

单词 无脊
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔biting fly〕A dipteran fly, such as a mosquito, midge, or horsefly, with mouthparts that are adapted to biting and piercing humans and other invertebrates.双翅飞虫:双翅飞虫(如蚊子、蠓或马蝇),具有叮咬和刺入人类及其它无脊椎动物的口器美国传统〔brain〕A functionally similar portion of the invertebrate nervous system.脑:无脊椎动物神经系统中具有类似功能的部分美国传统〔cloaca〕The posterior part of the intestinal tract in various invertebrates.泄殖腔:各种无脊椎动物内肠道的后部分美国传统〔diploblastic〕Derived from two embryonic germ layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm. Used of lower invertebrates, such as sponges and coelenterates.双胚层的:具有两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的。用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物美国传统〔endoskeleton〕An internal supporting skeleton, derived from the mesoderm, that is characteristic of vertebrates and certain invertebrates.骨骼:体内支撑的骨骼,由中胚层而来的,是脊椎动物及某些无脊椎动物所特有的特性美国传统〔eyespot〕A simple visual organ of certain invertebrates consisting of a sensory ending covered by light-sensitive, pigmented cells.眼点:某个无脊椎动物的一个简单的视觉器官,由覆盖着感光的色素细胞的感觉末梢组成美国传统〔foot〕A structure used for locomotion or attachment in an invertebrate animal, such as the muscular organ extending from the ventral side of a mollusk.足部:无脊椎动物用于移动或接连的结构,比如软体动物腹侧延伸的强壮器官美国传统〔gizzard〕A similar digestive organ found in certain invertebrates, such as the earthworm.砂囊,胃,内脏:在一些的无脊椎动物身上有类似的消化器官,如蚯蚓美国传统〔grade〕The type graded downward into the lower invertebrates.这物种逐渐退化为低等无脊椎动物。英汉大词典〔head〕The analogous part of an invertebrate organism.头状物:无脊椎生物中类似的部分美国传统〔heart〕A similarly functioning structure in invertebrates.类似心脏的结构:无脊椎动物类似的功能结构美国传统〔hemocyte〕A cellular component of the blood, especially of an invertebrate.血细胞:血液的细胞组成部分,尤指无脊椎动物者美国传统〔hemolymph〕The circulatory fluid of certain invertebrates, analogous to blood in arthropods and to lymph in other invertebrates.血淋巴:某些无脊椎动物的循环体液,在节肢动物中起血液作用,在另外一些无脊椎动物中起淋巴的作用美国传统〔invertebrate〕An animal, such as an insect or a mollusk, that lacks a backbone or spinal column.无脊椎动物:缺少脊骨或脊柱的动物,例如昆虫或软体动物美国传统〔invertebrate〕Invertebrates, such as worms, are the main diet of these water birds.蠕虫之类的无脊椎动物是这些水鸟的主要食物。剑桥高阶〔invertebrate〕Lacking a backbone or spinal column; not vertebrate.无脊椎的:缺少脊骨或脊柱的;无脊椎的美国传统〔invertebrate〕Worms are invertebrates.蠕虫是无脊椎动物。韦氏高阶〔kidney〕An excretory organ of certain invertebrates.肾:某些无脊椎动物的排泄器官美国传统〔labium〕A liplike structure, such as that forming the floor of the mouth of certain invertebrates, especially insects.下唇:一种唇状结构,如组成某些无脊柱动物的下唇基节,尤指昆虫美国传统〔liver〕An organ in invertebrates that is similar to the vertebrate liver.肝:位于无脊椎动物体内与脊椎动物的肝脏相似的器官美国传统〔lung〕A similar organ in some invertebrates, including spiders and terrestrial snails.呼吸器官:在某些无脊椎动物(包括蜘蛛和陆栖蜗牛)中相似的器官美国传统〔mandible〕Any of various mouth organs of invertebrates used for seizing and biting food, especially either of a pair of such organs in insects and other arthropods.上颚:任一无脊椎动物用于啄咬食物的器官,尤指昆虫或其它节肢动物的上颚或下颚美国传统〔monocyclic〕Biology Having a single whorl, as certain flowers and the shells of certain invertebrates.【生物学】 单轮的:只有一轮的,如某些花和某些无脊椎动物的外壳美国传统〔nephrostome〕The ciliated funnel-shaped inner opening of a nephridium into the coelom in some invertebrates and lower vertebrates.肾孔,肾口:一些无脊椎动物和低等椎动物体内通向体腔的肾管纤毛,漏斗形,内部开口美国传统〔ocellus〕A small simple eye, found in many invertebrates, usually consisting of a few sensory cells and a single lens.单眼:小而简单的眼,出现于多种无脊椎动物,通常含有一些感官细脆和单一眼睛水晶体美国传统〔otolith〕One of many minute calcareous particles found in the inner ear of certain lower vertebrates and in the statocysts of many invertebrates.耳石:某些低等脊椎动物的内耳和许多无脊椎动物的平衡囊中的细小石灰质微粒美国传统〔ovoviviparous〕Producing eggs that hatch within the female's body without obtaining nourishment from it. Used of certain fishes and reptiles and many invertebrates.卵胎生的:不需从母体内吸取营养,在母体内产卵并发育。用于某些鱼类或爬行动物和许多无脊椎动物美国传统〔periproct〕The area around the anus in certain invertebrates, such as echinoderms.围肛部:某些无脊椎动物肛门的周围部分,如棘皮动物美国传统〔peristome〕Zoology The area or parts around the mouth in certain invertebrates.【动物学】 口缘:某些无脊椎动物口部周围地区美国传统〔proboscis〕The slender, tubular feeding and sucking organ of certain invertebrates, such as insects, worms, and mollusks.喙:某些无脊椎动物,如昆虫、蠕虫和软体动物细长的管状进食和吮吸器官美国传统〔prosoma〕The anterior or cephalic portion of the body of certain invertebrates, such as arachnids, in which segmentation is not evident.前体:某些无脊椎动物比如蜘蛛类动物的头部或前面部分,在这一部位环节不明显美国传统〔pseudocoel〕An internal body cavity of some primitive invertebrates, similar to a coelom but lacking a mesodermal lining.假体腔:某些原始无脊椎动物体内腔室,与体腔相似,但是没有中胚膜美国传统〔pygidium〕The posterior body region or caudal segment of certain insects and other invertebrates.尾节,尾板:特定昆虫以及其他无脊椎动物的后部的身体或尾部美国传统〔spermary〕An organ or a gland in which male gametes are formed, especially in invertebrate animals.精巢,睾丸:尤指无脊椎动物形成雄性配子的器官或腺体美国传统〔spineless〕A jellyfish is a spineless animal.水母是无脊椎动物。英汉大词典〔spineless〕Lacking a spinal column; invertebrate.无脊柱的;无脊椎的美国传统〔stomach〕A similar digestive structure of many invertebrates.似胃的:许多无脊椎动物的相似的消化器官美国传统〔testis〕An analogous gland in an invertebrate animal, such as a hydra or a mollusk.睾丸:无脊椎动物如水螅或软体动物的类似腺体美国传统〔toe〕The terminal segment of an invertebrate's limb.无脊椎动物肢体的末端美国传统〔tongue〕An analogous organ or part in invertebrate animals, as in certain insects or mollusks.喙,齿舌:某些昆虫或软体动物等无脊椎动物所具有的舌状器官或身体部位美国传统〔trochophore〕The small, free-swimming, ciliated aquatic larva of various invertebrates, including certain mollusks and annelids.担轮动虫:多种水生无脊椎动物,体型很小能自由游动的、有纤毛的幼虫,包括某些软体动物和环节动物的幼虫美国传统〔verge〕The male organ of copulation in certain invertebrates. 雄性生殖器官:某些无脊椎动物的雄性生殖器官美国传统〔worm〕The kiwi bird eats worms, other invertebrates, and berries.奇翼鸟以蠕虫、其他无脊椎动物和浆果为食。剑桥高阶〔zoochlorella〕Any of numerous unicellular green algae that live symbiotically within the cells of other organisms, especially those of many freshwater invertebrates.虫绿藻:一种单细胞绿藻,共生地生长在其他生物体的细胞内,尤指许多淡水的无脊椎动物细胞内美国传统〔zoophyte〕Any of various invertebrate animals, such as a sea anemone or sponge, that attach to surfaces and superficially resemble plants.植形动物:一种无脊椎动物,附着在表面而且看上去象植物一样,例如海葵和海绵美国传统〔zooxanthella〕Any of various yellow-green algae that live symbiotically within the cells of other organisms, such as those of certain radiolarians and marine invertebrates.动物黄藻:与其它生物细胞共生的黄绿色海藻,如某些放射虫和海生无脊椎动物美国传统Invertebrates, such as worms, are the main diet of these water birds.无脊椎动物,如软体虫,是这些水鸟的主要食物。剑桥国际




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