

单词 斑纹
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blotched〕the blotched tabby pattern of the domestic cat这只家猫的虎皮斑纹外研社新世纪〔freaked〕an insect freaked with azure and crimson 有蔚蓝色和深红色奇特斑纹的昆虫英汉大词典〔freak〕great splashes of colour freaking the sky 给天空抹上奇异斑纹的大片色彩英汉大词典〔indistinguishable〕indistinguishable twins; a moth with markings that make it indistinguishable from its background. 难以分辨的双胞胎;蛾翅膀上的斑纹使得它与背景无法分辨美国传统〔marking〕a black cat with white markings 带白色斑纹的黑猫韦氏高阶〔mark〕gray fur that is marked with stripes. 带斑纹的灰色皮毛美国传统〔patterning〕the patterning of the bird's winter/summer plumage鸟类在冬天/夏天的羽毛斑纹排列外研社新世纪〔spectacled〕a spectacled alligator 有眼镜状斑纹的鳄鱼英汉大词典〔spectacled〕a spectacled bear 眼镜斑熊(南美产,眼部周围有轮形斑纹)文馨英汉〔tan〕a horse with tan markings 有棕褐色斑纹的马韦氏高阶




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