〔copying〕his ability to write the most lyrical copy in the history of sports television. 他能够撰写体育节目史上最富热情和激情的稿件柯林斯高阶〔copy〕his ability to write the most lyrical copy in the history of sports television他撰写体育电视史上最抒情稿件的能力外研社新世纪〔draft〕a draft of an article he was writing他正在撰写的一篇文章的草稿外研社新世纪〔foray〕the scientist's foray into fiction 那科学家对撰写小说的初步尝试英汉大词典〔hack〕a hack writer of cheap romances. 撰写庸俗的爱情故事的雇佣文人柯林斯高阶〔inspector〕the inspector in charge of producing the report 负责撰写报告的那位检查员牛津搭配〔leader〕a leader writer 社论撰写者(或本报评论员)英汉大词典〔memoir〕a retired politician who is writing his memoirs 正在撰写回忆录的卸任的政治家韦氏高阶〔pen〕the house where Anne Frank penned her famous diaries 安妮·弗兰克撰写她那著名日记的房子麦克米伦高阶〔prepare〕to prepare a report 撰写报告牛津高阶〔prostitute yourself〕a writer who prostituted himself by writing commercials 撰写商业广告糟蹋自己才华的作家韦氏高阶〔prostitute〕a writer who prostituted his talents by writing commercials 撰写商业广告糟蹋自己才华的作家韦氏高阶〔publicity〕write publicity 撰写宣传品英汉大词典〔speech〕the Prime Minister's speech-writers 总理的讲稿撰写人牛津搭配〔wrought〕a carefully wrought essay 缜密撰写的文章英汉大词典〔wrought〕carefully wrought essays 认真撰写的文章韦氏高阶a how-to guide to building a business plan 撰写商业计划的入门指南牛津商务a marketing team writing product brochures 撰写产品宣传册子的营销小组牛津商务guidelines for writing effective sales letters (= to possible customers) 撰写有效销售信函指南牛津商务preparing and filing the certificate of incorporation 公司章程的撰写与备案牛津商务




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