

单词 无线电
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Citizens' Band〕Long-distance truck drivers often use CB radio to talk to each other.长途卡车司机常常用民用波段无线电相互交谈。剑桥高阶〔IARU〕International Amateur Radio Union.国际业余无线电爱好者联合会美国传统〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Radio transmissions were often cut off or unintelligible. 无线电传送经常会出现中断或信号模糊。朗文写作活用〔airwaves〕More and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves.愈来愈多的电视台和广播电台使无线电波段愈来愈拥挤。牛津高阶〔air〕The radio station airs a Japanese course three times a week.这家无线电台每周播送日语课三次。英汉大词典〔alias〕Electronics A false signal in telecommunication links from beats between signal frequency and sampling frequency.【电子学】 假信号:信号频率和取样频率之间的拍子在无线电通信线路产生的假信号美国传统〔answerback〕A response to a transmission made over a two-way radio.回应:对双向无线电通信信号的反应美国传统〔awareness〕He introduced radio to the school to increase the children's awareness.他给学校接了无线电以使孩子们能了解更多的信息。外研社新世纪〔backup〕They realized that Sykes was armed, and radioed for backup.他们意识到赛克斯随身带着武器,便用无线电请求支援。麦克米伦高阶〔bandwidth〕The numerical difference between the upper and lower frequencies of a band of electromagnetic radiation, especially an assigned range of radio frequencies.带宽:电磁辐射频带中高频与低频之间的数值差,尤指某设定的无线电频率范围美国传统〔blind spot〕An area where radio reception is weak or nonexistent.静区:无线电信号很弱或不存在的地区美国传统〔booster〕Electronics A radio-frequency amplifier.【电子学】 辅助放大器:一种无线电频率放大器美国传统〔bounce〕Radioed messages were bouncing off the aircraft carrier.无线电报正从航空母舰劈啪拍发。英汉大词典〔cb〕A truck driver used his CB radio to call for help.卡车司机用民用波段无线电呼救。牛津高阶〔chassis〕The framework to which the components of a radio, television, or other electronic equipment are attached.底架:无线电、电视或其它电子仪器的组成部分都安装于其上的框架美国传统〔compass〕Another device, such as a radio compass or a gyrocompass, used for determining geographic direction.罗盘:另一种设备,例如无线电罗盘或陀螺罗盘,用于确定地理方向美国传统〔control tower〕A tower at an airfield from which air traffic is controlled by radio and observed physically and by radar.指挥塔台:可在其中用无线电指挥空中交通并可用肉眼或雷达观察空中交通的机场指挥塔台美国传统〔cosmic noise〕Radio-frequency radiation originating outside Earth's atmosphere, such as that originating from sunspots.宇宙噪音:来自地球以外空间的无线电频段的辐射,例如来自太阳黑子的宇宙噪音美国传统〔dead spot〕A zone within the range of a radio transmitter where little or no radio signal can be received.死点,静点:在收音机转播范围内,不能或只能收到一点无线电信号的地区美国传统〔direction finder〕A device for determining the source of a transmitted signal, consisting mainly of a radio receiver and a coiled rotating antenna.无线电测向仪:一种确定被传送的信号源的装置,主要由一个无线电接收器和一卷盘绕的旋转天线组成美国传统〔dish〕A radar dish picks up the radio signals and feeds them to a computer.雷达(抛物面)天线接收无线电讯号并把讯号输入计算机。英汉大词典〔fade〕A periodic reduction in the received strength of a radio transmission.周期性的衰减:在无线电的传送过程中,接收能力的周期性减弱美国传统〔fading〕Fluctuation in the strength of radio signals because of variations in the transmission medium.时强时弱:由于传播中介的变化而引起的无线电波信号的强弱波动美国传统〔filler〕Something, such as a news item, public-service message, or music, used to fill time in a radio or television presentation.补白内容:例如新闻栏目、公共服务信息或音乐,用来填补无线电或电视表演间空白时间的东西美国传统〔fringe area〕A zone just outside of the range of a broadcasting station in which signals are weakened and distorted.线条区(电视接收边缘区):刚刚超出无线电台所能及的范围,所收信号微弱或被扭曲美国传统〔garble〕The radio message was an unintelligible garble.那份无线电电文杂乱无章,难以理解。英汉大词典〔goniometer〕A radio receiver and directional antenna used as a system to determine the angular direction of incoming radio signals.无线方向探测器:一种无线电接收和指向天线系统,用来确定收到的无线电信号的角方向美国传统〔ham〕I became a ham radio operator at the age of eleven.我在11岁时成了一名业余无线电操作员。柯林斯高阶〔impact〕Impact occurred seconds after the pilot radioed for help.飞行员发出无线电求救信号数秒钟之后就发生了碰撞。牛津搭配〔intercept〕Interception of a radio transmission.截听:截取无线电信号美国传统〔interference〕The inhibition or prevention of clear reception of broadcast signals.干扰:阻止清晰地接收无线电信号美国传统〔interfere〕These signals interfered with our radio broadcasts.这些信号干扰了我们的无线电广播。外研社新世纪〔introduction〕Television is a later introduction than radio.电视的使用比无线电迟。英汉大词典〔jam〕Electronics To interfere with or prevent the clear reception of (broadcast signals) by electronic means.【电子学】 干扰:用电子的方式干扰或阻止(无线电信号)的清晰接收美国传统〔jam〕Foreign radio broadcasts were regularly jammed.外国的无线电广播经常受到干扰。剑桥高阶〔lay〕It was an invention which laid the foundations of modern radio technology.这一发明为现代无线电技术奠定了基础。朗文当代〔locate〕We couldn't locate the source of the radio signal.我们无法确定无线电信号的来源。朗文当代〔mobile telephone〕A portable radiotelephone, especially one mounted in an automobile.手提电话:一种便携式无线电话,尤指在汽车中安装的电话美国传统〔monitor〕Government agents have been monitoring the enemy's radio communications.政府特工一直在监听敌方的无线电通信。韦氏高阶〔or〕It must be something serious, or else they wouldn't have radioed for help.一定是很严重的事情,否则他们就不会用无线电求助了。麦克米伦高阶〔pick ... out〕She tried to pick out the tune of a song she had heard on the radio.她试图凭借听觉记忆把从无线电台广播中听到的一首歌曲弹奏出来。21世纪英汉〔preamplifier〕An electronic circuit or device that detects and strengthens weak signals, as from a radio receiver, for subsequent, more powerful amplification stages.前置放大器:电子线路或装置,用来探测并加强无线电接收机所发出的微弱信号,从而使其达到更加有力的增幅程度美国传统〔property〕A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties.无线电信号具有电、磁双重属性。柯林斯高阶〔psychological warfare〕The army used radio broadcasts into enemy territory as a form of psychological warfare.军队通过向敌方境内发射无线电广播进行一种心理战。韦氏高阶〔radar astronomy〕The branch of astronomy that studies bodies in the solar system by analyzing the reflections of radio waves sent from Earth.雷达天文学:天文学的一个分支,通过对反射回来的发自地球的无线电波的分析研究太阳系中的天体美国传统〔radio frequency〕The frequency of the waves transmitted by a specific radio station.射频:某一无线电台发出的电波的频率美国传统〔radiobroadcast〕To broadcast or be broadcast by radio.用无线电广播或用无线电被广播美国传统〔radiogram〕A message transmitted by wireless telegraphy.用无线电报传送的信息美国传统〔radiosonde〕An instrument carried aloft, chiefly by balloon, to gather and transmit meteorological data.无线电高空测候器:一种被带到高空(主要由气球)进行气象数据收集和传送的仪器美国传统〔radio〕An apparatus used to receive radio signals; a receiver.接收器:用于接收无线电信号的仪器;收报机美国传统〔radio〕Captain Smith radioed ahead to the airport.史密斯机长用无线电提前通知了机场。英汉大词典〔radio〕He was unable to contact Blake by radio.他未能通过无线电和布莱克取得联系。牛津高阶〔radio〕I'll go radio in.我去拍发无线电。英汉大词典〔radio〕The Navy radioed him orders to stop and wait.海军通过无线电命令他停止行动,就地待命。英汉大词典〔radio〕The distress call was picked up by a young radio ham.求救信号是一名年轻的业余无线电爱好者接收到的。牛津搭配〔radio〕The officer radioed for advice.军官发来无线电报请求指示。柯林斯高阶〔radio〕The police office r radioed for help.警察用无线电呼救。牛津高阶〔radio〕The stranded sailors were radioing for help.被困水手在用无线电呼救。韦氏高阶〔radio〕They radioed their position to headquarters.他们用无线电向大本营报告他们所处的位置。21世纪英汉〔radio〕Transmission of programs for the public by radio broadcast.无线电广播:通过无线电广播向公众传送节目美国传统〔radio〕We radioed London for permission to land.我们用无线电请求伦敦准予降落。朗文当代〔radio〕We'll have to radio for more supplies.我们将不得不通过无线电请求提供更多的补给。剑桥高阶〔raise〕I'll raise you on the radio (phone).我会用无线电(电话)跟你取得联系的。英汉大词典〔raise〕We tried to raise him on the radio, but we couldn't get through.我们试图通过无线电与他联系,但是无法接通。韦氏高阶〔rejig〕He spent a week helping rejig the wireless.他花一周时间帮着检修无线电。英汉大词典〔repeat〕The radio station broadcasts the show live on Saturday mornings, and then repeats it on Wednesday nights.这个节目每周六早上在无线电台现场直播,每周三晚上重播。韦氏高阶〔scrambler〕An electronic device that scrambles telecommunication signals to make them unintelligible to anyone without a special receiver.扰频器:一种电子设备,用于扰乱无线电信号的频率使在无特殊仪器的情况下无法接收美国传统〔send〕A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft.向宇宙飞船发出了无线电信号。牛津高阶〔sky wave〕A radio wave that travels upward.天波:向上发送的无线电波美国传统〔spectrum〕Vast amounts of energy, from X-rays right through the spectrum down to radio waves, are escaping into space.大量的能量,从 X 光直到无线电电波,都正被泄露到太空中去。柯林斯高阶〔spoil〕Radio towers spoilt the view.无线电发射塔破坏了风景。麦克米伦高阶〔sponsor〕The radio station sponsored the concert.这家无线电台赞助了这场音乐会。韦氏高阶〔sw〕SW and LW radio 短波及长波无线电设备牛津高阶〔telephony〕The transmission of sound between distant stations, especially by radio or telephone.电话通讯:相隔遥远的位置之间声音的传送,尤指通过无线电或电话美国传统〔touch〕Rescuers were kept in touch through radio links.营救人员通过无线电与外界保持联系。朗文当代〔transponder〕A radio or radar transmitter-receiver activated for transmission by reception of a predetermined signal.发射机应答器:一种收到预定信号之后就开始发射信号的无线电或雷达发射接收机美国传统〔unseen〕For me, a performance is in front of a microphone, over the radio, to an unseen audience.对我来说,表演就是在麦克风前通过无线电波面对看不见的听众进行的。柯林斯高阶〔uplink〕A transmission path by which radio or other signals are sent to an aircraft or a communications satellite.上行路线,向上传输:传向航天器或通讯卫星的无线电或其他信号的传输路线美国传统〔vector〕To guide (a pilot or an aircraft, for example) by means of radio communication according to vectors.给(飞机)导航:根据航线用无线电通信引导(飞行员或飞机等)美国传统〔wavelength〕Tune your radio to the right wavelength.把无线电的波段校正。牛津同义词〔wireless〕A message transmitted by wireless telegraph or telephone.用无线电报或电话传送的信息美国传统〔wireless〕Chiefly British Radio.【多用于英国】 无线电美国传统〔wireless〕She wirelessed her father from the ship.她从船上打无线电报(或电话)与父亲联系。英汉大词典〔wireless〕They confirmed by wireless that she was picking up survivors.他们通过无线电证实她在营救幸存者。柯林斯高阶〔wireless〕Turn the wireless on.打开无线电收音机。外研社新世纪A new radio station is due to open (up) next month.一座新的无线电站预期下个月开始启用。剑桥国际He's got a weekly radio programme in which he dispenses wisdom (= gives his opinions) on a variety of subjects.他每周有个无线电广播节目,就各种话题向别人提出高见。剑桥国际I rigged up (=made) a temporary radio aerial from a coat hanger.我用衣架装配成了一个临时的无线电天线。剑桥国际In 1918 the Bolsheviks used radio to help spread revolution across a vast country. 1918 年布尔什维克利用无线电在一个辽阔的国家协助传播革命。剑桥国际Our cordless phones have a unit share of 13% worldwide.我们生产的无线电话在全球同类产品中所占份额为 13%。牛津商务Our radio receiver went dead. 我们的无线电接收机失灵了。译典通Radio contact was suddenly broken. 无线电联络突然中断了。译典通Radio stations that broadcast on long wave can be received further away than any others.以长波广播的无线电台比其它任何波段的传送范围都广。剑桥国际Radio traffic has stepped up enormously. 无线电通讯已大大增加。译典通The captain radioed ahead to the airport. 机长用无线电提前通知了机场。译典通The radio station forecasts clear skies tomorrow. 无线电台预报明天天晴。译典通The ship's radio officer tapped out a message in Morse code.船上的无线电员用莫尔斯电码打了份电报。剑桥国际They play good music (= recordings of music) on Radio One.他们在无线电一台播放优秀的音乐节目。剑桥国际They radioed (to) their base for help. [T; I + prep] 他们向基地发无线电报求援。剑桥国际We are being continually deluged with messages by radio, television, cellular phone and every other means of communication.我们正不断被来自无线电,电视,移动电话及其他通讯方式传来的信息所包围。剑桥国际




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