

单词 指代
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔La Raza〕Mexicans or Mexican Americans considered as a group, sometimes extending to all Spanish-speaking people of the Americas.拉雅族人:墨西哥人或是墨裔美国人的总称,有时也扩展到指代所有说西班牙语的美洲人美国传统〔SAT〕A trademark used for Scholastic Aptitude Test.学术能力测验:指代(美国)学术能力测试的一种标志美国传统〔antecedent〕Grammar The word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers.【语法】 先行词:代名词所指代的词,短语或句子美国传统〔apply〕The author applies the name/label to corrupt politicians.作家用这一名称/称号来指代腐败的政客。韦氏高阶〔by〕The Federal Bureau of Investigation is usually referred to by its initials “FBI.” 人们通常用首字母组合FBI来指代联邦调查局。韦氏高阶〔collective noun〕A noun that denotes a collection of persons or things regarded as a unit.集合名词:指代一组人或物的名词美国传统〔cross〕A mark or pattern formed by the intersection of two lines, especially such a mark (X) used as a signature.十字形记号:由两根交叉的线组成的记号或形状,尤指代替签字的这一符号(X)美国传统〔he〕Used to refer to a male animal.雄性动物:用来指代雄性动物美国传统〔he〕Used to refer to the man or boy previously mentioned or implied.他:用来指代前面提到或暗示到的男子或男孩美国传统〔paramilitary〕Of, relating to, or being a group of civilians organized in a military fashion, especially to operate in place of or assist regular army troops.准军事的,辅助军事的:属于、有关或是由群众成的军队形式的,尤指代替或帮助正规军队作战的美国传统〔parlance〕The phrase is common diplomatic parlance for spying.这种说法是指代间谍行为的常用外交辞令。柯林斯高阶〔predicate nominative〕A noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and refers to the same person or thing as the subject of the verb.谓语性主格:跟在系动词后面并指代作为该动词主语的同一人或事的名词或代词美国传统〔pronoun〕Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has already been mentioned.代词常用于指代已提到过的名词。剑桥高阶〔refer〕The relative pronoun refers (back) to its antecedent.关系代词所指代的是其先行词。英汉大词典〔symbol〕Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible.象征,标志:通过联系、类似或传统来代表其它事物的某件东西,尤指代表抽象东西的实体美国传统〔they〕Used to refer to people in general as seen in a position of authority.通常用于指代有地位有权威的人美国传统〔they〕Used to refer to people in general.大家:通常用于指代一般人美国传统〔they〕Used to refer to the ones previously mentioned or implied.他们:用于指代前面提及或暗指过的人美国传统〔thing〕Something referred to by a word, a symbol, a sign, or an idea; a referent.东西:用文字、符号、标志或思想指代的事物;参照物美国传统〔thou〕Used to indicate the one being addressed, especially in a literary, liturgical, or devotional context.你:尤在文学、礼拜或祈祷文献中用于指代所强调之人美国传统〔you-all〕You. Used in addressing two or more people or referring to two or more people, one of whom is addressed.你们,你们大家:你们,用于称呼或指代两个或多个人,其中一人是所称呼的人美国传统Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has already been mentioned.代词常用于指代已提到过的名词。剑桥国际




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