

单词 斋戒
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ablution〕perform [make] one's ablutions 举行斋戒沐浴文馨英汉〔austere〕austere practices 苦修(如斋戒、索居密室等) 英汉大词典〔discipline〕the Roman Catholic discipline relating to fasting 天主教斋戒戒律英汉大词典〔fasting〕a time of fasting and prayer 斋戒祈祷时间韦氏高阶〔fasting〕the Muslim holy month of fasting and prayer. 穆斯林斋戒和祈祷的圣月柯林斯高阶〔fasting〕the Muslim holy month of fasting and prayer穆斯林神圣的斋戒和祈祷月外研社新世纪〔fast〕fast on bread and water (斋戒时)只吃面包和水文馨英汉〔fast〕go on a three-day fast 进行为期三天的斋戒文馨英汉〔meatless〕meatless days. 不食肉的日子,斋戒的日子美国传统〔penance〕a time of fasting, penance and pilgrimage. 斋戒、补赎和朝圣的时代柯林斯高阶〔repentance〕a holy day of fasting, prayer, and repentance 斋戒、祷告和忏悔的圣日韦氏高阶〔ritually〕fastings and ritual dancing. 斋戒和传统舞蹈柯林斯高阶〔unto〕a fast unto death. 一直坚持到死的斋戒美国传统




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