

单词 提问
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accusatory〕the accusatory tone of the questions. 提问中带刺柯林斯高阶〔answer〕her answer to his question 她对他提问的回答牛津搭配〔artful〕artful questioning 巧妙的提问韦氏高阶〔burden〕burden sb. with questions 不断提问烦扰某人英汉大词典〔catch〕entrapped by a skillful interviewer into making a damaging statement; 为狡猾的提问人所诱导而发表的不利言论;美国传统〔challenging〕challenging work/questions/problems 具有挑战性的工作╱提问╱问题牛津高阶〔continual〕incessant questions. 一刻不停的提问。美国传统〔crass〕the crass questions all disabled people get asked 所有残疾人都会碰到的愚蠢而缺乏同情心的提问牛津高阶〔dodge〕kept dodging the reporter's questions. 一直在躲避记者的提问美国传统〔duck〕duck responsibility; ducked the reporter's question. 逃避责任;对记者的提问避而不答美国传统〔forwardness〕the forwardness of his manner/question 他态度的傲慢;他提问的冒失韦氏高阶〔frequently〕some of the most frequently asked questions about the Internet 有关互联网的最常见的提问牛津高阶〔ignorant〕an ignorant person/question 无知的人╱提问牛津高阶〔impertinent〕an impertinent question/child 没有礼貌的提问╱孩子牛津高阶〔inane〕the inanity of their questions 他们所提问题的愚蠢性韦氏高阶〔indelicate〕an indelicate question 无礼的提问牛津高阶〔intelligent〕an intelligent question 机智的提问朗文当代〔interviewer〕an interviewer who is known for asking tough questions 以提问刁钻而闻名的采访者韦氏高阶〔invite〕invite questions from the audience. 欢迎听众提问美国传统〔load〕load a question 使提问带有倾向性 (或哄骗性) 英汉大词典〔mordant〕an inquisitor's mordant questioning. 审讯者一针见血的提问美国传统〔pack〕a pack of journalists eager to question him一群急于向他提问的记者外研社新世纪〔pepper〕pepper sb. with questions 接二连三向某人提问英汉大词典〔period〕the question period after the main business of the meeting 会议主要事项之后的提问阶段英汉大词典〔pester〕pester sb. with questions 钉住某人不断提问题英汉大词典〔putter〕a putter of questions 提问者英汉大词典〔question〕the answer to the question posed at the beginning of this chapter 本章开头所提问题的答案朗文当代〔rapid-fire〕rapid-fire questions. 连珠式的提问美国传统〔shout〕shout questions 大声提问英汉大词典〔shuffle〕to shuffle out of some difficult questions避开回答尖锐的提问21世纪英汉〔soft-spoken〕a soft-spoken reply to an angry question 对愤怒的提问的柔声细语的回答麦克米伦高阶〔thorny〕a thorny issue/problem/question 棘手的事/问题/提问韦氏高阶〔unmeaning〕gave a vapid and unmeaning response to a difficult query. 对一个难于回答的提问作出了一个干瘪而无甚意义的反应美国传统to take the floor (= to make a statement or ask a question) 发言(或提问)牛津商务




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