

单词 方便的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CONVENIENT〕a place that is good because it is near to other places 因为离其他地方近而方便的场所朗文写作活用〔access〕planning changes that would provide better access for disabled visitors规划中使残障参观者进入更方便的改动外研社新世纪〔amenity〕a kitchen with every convenience; 非常方便的厨房;美国传统〔bite-sized〕sushi served in convenient bite-size pieces 一口大小吃起来方便的寿司朗文当代〔civilized〕call at a civilized hour 在别人方便的时间去拜访英汉大词典〔clever〕a craft clever to handle 操纵方便的飞机英汉大词典〔coding〕a colour coding that will ensure easy reference for potential users. 确保潜在用户查阅方便的颜色编码柯林斯高阶〔commutable〕female singers within commutable distance of Kent肯特郡附近那些往来方便的女歌手外研社新世纪〔conveniently〕a flexible and convenient way of paying for business expenses. 灵活而方便的业务费用支付方式柯林斯高阶〔conveniently〕two conveniently placed push-buttons. 两个很方便的按钮柯林斯高阶〔convenient〕arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting 安排一个方便的时间和地点举行会议英汉大词典〔convenient〕if it is convenient to (或 for) you 如果于你方便的话英汉大词典〔cosy〕the cosy world of journalists and their publishers记者与出版商之间互行方便的圈子外研社新世纪〔easy〕a book designed for quick and easy reference 设计得查阅起来快捷又方便的一本书牛津搭配〔foolproof〕a foolproof automatic washer 使用方便的自动洗衣机英汉大词典〔gadget〕a clever gadget 使用方便的精巧装置韦氏高阶〔handy〕a handy electronic diary 非常方便的电子日记麦克米伦高阶〔inconvenient〕an inconvenient moment.不方便的时刻。牛津同义词〔inconvenient〕an inconvenient road with no parking on the edge of town在城镇边缘没有停车带的很不方便的公路外研社新世纪〔inconvenient〕an inconvenient time/place 不方便的时间╱地点牛津高阶〔inconvenient〕an inconvenient time/place 不方便的时间/地点剑桥高阶〔instant〕instant foods and drinks 调制快速而方便的食品和饮料英汉大词典〔pocket-sized〕a handy pocket-sized reference book. 方便的袖珍参考书柯林斯高阶〔point〕a convenient midway point between Memphis and St. Louis 孟菲斯和圣路易斯之间一个方便的中途点牛津搭配〔short cut〕a handy keyboard shortcut that takes you to the top of the screen. 可以实现回到屏幕顶端操作的很方便的键盘快捷键柯林斯高阶〔station〕take up a convenient station 找个方便的位置英汉大词典〔user-friendly〕user-friendly libraries. 使用方便的图书馆柯林斯高阶




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