

单词 提议
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔INCREASE〕a proposal that would have jacked up taxi fares by as much as 30% 本来有可能把出租车费提高多达30%的一项提议朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕a new proposal to limit conventional weapons in Europe 限制欧洲发展常规武器的一个新提议朗文写作活用〔NO〕say no to an offer, suggestion, or request 拒绝提议、建议或请求朗文写作活用〔PUBLIC〕proposals to ban smoking in public places 在公共场所禁烟的提议朗文写作活用〔affiliation〕proposing the affiliation of the medical school to/with several hospitals 提议这所医学院成为几家医院的附属院校韦氏高阶〔attractive〕an attractive offer (= an offer with benefits for me) 令人心动的提议剑桥高阶〔attractive〕an attractive offer/proposition 诱人的提议牛津高阶〔blanket〕the proposed blanket ban on tobacco advertising 全面禁止烟草广告的提议朗文当代〔category〕a proposal to ban some categories of weapons 禁用某几类武器的提议麦克米伦高阶〔cock-eyed〕a cock-eyed proposal 荒唐的提议麦克米伦高阶〔debate〕passed the motion with little debate. 不加什么考虑就通过了提议美国传统〔drill〕proposals to drill for more oil进一步勘探石油的提议外研社新世纪〔eyeball〕proposals that the two armies end their eyeball to eyeball confrontation and withdraw. 两军结束剑拔弩张的对峙、各自撤军的提议柯林斯高阶〔fence〕a proposal approved by people on both sides of the political fence 政治上对立的双方均赞成的提议牛津搭配〔generous〕a generous gift/offer 丰厚的礼物;慷慨的提议牛津高阶〔harmonize〕the proposal to harmonize tax levels throughout the EU 统一欧盟税收水平的提议朗文当代〔inviting〕an inviting offer (idea) 诱人的提议(主意)英汉大词典〔license〕a proposal that would require the state to license guns要求国家颁发枪支许可的提议外研社新世纪〔member〕a proposal to begin admitting women as members一项开始接收女性成员的提议外研社新世纪〔moronic〕some really moronic suggestions 一些非常愚蠢的提议剑桥高阶〔multipronged〕recommend a multipronged attack on the problem 提议从多方面着手解决问题英汉大词典〔open〕open to interpretation; an issue that is open to question. 对翻译较敏感的;易引起争议的提议美国传统〔place〕placed the matter before the board. 向委员会提议这件事美国传统〔propose〕propose a change in the law. 提议修改法律美国传统〔propose〕propose a toast to the bride 提议为新娘干杯英汉大词典〔qualify〕qualify a proposal as iniquitous 将一提议形容为居心不良英汉大词典〔refusal〕the Council's refusal of planning permission for a major shopping centre. 委员会否决了建立大型购物中心的规划提议柯林斯高阶〔regulate〕proposals to regulate and limit animal testing管理和限制动物试验的提议外研社新世纪〔reservation〕has reservations about the proposal. 对该提议有限制美国传统〔restructure〕proposals to radically restructure Britain's electronics industry 对英国电子行业进行彻底整顿的提议朗文当代〔ringing〕a ringing endorsement of the proposals 对这些提议的有力支持朗文当代〔semiformal〕a semiformal meeting/proposal 半正式会议/提议韦氏高阶〔serious〕give the proposal one's serious consideration 对这项提议给予认真的审议英汉大词典〔snap〕to snap at one's offer连忙接受某人的提议21世纪英汉〔stout〕put up stout resistance to the proposal. 对提议采取坚决的抵制态度美国传统〔suggest〕suggest things for children to do; suggested that we take a walk. 建议孩子们做一些事;提议去散步美国传统〔supporter〕the proposal's supporters 支持此提议者韦氏高阶〔tempting〕a tempting offer of salary £60000 per annum 愿出年薪60000英镑的诱人提议英汉大词典〔toast〕propose a toast to the health of the guests 提议为来宾的健康干杯英汉大词典〔viable〕a viable option/proposition 切实可行的选择╱提议牛津高阶




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