

单词 掌心
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UP〕He held the palms of his hands upward as if he were asking forgiveness. 他掌心朝上,似乎在请求原谅。朗文写作活用〔clutch〕Stojanovic escaped their clutches by jumping from a moving vehicle.斯托扬诺维奇从正在行驶的车上跳了下去,逃出了他们的掌心。柯林斯高阶〔fist〕The hand closed tightly with the fingers bent against the palm.拳,拳头:手指向掌心弯曲的紧握的手美国传统〔flat〕He struck her with the flat of his hand.他用掌心打她。文馨英汉〔hand〕Slowly Ruth withdrew her hand from his.露丝慢慢地从他的掌心里抽出手来。牛津搭配〔hollow〕I held the bead in the hollow of my hand.我用掌心托着那颗珠子。韦氏高阶〔palm〕He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand.他把小鸟轻轻地托在掌心。牛津高阶〔palm〕The metal felt hot against my palms.我感觉掌心的金属很热。牛津搭配〔palm〕This tiny device fits into the palm of your hand.这种微型装置可以放入你的掌心。剑桥高阶〔supinate〕To turn (the hand and forearm) so that the palm is upward or forward.转动(手或前肢)使掌心向上(或朝前)美国传统〔supine〕Having the palm upward. Used of the hand.掌心向上的:(指手)手掌朝上的美国传统〔sweat〕She could feel the palms of her hands sweating.她可以感觉到自己的手掌心在冒汗。麦克米伦高阶〔table〕A part of the human palm framed by four lines, analyzed in palmistry.手掌心:由四条线围成的人的后掌的一部分,是看手相时的依据美国传统〔trace〕She had him under her thumb for many years, but he finally kicked over the traces.许多年来她一直把他攥在手掌心里,但他终于摆脱了她的控制。英汉大词典〔tuck into〕Tuck your elbows into your sides so that your hands are at shoulder height, with palms facing out to the sides.肘部紧贴身体两侧, 使手与肩膀同高, 掌心相对。外研社新世纪〔uppermost〕She placed her hands palm uppermost in her lap.她把手掌心向上放在大腿上。外研社新世纪〔uppermost〕She placed her hands palm uppermost in her lap.她把手掌心向上放在大腿上。柯林斯高阶〔upward〕He held out his hand, palm upward.他伸出一只手,掌心朝上。英汉大词典He's fallen into the clutches of that woman.他已落入那女人的掌心之中。剑桥国际I don't believe that you can escape your destiny.我不信你逃得出命运的掌心。剑桥国际This tiny mini-disc fits into the palm of your hand.这张微型光盘可以放入你的掌心里。剑桥国际




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