

单词 提薪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backdate〕The wage increases agreed in January are to be backdated to October last year.元月答应的提薪将追溯到去年10月份起算。21世纪英汉〔blow〕There will be no pay rise this year but staff will get one extra day's holiday to soften the blow.今年将不会提薪,但是为了缓和情绪员工将得到额外的一天假期。麦克米伦高阶〔breach〕The wage increase breached the Government's 10 per cent guidelines.这次提薪冲破了政府规定的10%的指标。英汉大词典〔broach〕I waited until the boss was in good mood before I broached the subject of my raise.我直等到老板心情好时才开始提及我的提薪问题。21世纪英汉〔desire〕What he really desires is a raise.他真正期望的是提薪。21世纪英汉〔fat cat〕The report criticized boardroom fat cats who award themselves huge pay increases.报告批评董事大亨们为自己大幅提薪。剑桥高阶〔negotiate〕Teachers are negotiating for higher salaries.教师正在为提薪谈判。韦氏高阶〔salary〕The school district gave teachers a 12% salary increase.学区给教师们提薪 12%。牛津搭配〔up〕Would this be a good time to bring up the issue of salary? 现在提薪水的问题合适吗?剑桥高阶For the past five years, unions haven't managed to win wage increases as large as those granted to nonunion workers.在过去五年里,工会未能使工会会员赢得与非工会会员相同的提薪。剑桥国际Good performers can be rewarded with pay and promotion.业绩良好者会获得提薪和升职。牛津商务I asked the boss for a rise and he refused.我向老板要求提薪,他拒绝了。剑桥国际If the nurses go on strike they may alienate public support for their pay claim.如果护士继续罢工的话,她们也许会使公众不再支持她们的提薪要求。剑桥国际Mineworkers were prepared to strike in support of their pay claim.矿工准备罢工支持其提薪要求。牛津商务Other tangible benefits include an increase in salary and shorter working hours.其他具体的受益包括提薪和缩短工作时间。剑桥国际The boss put up/raised everyone's salary by $4 000 last year, because profits were good.因为效益不错,老板去年给每个人提薪4 000美元。剑桥国际The directors have just voted themselves a huge pay increase.董事们刚刚投票决定给他们自己大幅度提薪。牛津商务The pay rise was in excess of (spending) limits (= the limit on spending) imposed/set by the government.提薪超过了政府规定的消费标准。剑桥国际The union is holding out for a higher pay offer.工会在拖延达成协定,从而希望得到提薪的承诺。牛津商务The union is unhappy with this year's pay award.工会对今年的提薪不满。牛津商务We get a yearly pay-increase.我们每年提薪一次。剑桥国际We're seeking a pay rise that's in line with (= at the same level as) inflation.我们寻求提薪与通货膨胀相一致。剑桥国际Your pay rise is retroactive to the beginning of last year.你的提薪从去年年初起补发。剑桥国际




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