

单词 方便的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕Pasta salad is a dish that you can easily prepare in advance. 通心粉沙拉是一道很方便的、可预先准备好的菜式。朗文写作活用〔CONVENIENT〕Finding a time that suits everyone is going to be difficult. 找一个大家都方便的日子不容易。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕I can easily alter the dress for you, but I'll need your exact measurements. 为你改一下这件衣服很方便的,但我要先准确地量一量你的尺寸。朗文写作活用〔accommodating〕Helpful and obliging.乐于帮忙的,与人方便的美国传统〔blow in〕You won't see Garry for months, then one day he'll blow in, some time when it's not convenient.你几个月都会见不到加里, 然后某一天, 他会突然冒出来, 有时是在你并不方便的时候。外研社新世纪〔come〕Thank you! That'll come in useful when we go camping.谢谢你!我们去野营时带上它会很方便的。外研社新世纪〔comfort food〕Easily prepared plain food, such as macaroni and cheese, meat loaf, or puddings, sometimes prepackaged.方便的食物:容易准备的普通食物,例如空心面和干酪、肉面包或布丁,有时预先包装美国传统〔commodious〕Archaic Suitable; handy.【古语】 合适的;方便的美国传统〔convenience〕Can you telephone me at your convenience (= when it is convenient for you) to arrange a further meeting? 能不能在你方便的时候给我打个电话以便安排下一次见面?牛津搭配〔convenience〕Delivery times are arranged at your convenience.交货时间安排在你方便的时候。外研社新世纪〔convenience〕Delivery times are arranged at your convenience.送货时间会安排在您方便的时候。柯林斯高阶〔convenience〕Mail order is a convenience for buyers who are too busy to shop.邮购对于那些没有时间逛商店的购物者来说是一项非常方便的服务。柯林斯高阶〔convenience〕We can meet to discuss this further at your convenience.我们可以在你方便的时候碰个头,进一步讨论此事。麦克米伦高阶〔conveniently〕Conveniently enough, there's a post office near my house.够方便的是,我家附近就有邮局。文馨英汉〔conveniently〕Conveniently, her parents are often willing to babysit.方便的是,她父母往往都愿意临时照看一下小孩。朗文当代〔conveniently〕Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place.马丁一直往前开,直到找到了一个方便的停车场。柯林斯高阶〔conveniently〕She will try to arrange a mutually convenient time and place for an interview.她会尽力安排一个双方都方便的时间和地点进行面试。柯林斯高阶〔conveniently〕We cannot make this minority a convenient excuse to turn our backs.我们不能拿少数这几个人作为一种方便的借口而对此置之不理。柯林斯高阶〔convenient〕I'll call back at a more convenient time.在比较方便的时候我会回电话的。牛津高阶〔convenient〕If it's convenient, call me tomorrow before noon.如果方便的话,明天中午之前给我打电话。麦克米伦高阶〔convenient〕Mail-order catalogs are a convenient way to shop.使用邮购目录是一种方便的购物方式。朗文当代〔convenient〕My secretary will call you to arrange a convenient time to meet.我的秘书会打电话给你安排一个方便的时间见面。朗文当代〔convenient〕The bus stop around the corner is probably the most convenient.拐角处的公共汽车站可能是最方便的。朗文当代〔convenient〕We arranged a mutually convenient time to meet.我们安排了一个双方都方便的时间会面。牛津搭配〔date〕Give me a couple of dates that are good for you.给我几天对你方便的时间。牛津搭配〔disabled〕The theatre has good access for the disabled.这家剧院为残疾人准备了很方便的通道。朗文当代〔dispense〕The lotion is dispensed by a handy pump action spray.洗液由一个使用方便的按压式皂液器提供。柯林斯高阶〔easily〕These journeys are most easily made by plane.去这些地方旅行坐飞机是最方便的。外研社新世纪〔go on with〕I'll go on with the cases, and you follow in your own time.我带这些箱子先走,你随后在方便的时候来。21世纪英汉〔handicap〕Being a foreigner was not a handicap.作为外国人没有什么不方便的。外研社新世纪〔inconvenience〕The state or quality of being inconvenient.不方便:不方便的状态或性质美国传统〔inconvenient〕I can call back later if this is an inconvenient time.如果现在不方便的话我过会儿再打来。外研社新世纪〔inconvenient〕She called at a most inconvenient time.她在一个很不方便的时间打来电话。牛津搭配〔inconvenient〕Working parents are not allowed to refuse inconvenient shifts.上班的父母即使碰上时间不方便的轮班也不能拒绝。外研社新世纪〔it〕If it's convenient I can come tomorrow.方便的话,我可以明天过来。牛津高阶〔mutually〕A meeting would take place at a mutually convenient time.会议会在双方都方便的时间举行。外研社新世纪〔mutually〕A meeting would take place at a mutually convenient time.会议拟在双方都方便的时候召开。柯林斯高阶〔mutually〕We need to find a mutually convenient date for the talks.我们需要找一个对彼此来说都方便的会谈日期。麦克米伦高阶〔only〕Drop in and see me when you're ready. Only don't take too long about it.方便的时候来我这里坐坐,只是别让我等太久。柯林斯高阶〔painless〕The train is a quick and painless way to travel.火车是一种快捷方便的旅行方式。朗文当代〔place〕There are light switches conveniently placed on each side of the bed.床的两边都设置了方便的电灯开关。麦克米伦高阶〔purchase〕A device, such as a tackle or lever, used to obtain mechanical advantage.似杠杆的设计:如杠杆或滑车等用于取得机械上的方便的设计美国传统〔reach〕The shops are in easy reach.店铺都在很方便的地方。牛津同义词〔ready-mix〕A mixture in proper proportions of two or more ingredients, as of concrete or a food product, marketed for convenience; a premix.预拌品;半成品食物:将两种或两种以上成份按适当比例调制好了的混合品,如预拌混凝土或食物,为了方便的目的而销售预制混合品美国传统〔rush〕Some time when it's convenient. There's no rush.等方便的时候吧。不必急急忙忙。英汉大词典〔screen〕It's easy to change the text on screen before printing it.打印之前在屏幕上修改文本是很方便的。朗文当代〔turntable〕A rotating platform or disk, such as a lazy Susan.转台:旋转的平台或圆盘,如餐馆中可旋转的供客人取餐方便的圆转盘美国传统〔uninviting〕Airport hotels used to be drab, uninviting and inconvenient places.机场旅馆过去一直都是单调乏味、毫无吸引力又很不方便的地方。外研社新世纪〔union〕A building housing such facilities.俱乐部会馆:提供这样方便的建筑物美国传统〔union〕An organization at a college or university that provides facilities for recreation; a student union.学生俱乐部,会社:为娱乐提供方便的学院或大学的组织;学生职盟美国传统〔whichever〕Either Thursday or Friday - choose whichever day is best for you.星期四或星期五都行——选一个你最方便的日子。剑桥高阶〔whichever〕We can go to the seven o'clock performance or the eight - whichever is best for you.我们可以去看7点或8点的演出——选一个你最方便的时间。剑桥高阶A space station in high orbit might be a convenient way station for future cosmonauts intending to visit Mars.太空轨道中的空间站对于想去拜访火星的未来宇宙人来说也许是一个方便的小站。剑桥国际A vacuum cleaner is a handy household tool. 吸尘器是一种使用方便的家庭用具。译典通Can you telephone me at your convenience to arrange a meeting? 能否在你方便的时候给我来个电话安排见面?牛津商务I find my bike a very convenient way of getting around.我发现自行车是很方便的交通工具。剑桥国际I have a very flexible arrangement with my employer so I can work whatever hours suit me.雇主给我作的安排十分灵活机动,以便我在一天中最方便的时候上班。剑桥国际I'm going to put the kitchen shelves up this afternoon, so I want to keep that drill handy (=in a convenient place).我打算今天下午搭厨房的架子,因此我打算把这钻子放在拿取方便的地方。剑桥国际Living within shouting distance of the station is very convenient.住在车站附近是很方便的。剑桥国际Not having a computer is an inconvenience. 没有电脑是很不方便的事。译典通Please come whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的时候,请随时来。译典通The incorporation of corrections is easy with a word processor.用字处理机来修改错误是很方便的。剑桥国际This software doesn't offer multi-tasking capability, but it does have easy-to-use graphics.这套软件没有多任务处理功能,却有方便的图文界面。剑桥国际We have gone to a lot of trouble to make the questionnaire as user-friendly as possible.在使调查意见表尽可能使用方便的问题上,我们做了许多努力。剑桥国际With an hour's walk to the nearest telephone, communication is not so easy.通讯联络是极不方便的,因为走到最近的电话亭就要一个小时。剑桥国际You can do it at your convenience. 你可以在方便的时候做。译典通You can do it in your own good time. 你可以在方便的时候去做。译典通




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