

单词 救世主
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Christian〕Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.信徒的:通过耶稣的生活和教诲,坚信耶稣是救世主或追随宗教美国传统〔Christ〕The Messiah, as foretold by the prophets of the Old Testament.救世主:《旧约》中的先知们预言的救世主美国传统〔Mahdi〕A leader who assumes the role of a messiah.充当救世主角色的领导人美国传统〔Mahdi〕The messiah who, it is believed, will appear at the world's end and establish a reign of peace and righteousness.马赫迪,救世主:被相信会在世界末日降临并能建立一个和平和正义王国的救世主美国传统〔Messianic〕The cult leader saw himself as a Messianic figure.这个异教团体的领袖把自己看作救世主一般的人物。柯林斯高阶〔RELIGION〕Do you turn to Jesus Christ our Lord and accept him as your Saviour? 你愿意相信耶稣基督并接受他为你的救世主吗?朗文写作活用〔Rastafarianism〕A religious sect originating in Jamaica whose members worship Haile Selassie as savior and regard Africa, especially Ethiopia, as the Promised Land.拉斯特法里主义:起源于牙买加的一种宗教主义,其成员崇拜海尔·塞拉西,把他当作救世主并把非洲,特别是埃塞俄比亚作为圣地美国传统〔artful〕The fascists used artful slogans to cloak themselves as saviours of the world.法西斯分子用欺骗性口号把自己打扮成救世主。英汉大词典〔behold〕Fear Not. Behold The Saviour.别怕。看救世主…柯林斯高阶〔messiah〕An ordinary priest, he was hailed by thousands as the new messiah.他是一个普通的神父,却被许许多多的人视为新的救世主。剑桥高阶〔messiah〕He was somehow destined to become a rock messiah.冥冥之中,他注定会成为摇滚乐的救世主。柯林斯高阶〔messianic〕He announced the imminent arrival of a messianic leader.他宣布一位救世主般的领袖即将到来。剑桥高阶〔messianic〕The cult leader saw himself as a messianic figure.那位异教领袖把自己视为救世主。外研社新世纪〔savior〕Savior Jesus. Savior 救世主:基督美国传统〔white knight〕One that comes to the rescue; a savior.救星:前来救援的人;救世主美国传统An ordinary priest, he was hailed by thousands as the new messiah.他是一个普通的神父,却被许多人称颂为新救世主剑桥国际He announced the imminent arrival of a messianic leader.他宣布了救世主般的领袖的即将到来。剑桥国际She talks about her work with a messianic zeal.她带着救世主似的热情谈起了她的工作。剑桥国际




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